For the ascension of the lower self to occur within the human life time the fallen consciousness within the self-perception requires proper resolution. The self-perception falls into limitations away from the self-perception of Oneness or complete consciousness. The self-perception of Oneness involves the awareness of all manifested and un-manifested co-ordinates or frequencies within the perception of completeness which is a lack of unawareness. The perception of Oneness is overlayed into the self-perception which consists of personalized interpretations of all awareness that are incorporated into the conscious interpretations of the boundaries of self. The ability to perceive boundaries within the self-perception is the observation within the mental sphere of the lower self within limiting thought/belief factors or influences held within energetic impression within the belief system. The ability of the lower self to hold existence within the physical plane as a human being requires the impression of existence within the physical plane outside the perception of the existence of the self. The perception or belief impression of existence outside the boundaries of the self-perception is the perception of an external reality or the observation of the inversion of the self-perception. The ability of the lower self to hold the perception of existence outside the perception of self-existence entails many desires and decisions influenced and applied within as equally many personalized interpretations or seats of self-perspective. The ability of the lower self to hold the perception of existence outside the self-perspective contained within the human body while holding the self-perspective within the human body can be termed within the context of the expansion of the self-perception. The expansion may hold position and potential continuation or within degrees of momentary exposure.
The held
position within the movements of the self-perception into proper expansion
involve the vibrational ascension of the lower energy body into a
reconfiguration for vibrational compatibility with the associative vibratory
reality experiences and can be observed within the physical plane. Examples of
such observations of the expansion of the self-perception involve the mental
attributes attached to the concept of extra sensory perception, which relies on
the capacity of the lower self to operate outside the automation or limitations
of the human reality. An inversion of the expansion of the self-perception involves the ego which within a state of imbalance and energy momentum can initiate the movement into artificial expansion. Momentary exposure to the expansion of the
self-perception within the physical plane can involve unexplained conscious
activity or the awareness of non-directive compatible participation from the
conscious intention. Unexplained conscious activity or what is termed as
paranormal activity although involved within degrees of the expansion of the
self-perception, does not completely fall into the movement or continuation of the
expansion of the self-perception within the ascension process. Momentary exposure motioned within proper alignment can involve in most cases the refusal of the ascension process within degrees of initiation.
Momentary movements into to expansion of the self-perception are exampled in an out of body experience and most often, the conscious observation of subconscious resolvement attempts, related to the resolvement of the sense of severities within constriction or contraction. The subconscious resolvement attempts are influenced by the conscious reaction to the sensing of constriction or internal conflicts, which generate a continuous influencing cycle between the conscious and subconscious interpretations. The ability of the lower self to invoke the out of body experience through the conscious directive intention, involves the conscious participation within its internal energy body, which is accessed through the conscious seat of perspective positioned within the internal subconscious seat of perspective.
The free will intention or directive movement of the conscious reality allows for the intention to invoke directive movement within degress of allowances within the reality experience which is associative of degrees of movement within proper alignment or misalignment. The movement of the conscious directive intention involves the oppositional directive intention of ascension and the fallen consciousness or anti-ascension. The ability of the lower self to invoke the out of body experience within the negative thought/energy conscious directive intention, involves energy collection as the low vibrational negative intention generates blockages from its sentient power source and must relie upon external sources within its reality sphere. Low vibrational negative thought/energy intention collects its fuel source, through the energy transmutation of sentient energy into a compatible low vibrational negative energy state, for access to motion the conscious intention.
Within the self-perception operating through limitations the unknown is conceived. Limitations within the self-perception equate to the capacity of sentient thought/light to permeate its sphere of awareness and the coinciding presence of darkness or the unknown, which the lower self holds with degrees of the perception of existence within its external reality. The perception of darkness as an external reality phenomenon falls into the avoidance and distraction of internal conflicts which generate the movement of contraction within the energy body, which in turn generates the sense of limitations within the self-perception. The avoidance and distraction of internal conflicts through the subconscious mind involve, the relocation or burying of impressed thought/belief reference frames and the associative emotional signatures into sub-locations from memory recall, which entail decreases in thought/energy connections to the conscious reality.
decreases in pathways to thought connectivity by the subconscious relocation of
impressed thought/belief reference frames is purposed in the intention of the
continuation of the conscious reality experience for the development of the conscious
interpretation. The conscious avoidance and distraction of internal conflict
expressions within the conscious reality through self-thought activities is
conducive of avoidance as the thought/focus relocates into a position apart
from the perception of the self. The focus upon the external reality as a resolvement
attempt towards the elimination of the sensing of internal conflicts within the
conscious reality falls into the approach of distraction. Distraction can be viewed as an oppositional perspective to ascension or anti-ascension. This activity varies
in degrees of conscious awareness as the movement of thought/focus distraction
affects the conscious self-thought process. The desired/decided thought/focus
distraction attempt becomes overlayed into the self-perception which is
associative with the functionalities or principles of the art of distraction. The ability of the lower self to reverse distraction techniques to relocate its though/focus towards the proper resolvement of internal conflicts, initiates the movement towards ascension or the removal of the inversion influencing anti-ascension.
The ascension and descent of the lower self is expressed within movements of expansion and contraction of its energy body/field. The expansion of the lower energy body involves the increased and sustained vibrational rate of the energy body, which forms as a simultaneous event to the removal of constricting influences within the higher self connection affecting the lower energy body. The contraction of the lower energy body involves the acceptance and allowance of imbalanced thought influences, sourced from negative energy expressions, which generate contraction in relation to the depth of impression created from the conscious reaction to the negative influence within the energy body and belief system. The relation of the depth of impression towards energy contraction is generated through the emotional reaction and memory/impression of the interaction with the negative thought/energy influence. The reactionary movement of the energy body or emotional reaction generates the associative force required to invoke depth of impression. The associative force generating the depth of impression is in relation to the severity of the emotional response which coincides with the severity of depth.
The depth of impression involved in the anchoring of thought influence within the belief system influences the self-perception of the lower self into degrees of believability of the related reality experience. The depth of impression involved in the perception of the believable reality of the human life, is intense as the vibrational compatibility of the lower self towards the perception of the believable human reality seats the energy body into the full sensory/perception of the reality experience. The full sensory/perception of the believable human reality is designed for the experience of the human body/mind within the physical plane, which allows through the impression of believability of the human reality, the full sensory reality effect of physicality and its associative lessons.
The collective consciousness expressed within humanity through the world of physical form is an expression of the fallen consciousness. The ability to exist within the physical plane requires a vibrational lowering of the sentient energy body/field for vibrational compatibility. The desire/decision to participate within the physical plane human reality is initiated from the higher vibrational realities of the self and involves the influence of oppositional movements of thought/energy and associative reality effects of energetic states within degrees of balance and imbalance. The desire/decision of the higher self to experience the human reality are as varied as, the personalized free thought intention expressed within a unique vibrational signal, which espouses a unique creative expression or self-perception. The movement into the fallen consciousness from the higher self into the human reality experience is left for the lower self to unveil within its human lifetime. The ability of the lower self to properly interpret the intentions of the higher self, for its relocation into a perceptually isolated and separated existence from its initiating seat of perspective, requires clarity within the higher self thought/energy channel. The clarification of signal within the higher self energy channel is conducted from the lower self reality, through its removal of distorted energies within its connection to its sentient thought/energy source.
The desire/decision of the higher self to experience the physical world of form automatically dampens or restricts its movement of sentient thought/energy. The contractive force of creative expression holds greater influence within the physical plane which is required to hold the perception of physicality. The increase in the contractive force of creative expression within the physical plane is required to limit the expansion of the creative intention as a supportive mechanism for the restricted awareness, which requires balanced growth for optimal expansion. The action of increases in contractive energies for the expansive energy of sentient thought/light intention becomes dampen to allow the perception of containment within the physical human reality. The increased force of the contractive energies of creative expression towards the thought/light intention can be observed within the physical plane as matter. The increase in the contractive force for the expression of physical form is designed for balance and allowances in the movement towards states of imbalance. The desire/decision of the higher self for low vibrational thought/energy expression or a fallen consciousness seats its low vibrational intention into a position for resolvement, through the desired/decided reality experience. This activity falls into the action of free will and the coinciding law of attraction.
The ascension of the lower self from the fallen consciousness requires the proper resolvement of the desire/decision to fall or descend in consciousness. The ascension of the lower self into the seat of perspective of its higher self is the effect of the proper resolvement for the desire/decision to experience the personalized associative reality of the fallen consciousness. The proper resolvement of the necessity for the experience of low vibrational thought activities/expressions is now placed within the desire/decision of the lower self which is representative of the higher self within the low vibrational thought/reality experience. The fallen consciousness involves self-perception which projects imbalanced or un-coherent energy patterns expressed as thought intention into the contractive energies of thought expression. The observation of imbalances or severities in oppositional distance within the reality experience through themes and scenarios is the observation of un-coherent energy patterns within the internal perception of the self. The ability of the lower self to properly resolve the desire/decision of the higher self within the physical plane reality is achieved through the proper interpretation of its external reality. The movement into the fallen consciousness and the ascension process are oppositional energetic movements of thought intention and are supported from the free will action. The fallen consciousness is a self-induced contraction of energies through, the desire/decision and is initiated or seeded within the consciousness of doubt and its oppositional polarity of artificial pride, which are conscious expressions of non-clarity within the higher self thought/energy connection.
Although the formation of the lower self is generated from the desire/decision of the higher self, the higher self holds its higher vibrational seat of perspective within the communication between the higher and lower vibrational seats of perspective. The ability of the higher self to exist within differential movements of energy for the associative reality experiences, is the necessity to experience differential seats of experience to initiate the proper resolvement, through the expansion of awareness within the understanding into the knowing of the lessons, involved within the differential reality experiences. The ability of the higher self to influence the ascension of its lower positions of reality resides within its thought/energy connection sourcing the existence of the lower realities.
The sensing of negative un-desirable experiences within the human reality is the awareness of the lower self of differential thought/energy movements in contrast to the seeded reference frame from the seat of perspective of the higher self. The awareness of right and wrong or the conscience within the human reality experience is influenced through the subconscious awareness of the lower self of its higher seat of perspective. The influence of the higher self reference frame within the subconscious mind of the lower self is expressed within the observable reality through the influence of the self-perception The influence of the self-perception onto to the higher self reference frame governs the ability of the conscience of the lower self to properly interpret the higher self reference frame.
The inability of the lower self for proper interpretation involves energetic distortions within the lower energy body influencing distortions into the self-perception. Distortions within the lower energy body are conveyed through the self-perception which distort the thought processes of the self-perception and induces distorted interpretations of the higher self reference frame. The thought distortions within the self-perception influence the continuation of the distorted thought/energy for development which flow within the supportive energy of free thought expression. The influence of energetic distortions within the self-perception, through oppositional movements or intentions towards the higher self reference frames, generate energetic thought tension or the sense of wrong intentions within the conscious reality of the lower self.
The awareness of severity from the oppositional movements/intentions hold the potential for the generation of the movement of the lower self to block or dampen the subconscious signal of the higher self reference frame. The reaction the awareness of severity within the oppositional reference frames of the lower conscious and the higher seat of perspective, generates further momentum of the conscious reality to dampen and or eliminate the sense of severity within the awareness of contrasts between both oppositional positions, which becomes the continuation of the reality experience. The awareness or sensing of the lower self of severities between both reference frames can be observed within the physical plane as the emotions of guilt, shame and its deviations crafted through the personalization of the self-perception. The ability of the lower self to hold a positive reaction or non-reaction to the sensing of severities in energetic contrasts between both reference points, initiates the movement of the lower self into the ascension process. This energetic movement is achieved as a positive or non-reaction to the awareness of its lower seat of reality towards its higher seat of reality is formed within the desire/decision for ascension. The negative reaction of the lower self towards the sensing of severities in energetic contrasts between the lower conscious reality and the higher self reality, fuels the lower conscious into the continuation of its movement within the fallen consciousness.
The conscious resolvement attempts within the influence of the fallen consciousness are factored from the self-perception and its awareness and intention of the sensing of severities in energetic contrasts. The fallen consciousness finds a compatible position within the physical plane reality of the human experience as it can act out its intentions and continuation of negative thought/energy reactions, through the creational support of vibrational allowances within the human reality experience. The attraction of souls to the physical world of form plays out the oppositional intentions involved within the movements of the fallen consciousness. A negative reaction to external influences of negative thought/energy initiates the movement into vibrational descent. The opposite intention to ascension from the higher soul, for its movement into the fallen consciousness for the experiences within the lower vibrational thought/reality, creates the opportunity for the proper resolvement of its individual reality/human form and its resolvement of its collective human reality. The negative reaction is the unawareness of the proper purpose of the fallen consciousness which holds the tendency for the casting of blame towards the external reality. The positive reaction involves the awareness of the underlining purpose of the fallen consciousness for its opportunity for ascension from the lessons of the reality experience which can induce, the awakening of the lower self through the loss of desire of the associative reality experiences.
For the opportunity of the collective ascension of humanity into a higher vibrational thought/reality experiences from its low vibrational collective experience, oppositional forces of intentions are allowed existence within the human reality experience. The polarities of the world of duality present both extremes of opposite intention and within the positions of extremities the vibrational allowances or seats of perspective, are governed within the thought/intelligence design animated within the positioning of the lower self into a vibrational seat of perspective of the reality experience. The allowance of inversion in respect to the oppositional poles of duality, is motioned through the ego into artificial expansion or contraction. Artificial expansion and contraction is initiated from the desire/decision of the lower self to develop and continue artificial thought/belief observed within the physical plane, which have formed within the lower energy body of the lower self and projected into its observable reality. Artificial expansion involves the self-perception which becomes imbalanced through un-coherent thought/energy movements. The imbalanced thought/energy movements within the self-perception is projected into the reality sphere of the lower self as a confirmation of its desire/decision for the reality experiences associated with artificial expansion.
The ability of the self-perception to believe or justify its movements within artificial expansion is achieved through vibrational compatibility of the lower energy body within the vibrational allowances or seats involved in artificial expansion. The lower self within its human reality perceives within its conscious reality its expansion is within correct alignment of balance due to the effect of the reality experiences upon the self-perception. Artificial expansion involves the inversion of the contractive energies of creative expression, which the ego has justified deactivating its governing mechanism for balanced growth, into an imbalanced expression of the self-perception or the ego. The imbalance of energies is generated through the desires/decisions of the conscious mind and subconscious storage of the conscious interpretation of its waking reality. The desire/decision to explore artificial thought/energy is most often initiated from a reactionary response through restrictions influencing the self-perception towards artificial thought expressions within the external reality. The conscious involvement of the continuation and development of artificial thought through its interpretation/reaction of repetition within themes and scenarios manifesting within its sphere of awareness fuels the artificial expansion.
The inversion of the contractive energy movements of creative expression towards the expansive movement of creative intention involves the imbalanced movements of contractive creative expression which acts within severities of its contractive energies to stagnate and restrict the creative intention to form expression. The movement into artificial expansion involves the perception of un-importance towards balanced growth which stabilizes the lower self to move its creative intention into alignment with its higher non-physical seats of perspective for movement within harmonious expression. An example can be observed within the physical plane as the desire/decision for imbalanced freedom or a lawless society, before its reality participants have collectively evolved their sense of personal responsibility, to allow such a reality without a high probability of destruction. Harmony or balance can be achieved from the higher self as its lower conscious returns through ascension into the seat of its self. The movement of artificial contraction involves the perception of un-importance towards the creative intention for creative expression, which causes the lower self through the believability of its reality experience to contract, which limits the thought/light energy of the higher self and the energy movements of the creative intention. An example can be observed within the physical plane as the desire/decision for a heavily controlled society in which severities of limitations are expressed within the applied laws upon the population.
The ability of the free thought for free will expression allows for the opportunity for the ascension of the lower self or its movement within the fallen consciousness into lower vibrational thought realities. The fall of man which is heavily expressed within the collective human reality within religious overtones is the desire/decision of individual thought/light expressions within a collective consciousness being/field to experience low vibrational thought/energy reality experiences. The desire/decision of an individual thought/light expression within a collective being to follow its descent or movement within the fallen consciousness into the appropriate reality experiences, is influenced through the thought interconnectivity of individual thought/light expressions within the collective field. The desire/decision of the fallen consciousness, influenced within the collective being, involves the allowance of movement of negative or artificial thought/energy into the collective energy field. The allowance or acceptance for the entry of perceptually external thought/energy into the energy field of the collective consciousness generates momentum or influence within the collective field for the continuation of the artificial evolution of the negative thought expressions of reality.
The anti-movement of ascension or the fallen consciousness allowed expression within the progress of anti-evolution creates a subdivision or sub sphere of reality within the consciousness field and is conveyed within the collective human reality as the appearance of manifestations associative of the sub sphere of reality. The sub sphere creates a division through its severity of movement against the accepted normalities of current society and further intensifies within the establishment of its movement, into polarization of a manifested oppositional movement or intention, against the sub sphere of extreme development of anti-evolutionary thought. The automatic creation of extremities within the polarization process which is influenced through imbalances in energy movements, generates an equal and opposite effect of contrast as a landmark for the ability of the lower self to perceive the severity of imbalance in energy movements within its external and internal reality environments.
The ability of external influence to initiate anti-ascension or the energetic movement into the fallen consciousness into a lower vibrational thought reality, involves the external accusation towards individuals which through acceptance and believability of the individual, invite the negative energies of the accuser into the energy body and subconscious mind of the individual. The acceptance of the believability of the negative thought/beliefs, expressed within the accuser energy allows the potential of impression within the belief system of the individual, which is initiated through the emotional reaction of the individual towards the external application of accusations. The acceptance of the accuser energy through the acceptance of its thoughts/beliefs infects the lower conscious and holds the potential for the influence into the fallen consciousness.
The movement of the fallen consciousness into lower vibrational thought experiences is the subconscious reaction to held negative thought/energy influence which is influenced through the conscious interpretation of the sensing of subconscious thought energy movements. The inter communication between the conscious reality and the subconscious reality, powerfully influence the self-perception and its desires/decisions for ascension or into the fallen consciousness. Within the physical world of form the ability to hold immunity towards external negative thought/energy influence is compromised in degrees through the vibrational position of the lower self. The un-awakened lower self perceives its reality through the automatic acceptance of the human reality experience. The degree of acceptability of negative thought/energy influence is greatly increased through the inability of the lower self for proper discernment, sourced from the thought/intelligence within the seat of perspective of the higher self. Without the ability of the lower self to promote clarity within its higher self thought/energy channel, the lower self must develop its conscience within an artificial thought/energy environment.
The lower self operating within a self-perception influenced through held artificial thought/energy reference frames within believable impression, will initiate resolution attempts for rebalance through its developed artificial conscience. This energetic movement generates the further continuation of the evolution of the artificial conscience through the inability of the lower self to perceive the proper alignment for its movement into proper or high intelligence conscience development. The ascension of the lower self from its vibrational descent into the fallen consciousness requires the ability of the lower self to receive and transmit a clear channel to properly interpret the thought/intelligence of the higher self. Proper communication between the lower self and the higher self allows the lower self to remote view and remote influence its reality experience into the movement of ascension from the fallen consciousness. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques aligned within the proper position for clarity within the higher self energy channel are highly valuable for the movement of the ascension of the lower self from the reality experiences of the fallen consciousness.
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