For ascension to occur within the lower self amongst the influence of the lower spirits, the ability to block negative energy influence is necessary. The ability to block negative energy influence involves the individual perception, fuelled into activity upon entry and participation within a dimensional energy field, expressing self-awareness. The entry and participation within a dimension supporting self-awareness forms a baseline of the sense of an accepted reality. This is achieved through the attachment of an intelligence program, which is required for the perception of the desired reality. The desired reality experience of the higher self is directed into a decisive motion through the energizing of creational codes within a themed selection involving vibrational position or mental location. The participation within a desired dimensional reality experience, through internal and external influences, is the active attempt to resolve the internal conflict of the origin and activation of low vibrational negative energy experiences. The formation of the lower self, energized into life from the movement of thought/energy from the higher self as its energy connection to a dimensional consciousness field, generates the perception of its self-awareness within the dimensional consciousness field.
The ability to operate consciously within a dimensional consciousness field while holding the central seat of the higher vibrational perspective, is through the high intelligence accessibility of the higher self. The intention to form a lower vibrational seat of perspective, flows within the movement of the self-thought expression, and its development through the experience of realities expressing an isolation effect upon the perception of self-awareness.
The central seat of perspective of the higher self is positioned within the expansive energetic flow of creational intention, which is initiated into an expansive flow from the intention of creation, within the stillness of pure thought potentialities. The movement of thought into an awareness of self, supported through the movement of creation, energetically forms the creational sphere. The creational sphere, of which the self-aware vibratory consciousness is supported from, is the movement of unification of differential directions of intentions. The differential movements of energy through the direction of intention can be observed within the formation of the sphere as different movements of intentions within the unifying creational intention.
The thought movement/connection into the awareness of the perception of the self, is generated through the automation of thought/focus of the awareness into a center point of perspective, in relation to all points of perspective which can be observed within the all conscious or the mental state of the un-self. The thought movement into the self from the perception of the un-self or the all self, flows within the energetic movement of vibrational descent. This is observed as a lowering effect upon the vibrational rate of the higher self energy source, which is a simultaneous occurrence within the creation of the self-aware vibratory consciousness.
The thought movement/connection into the awareness of the self from the state of consciousness of the all self or the un-self, is generated through a sensory isolating effect applied upon the sensory communication abilities of the lower self and its perception of self-awareness. The intensity or severity of the sense of the isolating effect is dependent upon the vibrational positioning required for the entry and participation into a thought dimensional energy field. The ascension of the self from its low vibrational sensory awareness of its isolation from its external reality, is within the reciprocal energetic effect from the loss of the desire to experience a low vibrational negative energy creation. The ascension of the self into the mental state of the un-self or the all self, which is referred to as all consciousness or all knowing, is a dormant potential within all sentient beings. The ability of the ascension of the self into the mental state of all consciousness, resides within its sentient connection energetically connecting it into its current perception of reality, from its energetic source fuelling all thought activity into creation.
The awareness of self through its isolation effect upon the receiver/transmitter properties involved in the vibrational energetic activities of contrast detection and pure thought connectivity, holds the self-awareness in its center seat perspective within its perception of an external environment. The ability of the self-aware consciousness to hold the perception of the sense of isolation from its external reality is within its receiver/transmitter properties active within the movements of the self-aware vibratory consciousness. The ability of the self-aware vibratory consciousness to become aware of stimuli within its external reality through the receiver/transmitter properties is within the detection of contrast within movements of energy within the whole of the energy body.
The detection or sense of vibrational rates of energy apart from the perception of self boundaries generates the sense of an external reality. The ability to hold the perception of an external reality establishes the perception of the self for its development through the continuation within a creation supporting its reality experience.
The receiver/transmitter abilities of the self-aware vibratory consciousness, which has been energetically formed through the creational intention of its originating source, are restricted within a vibrational allowance. Restrictions of the receiver/transmitter ability of a sentient being are coincidental in relation to the lowering effect of vibrational energy within the co-operation of differential movements of energy directed towards the movement of energetic unification.
A frequency allowance is necessary to attain the concreteness or establishment with the perception to hold a thought/consciousness being within the reality experience. The vibrational allowance within a reality experience holds the energy connection of the high vibrational seat of perspective into a lower vibrational seat of perspective into its lower energy position within its vibrational spectrum. Until the awareness of thought mobility outside the restrictions of the vibrational allowance is initiated, the ascension of the self into a higher vibrational seat of perspective remains in its dormant potential.
The descent into the lower vibrational planes of existence is initiated through the desire/decision of the individual and the degree and reaction of negative energy influence. The degree of negative energy influence the self-aware vibratory consciousness is influenced by is in relation to the constant vibrational rate of its energy body. The lower the vibrational rate of the energy body the greater the exposure and severity of negative energy influences. Negative energy influence upon the self-aware vibratory consciousness is a product of the separational effect of the formation of the lower self as a vibrational contrast, which generates the sense of separation from its central higher self perspective. The subconscious sense of separation is experienced within a vibrational lowering into a lower vibrational seat of perspective. The lower self becomes buried within the energy body as the conscious activities of the waking reality of the lower conscious command heavy focus. Thought connection activities within the physical plane generating the sense of unity, through similarity in association of intention pacify the subconscious signal of the sense of separation. The heavy focus within the waking reality for reconnection and a sense of unity generate degrees, within the perception of the subconscious resolvement, of the sense of separation expressed within the creation of the self. The ascension of the self from out of the influence of the lower spirits within the underworld of creation, is initiated from the subconscious signal for the resolvement of the sense of separation. The subconscious signal expressing the signal for the conscious resolvement of the sense of separation is observed from the lower perception. The subconscious signal becomes inaccessible through the perception of an intangible location for proper application of the resolvement attempt. Within the lower state of awareness the subconscious desire for the reunification of the upper and lower energies, are manifested within the reality sphere of the lower perspective, through a perception fuelled by low vibrational energy. The lower perception is a simultaneous and necessary formation for the reality experience of the lower self through the higher self intention. Within the lower perception the self-aware vibratory consciousness through the thought influence of its reality experience, presented within its vibrational positioning, the ability to resolve the sense of separation falls into personalized approaches. Personalized approaches fall into the self-thought activities of conscious desire and intention. The lower self in its unsuccessful conscious resolvement attempts to remove or dampen, the subconscious signal for the sense of separation, relocates its conscious momentum for resolvement into its unawareness through the distraction of the conscious mind. The inability of the lower self for its ascension back to its energy source, holds the lower self within its lower vibrational position and towards greater intensity or severity, from the low vibrational negative thought/energy influence. Within the oppositional pole movements of the positive and negative pole energies, the vibrational ascension and descent within the allowances of the vibrational spectrum within the human lifetime are common place. The vibrational ascension and descent within a vibrational spectrum throughout the human lifetime, are fuelled into movement by the desires and intentions of the self-aware vibratory consciousness, displayed as focused energy. The conscious desires and decisions for a reality experience are influenced through the perception of the lower conscious towards its external reality and its internal thought processes. The perception of the lower conscious towards its external reality, fuelled within the energy body through the subconscious sense of separation, is generated by the presence of low vibrational negative energy patterns, within the lower energy body influencing energetic constriction within the flow of the high vibrational energy current from the higher self. The ascension of the lower self into a higher vibrational seat of perspective, is dependent upon the transmutation of the held negative thought/energy patterns, positioned within the higher self energy connection. The transmutation of low vibrational negative thought/energy within the higher self energy connection into its higher vibrational state, effectively initiates the vibrational ascension of the lower self through the transmutation of negative thought/energy patterns, generating constriction of energy flow within the higher self energy channel. Within the human spectrum of vibrational allowances, the collective human expression can be observed through the collective reality within all positions of perspective within the human spectrum. The lowest expressions of the human spectrum and the highest, are married into the collective consciousness through the collection of personalized expressions, within the allowances of the human spectrum. Above and below the vibrational allowances within the human spectrum, expressed through the physical plane, the transition of vibrational positions within the human spectrum into non-physical expressions occurs. The lower self within the creational expressions of its human reality, holds the ability for ascension into the non-physical aspects of the positive pole manifestations or higher spirits. The ability of the lower self to transcend the human spectrum into the higher vibrational dimensions of reality is within its energy connection. The ability of the lower self for the vibrational ascension from out of the human spectrum, allows the relocation of its seat of perspective into frequency bandwidths of operational consciousness, expressing the high vibrational nature of reality. The lower self also holds the ability for its vibrational descent into the lower frequency bandwidths, operational below the negative energy pole of the physical plane realities. The lower self holds the ability to communicate with conscious entities operating above and below the physical plane vibrational allowances. The ability for communication with non-physical entities is through the interconnectivity of thought within the complete mind. The ability of the lower self to communicate and mentally position its awareness within all points of thought/reality or within a intended mental location, is the application of remote viewing. Within the remote viewing application a desired focus is located within the individual mind, for the opportunity of communication through the mental sensory capabilities, active within the thought connection of the energy body of the lower self. The remote viewing of a high vibrational being does not directly involve ascension, as the lower self can observe reality of a high vibrational being, within its lower vibrational seat of perspective. The remote viewing of high vibrational beings from the lower vibrational seat of perspective involves energetic distortions within the vibrational energy supporting the perception. This action coincides in vibrational activity, with the negative energetic distortions influencing constriction, within the lower selves’ energy connection to its higher self. The influence of held negative energy distortions within the higher self energy connection are energetically impressed into the individual belief system. This is achieved through the sensory abilities of the lower energy body reacting to the movement of constriction upon the higher self energy connection. This energetic process is allowed movement within the energy body for its attachment into the emotional body of the lower self. The attachment from the negative energy influence allowed movement within the lower energy body, is through its allowance of entry through the sensory pathways of the sentient being, and the reaction of the energy body from the entry of the negative thought influence. The entry and movement of negative thought influence within the energy body of the lower self, can be sensed within the subconscious as a sense of constriction or limitations, surfacing into their conscious expression through the personalized perception. The heavy influence of energy beings operational below the vibrational allowances of the physical plane within the negative pole of the creational energies, is associative of the vibrational position of the collective consciousness within the human spectrum. Within the held collective perception and its associative thought/intention of the collective being, movement is initiated into the associative collective seat of perspective and its associative thought/intention. The heavy influence of negative energy distortions fuels the thought direction of the collective seat of reality. The ability of the collective vibrational ascension of humanity from out of its current collective perception, is in relation to its reality experiences through thought connectivity, within the low vibrational positions of the vibrational spectrum of the human experience. Within these vibrational positions of conscious expression, the accessibility to the collective energy field of the collective consciousness in which the vehicle of mass thought fuels the intensity of the influence, is through mass thought focused energy powering the reaction of the negative energy influence into manifestation. The degree of vulnerability within the energy body of the lower self, towards the influence of negative thought/energy patterns, is in relation to the constant vibrational rate of the lower self. The constant vibrational rate of the lower energy body, runs parallel with its vibrational position of its constant or consistent seat of perspective. For the ability of the lower self to position its lower conscious, through a desired seat of perspective within the human spectrum, the vibrational compatibility of the lower energy body towards its desired seat of perspective is required. Ascension from the perspective of the lower conscious is initiated and motioned from the desire/decision to experience reality from a higher vibrational seat of perspective. The descent into the lower world from the perspective of the lower self, is initiated and motioned from the desire/decision to experience reality from a lower vibrational seat of perspective. Low vibrational energy beings or lower spirits are a part of the oppositional pole effect of the perception of self-awareness. The ability to hold the perception of a self within a dimensional reality, simultaneously generates the perception of an external reality, from which the perception of the self is energetically supported from. The dual effect or sense of opposites, is reflected in the necessity of the support structure expressing the perception of an external reality to animate its creational structure, within the thought/focus of sentient energy. The impressed subconscious thought reaction from the perception of the self and its isolating effect upon the perception, heavily influences the perception the lower self holds towards its external reality. The dual effect upon the lower selves’ perception of its external reality and its internal thought reaction, influences the vibrational positioning of the lower self, which is governed through the constant vibrational rate of the lower energy body The unresolved sense of isolation within the internal perspective of the lower self, fuels its momentum into the continued influence of the lower spirits of which the intention to hold the lower self within a low vibrational negative energy cycle, is through its desire for its animation within the mental sphere of the lower self. The attraction of the thought/focus of sentient energy, to fuel the negative thought/energy form into animation within the mental sphere and the continuation of negative influence, is through its perception of reality within the mental sphere of the lower self.
The lower spirits desire for negative energy thought influence towards the collective consciousness is fuelled through the associative low vibrational thought directions of the sense of isolation or separation. The low vibrational world of the negative pole thought expressions, motioned into directive intention from the non-physical aspect operational below the negative energy pole positions of physicality, hold the opportunity for ascension of the influence of the lower spirits. This is achieved through the desire for ascension formed within the subconscious resolution attempt for the removal of the sense of separation.
The ascension of the lower self from the influence of the lower spirits, must come forth through the internal desire for its ascension into a higher vibrational seat of perspective. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the lower self into, the activation of its ability for ascension into a higher vibrational seat of perspective, are highly effective for the ascension of the lower self from the influence of the lower spirits of the underworld.
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