Ascension And The Soul Matrix

For the ascension of the self to occur within the collective reality of humanity the proper understanding of the involvement of the soul matrix will require integration into the collective seat of perspective. The initiating source for the human reality is generated from the soul matrix and issued from the seat of perspective of the higher self. The inter communication between the non-physical reality of the soul matrix and the physical reality of the earth plane, generates a continuation for the involvement of the non-physical sentient energy source, to fuel the development of the collective reality. The momentum for continuation is sourced within the free will intention for creation expression issued from sentient beings within the earth plane which is supported and influenced from the non-physical plane. The driving need for creative expression from sentient beings within the earth plane is interpreted and crafted from the self-perception which generates a multitude of varieties within the formed intentions. The vibrational position of the sentient being within the collective reality of humanity heavily influences the motivation or intention for creative expression. The sentient being situated within a low vibrational position holds a high probability of infection from low vibrational thought/energy influence from the degree of saturation of influence from the designated position. Within the low vibrational influence the creative intention becomes altered into compatibility towards associative thought/belief espoused from a low vibrational seat of perspective. The lower seats of perspective within the vibrational spectrum of the human reality are associative of greater degrees of the sense of separation, which is a driving force for the entry into the low vibrational position and the continuation of the experience within the position. The high degree of the sense of separation within the self-perception fuels the need for compensation to ease the sense of separation which holds a high probability for cycle generation. Within the cycle of allopathic sensory easement the opportunity for the proper resolvement of the originating source for the generation of the cycle is presented and is dependent upon, the held intentions of the conscious mind within the experience which govern the awareness. The ability of the collective reality of humanity to ascend into a higher vibrational seat of perspective is dependent upon the held intentions of sentient beings within the physical plane reality for creative expression. The ability for sentient beings within the collective physical plane reality to powerfully influence collective ascension relies upon the ability to effectively remote influence the soul matrix.

The ability to remote influence the soul matrix involves the creative intention for expression which relies upon the attraction and acceptance of sentient energy to fuel the process. The creative intention for expression is successfully manifested into the earth plane through the act of creative union which can form through the union of the lower self into its higher self or through the union of the masculine and feminine energies within the earth plane. These activities form the completion of the union through the acceptance of the soul energy into the physical plane. The activity of creative union for the invitation of a selection from the soul matrix for entry into the earth plane involves a thought connection between sentient beings within the earth plane and the soul matrix. The inter dependency of the higher self and the lower selves initiating the creative union upon the thought connection is created to support the free will intention from both halves of the creative agreement for acceptance or refusal.

The formed energy from the desire/decision of the participating halves within the creative union forms the intention which generates an energetic signal. The energetic signal formed within the creative union is espoused into the non-physical reality of the soul matrix for the attraction and invitation of higher selves to participate within the physical plane reality experience. The energetic signal formed from the physical plane creative union attracts higher selves carrying similar or compatible intentions. The attraction and successful entry of higher selves into the physical plane generated from the energetic signal within the creative union involves energy donation from the higher self. The entry of the attracted soul into the physical plane reality through its acceptance for the reality experience donates the creative spark to fuel the biological thought process of the human body for movement into the supportive position for receivement of the creative expression. The creative spark from the energy donation of the higher self entails energetic pathways within the non-physical reality sequence connected to the supportive energy of creative expression which issues the soul energy into the physical plane.

Unawareness of the influence within the attraction process of sentient energy from the physical plane creative union falls into the application of remote influencing. The act of remote influencing within the seat of unawareness involves the transfer of the seat of power from the conscious mind into the automation for support from the subconscious seat of perspective. The subconscious automation of the remote influencing application is purposed for the continuation of the reality experience which is supported through the collective perspective of humanity which in turn is a reflection of the soul matrix. The awareness of the remote influencing application, involved in the process for the attraction of soul energy into the physical plane creative union, involves the intention for vibrational ascension or for vibrational descent. The directional movement of the energetic intention for ascension or descent within the act of creative union is generated within the movement of thought/energy allowed continuation which generates the potential for development.

The involvement of energetic ascension and energetic descent within the creative union is expressed within the attracted soul energy which has successfully entered the physical plane. The attraction of soul energy generated from the energetic intention of the creative union manifests the attracted soul into the reality experience as an extension of the creative union. The manifestation of the higher self within the physical plane forms a vehicle for the ability for movement through the free will choice and the opportunity for thought development and is represented within the earth plane as the human body. The continuation of the thought development of the creative union energetic intention, can be observed within the continued involvement from the soul matrix to the focussed physical plane consensual reality of the halves forming the creative union, their manifestations and the associative thought interactions presented into the consensual reality positioned within a collective setting.

Low vibrational thought/energy impressions held within the belief system from one or both halves of the creative union influence and form low vibrational creative intentions which forms the energetic signal espousing low vibrational thought/energy intentions. This activity within the human reality most often involves degrees of unawareness which influences the activation for the automation of the subconscious participation within the attraction of the soul matrix. A creative union within the held intention for low vibrational manifestations into the reality sphere are most often unintentional to the awareness of the conscious mind. This activity is generated through the limited perception of the involvement of the activity of remote influencing the soul matrix for the attraction of soul energy. The conscious mind holds the seat of power for the formation of the energetic intention within the act of creative union as left to the automation of the subconscious mind the ability to consciously control the energetic intention can become distorted without the ability of the conscious mind to refuse external distorted thought/energy. The conscious desire/decision for ascension which has formed into an energetic intention holds a higher probability for success, for the attraction of soul energy desiring a high vibrational seat of perspective within the physical plane, through the positioning of both halves of the creative union within high vibrational positions to form the high vibrational thought/energy intentions and energetic signal.

The involvement for the attraction of the soul matrix into the creative union towards the ascension process involves the placement of soul energy desiring a high vibrational seat of perspective within the physical plane. The placement of high vibrational soul energy into the lower dimensions of the physical plane involves the ascension of the self through the act of intention for the collective ascension of humanity. The desire/decision from both representatives within the creative union forming the held intention for the introduction of high vibrational thought/energy expressions into the earth plane generates a drawing effect upon the collective reality of humanity. The successful entry of souls carrying high vibrational thought/energy intentions for experience within the associative seat of perspective, powerfully influences the soul matrix through the inter communication between the non-physical positions and the physical positions within the reality sequence.

The powerful influence upon the soul matrix is generated within the energetic patterns of intentions from selections within the soul matrix allowed expansion within the physical plane. The energetic intention of the soul intention generates the expansion of movement within the soul matrix as its presence within the physical plane places the soul within dual positions within the reality sequence. The dual positions involved within the participation of souls into the physical plane are represented within the vibrational spectrum of the soul energy allowing its bilocation into the lower extension. The inter communication between the soul energy of the higher self and its vibrational position within the physical plane reality generates a dynamic motion which is equally expressed within the higher self reality or soul matrix and within the higher self which has successfully entered the physical plane. The creative intention of the soul energy expressed within the seat of the higher self is allowed influence through expansion within the soul matrix and within the physical plane and is purposed within the thought/intelligence of creative expression for the continuation and development of the reality experience.

The creative intention of the soul energy participating within the physical plane influences the conscious mind into thought development through the roles of observation and interaction which fuel the development. The ability for thought development is dependent upon the ability to collect reference frames from the conscious mind within the roles of observation and interaction within the reality sequence. The thought interaction, reaction and contemplation process heavily influences the selection and integration of reference frames by the conscious mind which in turn influences the reconfiguration of the collected and held reference frames for compatibility within the self-perception. Collected and held reference frames are reconfigured and categorized according to compatibility towards logic held within the self-perception.

The self-perception simultaneously operates within the internal perspective and the external perspective through the energetic connection supporting the inter communication activities. The inter communication activities between the internal and external perspective reconfigure the held reference frames within thought interactions presented through the connection of the mental sphere to mental co-ordinates or points of thought. The ability of the conscious mind to reconfigure internal reference frames resides within the ability to observe the current state of the internal perspective within the observation of the external reality. The thought interaction, reaction and contemplation process fuels the reconfiguration of held internal reference frames. The reactionary response, further developed within contemplation and associative further interactions, motions the reconfiguration in accordance to alterations within the self-perception.

The held and continued thought/belief within the conscious mind for alterations from its current state of reality is a continuous phase within the energetic state of self-thought development. Held internal reference frames which have been externally and or internally influenced into storage positions, non-accessible to the conscious mind hold continuous influence over the internal and external realities of the conscious mind. The inability of the conscious mind to locate the originating source of influences affecting the conscious mind is self-induced. The inability of the conscious mind to locate internal reference frames falls into the context of self-induction as the conscious mind must allow for the acceptance of the external influence. The process of external influences placing thought/belief reference frames into the subconscious mind of a subject, involves the acceptance issued from the internal perspective through the self-induced placement into a position for non-detection of the external influence and the inability to recognize the remote influencing attempt. The acceptance of the external influence through degrees of unawareness of the thought activities involved in the remote influencing attempt is self-induction. Self-induction directs the entry of external influences into the internal reality of the subject with or without the awareness of the conscious mind of this activity. The conscious mind is heavily susceptible to the entry of external influences into the internal reality of the subconscious mind without the awareness of external remote influencing attempts and without the ability of the conscious mind to refuse the external influence.

The desire/decision of the conscious mind to accept high vibrational thought/energy reference frames into the internal perspective falls into the desire/decision for movement within the ascension process. The desire/decision of the conscious mind to accept low vibrational thought/energy reference frames into the internal perspective falls into the desire/decision for movement within vibrational descent. The lower self, created from the attraction of the higher self within the soul matrix through the held intention for entry into the physical plane, is powerfully influenced from the initial starting point of entry and the associative movements within the reality experience fuelled into motion through the inter communication between the internal and external perspective. The awakening of the lower self within the reality experience relies in part upon the held intention of the higher self for entry into the physical plane reality. The communion between the soul matrix and the physical plane, created through the initiating movements within both realities, governs the held intention seeded within the thought/intelligence of the lower energy body.

The attraction of the higher self to the lower physical plane, generated through the desire/decision forming the held intention, heavily influences the ability of the lower self towards the ascension process. The heavy influence upon the lower self, limiting the ability to initiate the ascension process, is formed within the higher self intention for the reality experience. The placement of the lower self into an initiating point within the reality sequence through the higher self agreement with the physical plane creative union, holds the potential for transcendence through the seat of power of the conscious mind supported by the free will choice. The held and continued intention of the higher self for a desired/decided reality experience is the lower self within the reality experience. The ability of the lower self to transcend a vibrational position within the reality sequence is the higher self within the return flow of creative energies becoming its self again.

The underlining purpose for the creation of the lower self for the reality experience involves the free will choice represented and employed within the seat of perspective of the higher self and within the seat of perspective of the lower self. The desire/decision of the higher self to accept the invitation for entry into the physical plane is a mutual agreement between the physical plane creative union and a selection from within the soul matrix. The attraction of higher selves from the soul matrix, although initiated from the free will choice endowed within the lower plane reality, is energetically supported and motioned from the seat of perspective of the higher self. The intention for the lower plane reality experience issued from the higher selves is presented as a supportive element for the desire/decision of the lower selves within the creative union. The desire/decision of the lower selves within the creative union is represented from the soul matrix through the physical plane manifestation of a lower self formed within the act of creative union.

The ability of lower selves to attract the participation of a higher self into the physical plane reality experience involves the energetic connection within the lower selves within the act of creative union to the soul matrix. The connection of the lower selves to the soul matrix is established within the connection of the lower self to its higher self positioned within the soul matrix. The inter communication between the soul matrix and the physical plane fuels the collective reality experience of humanity through the energetic support of the soul matrix. The underlining purpose for the ability of the higher self to position its awareness into different vibrational positions is created for the establishment of its directional movement within the ascension process through the observable contrasts in the movements involved in vibrational descent. The vibrational position for the entry of the higher self within the physical plane is created through the formation of the lower self. The creation of the lower self generates an initial contrast point in which the lower self through the free will choice can move into increased positions of severity or into the movement towards decreased severities within the return flow.

The lower self holds the ability to return to the initiating point of its creation which becomes available within the process of self-thought development which opens the potential for the expansion of the self-perception outside the automation of the reality experience. The lessons of the collective reality experience holds value and importance for all sentient expressions involved the creation and the continuation of a reality experience. The ascension of the lower self from its vibrational position within the reality experience can occur from all seated vibrational perspectives within the reality spectrum. The associative influences presented within a vibrational seat of perspective hold the potential for the awakening of the lower self to its higher self reality within the soul matrix. The ascension of the lower self involves the desire/decision to position thought/focus onto a higher vibrational thought/energy reality experience which entails positive experiences, the sense of collective unity and the ability through the desire for ascension to constantly transcend the current reality. Although the energetic movements of ascension are non-static, holding patterns or positions within the ascension sequence are presented for integration of the current vibrational position within the ascension process. Holding patterns within the ascension process are also presented for the ability of the lower self through the free will intention to refuse the ascension process.

The lower self may initiate multiple ascension attempts within its human lifetime and moves back and forth within its reality experience into micro ascended states and micro states of vibrational descent. The desire/decision of the conscious mind for a more positive and unified reality experience motions the lower self towards the awareness of high vibrational seats of perspective within the ascension process. The initial awareness of the lower energy body to the thought/focus of the conscious mind for a more positive and unified reality experience is conducted through the position of the lower energy body within the reality sequence. The position of the lower energy body within the reality sequence is seated as an interface between the non-physical reality of the soul matrix and the physical plane reality of collective humanity. The conscious mind interprets differential movements within the lower energy body as sensations which are energetic interpretations from the conscious mind of differential movements within the lower energy body. The sense or awareness of the conscious mind of differential movements within the lower energy body can be observed through the conscious mind as the movement towards the establishment of the desire/decision of the conscious mind.

The establishment of the desire/decision of the conscious mind is motioned within the inter communication between the directive and reactionary thought/energy movements within the conscious mind and the thought/intelligence of the lower energy body connected to the higher energy body. The establishment is generated through the recognition or the awareness of the associative sensations or vibrational signature of the thought connection relayed into the awareness of the conscious mind. This activity can be observed within the conscious mind through the positioning of the thought/focus to thought connections espousing undesirable expressions and the associative sensations involved and within the thought connection to desirable thought expressions and the associative sensations involved.

The ascension process is initiated within the desire/decision of the conscious mind to experience positive thought/energy reality experiences. The ability of the lower self to initiate the ascension process through the positioning of the thought/focus of the conscious mind onto positive thought/energy reality experiences, is dependent upon the self-perception of the lower self which influences the intention for ascension. The lower self operating within a low vibrational seat of perspective becomes saturated in low vibrational thought/energy influences which may alter the movement of the self-perception into artificial thought development. The lower self holds a low probability for initiating the ascension process within a low vibrational seat of perspective without the desire/decision of the conscious mind for the removal of the thought/focus from the current reality experience. This movement is purposed within the free will choice of the conscious mind to remain within the current reality experience or to reposition into a differential position within the reality experience. The conscious mind within its capacity to do so generates the initial movement into ascension. The introduction of the higher self upon manifestation within the reality experience is dependent upon the ability of the lower self to remote influence the ascension process. The ability of the conscious mind to remote influence the ascension process involves the ability to hold the thought/belief in the ability to do so and the ability to refuse low vibrational thought/beliefs oppositional to the ascension.

The held desire/decision of the conscious mind for relocation into a higher vibrational thought/reality experience starts the process of forming the desire/decision into a thought/belief within the subconscious mind. The ability of the conscious mind to form the desire/decision into impression within the subconscious belief system is fuelled through the self-perception. Doubt in the belief of the lower self to initiate the ascension process hampers the ability of the lower energy body to motion into a directive movement towards high vibrational seats of perspective. The ability of the conscious mind to believe the held desire/decision will manifest into the reality sequence fuels the formation of the desire/decision into energetic impression within the subconscious reality. The ability of the lower self to effectively form thought/belief impressions within the subconscious reality issued from the conscious mind is the remote influencing of the self into the position for the reality experience of the desire/decision. The ability of the conscious mind to remote influence the ascension process relies upon the ability of the conscious mind to hold the desire/decision formed into belief to remote influence the ascension and its accessibility for thought connection to the soul matrix.

The ability of the conscious mind to remote influence the ascension of the self, falls into the context for the ability of the conscious mind to remote influence the ascension process, through the ability to remote influence the soul matrix. The attraction of a selection within the soul matrix carrying the intention for a high vibrational thought/reality experience for entry into the physical plane falls into the context for remote influencing humanity into collective ascension. The lower self holds the ability to remote influence the collective ascension of humanity through the creative union within the physical plane via the influenced entry of selections within the soul matrix carrying high vibrational thought/energy intentions for employment within the physical plane. The ability of the lower selves to initiate the attraction process of higher selves holding high vibrational intentions can be invoked through the sexual act of creative union or between the creative union of the lower self and the higher self. The ability of the lower selves to attract selections from the soul matrix to participate within the collective ascension of humanity through the physical plane creative act allows the soul entry into the physical plane. The entry of a soul carrying high vibrational intentions into the physical plane allows the entered soul the ability to remote influence the collective energy body of humanity through the physical plane and from within the soul matrix. The ability of the lower self to influence the collective ascension of humanity from the creative union between the higher self and the lower self involves the ability of the lower self to properly communicate with its higher self.

The ability of the lower self to communicate with the higher self is always present. The presence of the higher self within the awareness of the lower self is governed from the desire/decision of the conscious mind for communication with the higher self or the desire/decision to remain in the position of unawareness of this activity. The position for unawareness forms the desire/decision through the action of unawareness which limits the ability of the conscious mind for its reconfiguration of the desire/decision. The ability to effectively attract higher selves from the soul matrix to influence the ascension process relies upon the ability to properly interpret communication from the higher self. The attraction process towards the entry of higher selves from the soul matrix into the physical plane involves the ability of the lower self to identify communication with the higher self apart from influences within the external reality and impressed influences within the internal reality. Differential movements within the mental sphere of the lower self generate interference patterns or mental noise onto the higher self channel, which limits the ability of the lower self to properly identify and interpret the higher self communication.

The removal of sources generating interference patterns within the higher self channel are required to receive clarity within the communication channel. The ability of the lower self to remove sources of interference patterns within the higher self channel is initiated from the desire/decision of the conscious mind for proper communication with the higher self. The desire/decision of the conscious mind for clarity within the communication channel to the higher self simultaneously generates the desire/decision for the removal of interference patterns from the communication channel. The held desire/decision of the conscious mind for proper communication towards the higher self initiates the process into the ability to effectively remove interference patterns from within the higher self communication channel. The continuation of the process towards the remembered ability of the lower self for effective removal of interference patterns involves the attraction of high vibrational beings into the mental sphere. The attraction of high vibrational beings into the mental sphere operate as guides to direct the movement of the lower energy body into the ascension process which involves the expansion of the self-perception.

The expansion of the self-perception within the ascension process allows the lower self access to high vibrational thought/intelligence and the ability to properly interpret the received information. The ability of the lower self to access and properly interpret higher self communications is achieved within the thought/focus positioned within the internal perspective. The ability of the conscious mind to seat itself within the subconscious reality through following the electrical brain wave cycle into the subconscious and unconscious states will present the opportunity to effectively remove interference patterns from within the channel. The ability becomes recognizable within the desire/decision of the lower self to observe reality from the seat of perspective of the higher self which attracts the awareness of the ability into the mental sphere. The held desire/decision of the conscious mind for movement within the ascension process towards the originating source within the soul matrix and beyond is the desired seat of power of the conscious mind. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the lower self into the attraction of high vibrational beings from the soul matrix are highly valuable for the collective ascension of humanity through the successful ascension of the self.


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