The ability of the lower self for ascension within the sphere of creation resides within the energetic mobility of thought. The energetic mobility of thought is represented within the physical plane conscious reality as free thought and its movement into manifestation through the free will intention. The ability of the lower self to connect within its mental sphere to external or separate thought realities is through the ability of the lower self to hold the perception of its existence within a creation. The perception of the lower self towards an external reality is a simultaneous occurrence within the perception of self-thought. The ability of the lower self to operate within a reality experience is through the perception of self-awareness, established through the full sensory effect of physicality, within the observation of a constant physical plane reality. The constant observation of a physical plane reality, within the conscious waking reality of the human experience, influences the lower self to become passive towards the movement of its seat of perspective outside the vibrational points of thought within the human spectrum.
The vibrational points of thought or mental locations within the vibrational allowances of the human spectrum, espouses the themes of separation and unity and is dependent upon the vibrational seat of perspective. The degree or the sense of severity of the sense of separation within a self-aware reality experience, is governed through the operational vibratory rate of the energy body of the sentient expression.
The manifestation of a self-aware thought expression, through the held perception of a separated external reality is through the formation of the self-aware vibratory sphere of creation. The motion of thought from the position of stillness into an energetic current or the Logos expresses and supports the formation of the sphere of creation. The formation of a sphere to house and hold a seat of perspective for the ability to perceive a reality experience, is a product of oppositional movements/intentions into the state of energetic coherency or singularity of intention.
The attraction of oppositional movements/intentions into the state of energetic coherency is within the thought/action of the desire for creation. The ability for the attraction of oppositional movements/intention into a singularity of intention manifests within the mental awareness as a vibrational sphere of energy.
The formation of a sphere to house and hold a seat of perspective for the perception of an external reality is a manifestation of the energetic unification of oppositional movements/intention of thought/energy. The energetic formation of the sphere of creation within the human/earth reality experience is a sub sphere within the planetary sphere of awareness.
The planetary sphere of awareness expresses and supports the human reality experience and is perceived within the human reality through the awareness of the collective thought/energy consciousness field/being. The collective thought/energy being which has energized the human/earth reality experience through its thought/focus and participation continues its thought development, through the continued support of the creative energies expressing the human reality.
The capacity of the planetary awareness to manifest points of thought for creative expression is within the energetic source for its ability of existence. The energetic source for the ability of existence of the planetary sphere of awareness is within the attraction of oppositional energetic movements/intention housing the desire for the human expression and reality experience within its design. The ability for the perception of expression/existence within the awareness of a reality of a creation is through its unique vibrational signature.
The unique vibrational signature formed within the movement of unique thought desire/intention into motion/spin, to allow the movement of the desire/intention through the position of the vibrational spin of a unique thought/light expression, is within the energetic current of creational intention or the Logos. The ability of a thought expression to emit light/energy, for the observation of a reality through the sensory connection to the reflection of its thought/light energy, is through the movement of the vibrational spin.
The movement of thought/energy into the intention of creative expression generates the housing of the creative intention through the expansion of a still point of thought into movement or expression. The movement of a still point of thought into movement or expression, through the energetic desire/intention for creative expression, generates the energetic formation of the sphere of creation.
The expansion of a still point of thought into motion for its reality expression, is motioned into creative movement/intention from all perceivable directions form the still point. The ability of creative expression to house and support the expansive movement of creative intention into its reality of expression is within the design of a thought/energy sphere. The mental perimeter of a thought/energy sphere towards its, contrast of expression form the still point, are the energetic barriers upon the perception of the seat of perspective.
The energetic sphere of creation is perfectly designed to house and support infinite possibilities of the thought desire/intention into creative expressions, through the all directional departure of energetic thought stillness into the thought desire/intention, which governs the direction of departure from the energetic still point of potential. The vibratory sphere, for the awareness of the expression of the thought intention, holds all potentialities of thought expression from is energetic support of all potentialities of thought intention.
The ability of a thought intention, housed within a seat of perspective to hold the ability for the thought connection to all points of thought within the infinite potentialities of thought motioned through the desire/intention, is through the existence of the individual sphere of creation within the over sphere or all sphere. The existence of a thought reality through the energetic structural support of creative expression, forms a sub sphere within the over sphere of thought or the mind. The sub sphere is created from the contrast of all awareness through the expansion of a creational sphere, into the accessibility of all points of thought, within the over mind and the mental perimeters of the sphere of awareness of the seat of perspective of the thought/intention expression.
Through the ability of free thought and its movement into creative expression through the free will intention, fuelled by the belief/desire, the mental perimeters of a sphere of awareness will hold a greater or lesser contrast towards the reference point of the mental location of all awareness. The ascension of an individual, consensual or collective reality sphere involves the expansion of the sphere of awareness. The expansion of the sphere of awareness coincides with the expansion of the sphere of creation, housing the individual, consensual or collective thought intention/expression. The ascension of the sub sphere of creation of an individual self-thought expression within its existence, within the over sphere to house the potentialities of thought expression, involves the expansion of the sub sphere towards the perception of the over sphere or mental location.
The ability of the sub sphere of reality of an individual self-thought expression, for the expansion of its sphere of awareness coincides with its ability to relocate its vibrational seat of perspective. The ability of the thought intention/expression to hold different seats of perspective is within the energetic flow of self-thought expression. The ability of the thought intention/expression to express free thought and its freedom of movement within the intention, is through its awareness of the reality experience from the associative seat of perspective. The ability of the thought expression, to observe its thought desire/intention into an observable reality, is within the allowances of the over sphere of creation.
The observation of a reality of a thought intention into a creative expression, is generated through the creational thought/light of a sentient expression, reflecting upon the oppositional direction of energetic movement of the contractive, supportive nature of creative expression. The ability of the observation of the experience of the thought belief/desires within the reality sphere, is through the awareness of the thought belief/desire, within a seat of perspective or vibrational position. The seat of perspective for the observation of thought/belief into the awareness of the reality sphere, through the position within a vibrational spectrum of a creation, coincides in the vibrational energetic rate with the vibrational rate of the reality experience.
The vibrational position of the seat of perspective of a sentient thought intention/expression to espouse the observational sensory effect of the projection of thought/light into a reality sphere, is associative of the degree of light reflection from the thought/light energy of the sentient expression. The association of the vibrational position of the seat of perspective of the energetic movement of light reflection, is governed through the vibrational rate of the energy body of a sentient thought intention/expression.
The higher the vibrational rate of thought/light energy the greater the ability for thought/light to refract onto its external reality. The ability of the sentient thought/light energy expression, to increase the rate of its energy body and the simultaneous occurrence of the increase of thought/light energy refraction, allows the sentient expression the ability to expand its sphere of awareness through the coinciding movement of the expansion of its sphere of creation. The expansion process of the sphere of creation is through the ability of self-thought allowed expression and continued development through the allowances of a sphere of creation.
The sentient thought/light energy expression holds the ability for the contraction of its creational sphere. The movement into the energetic contraction of a sphere of creation, involves a decrease in the vibrational rates of its energy body. The decrease in the vibrational rates of the energy body and the simultaneous occurrence of the movement of the sphere into a contractive expression, coincides with a decrease in thought/light refraction of the energy body. The decrease in the thought/light refraction of the energy body coincides with the contraction of the sphere of awareness, through the inability of the thought/light energy refraction to support the mental sphere, for the location of points of thought within the over sphere of creation.
The increase in the refraction of though/light energy within the sphere of creation of the sentient expression, coincides in movement with the increase within the capabilities of the perception of the sentient expression. The ability of the sentient expression to increase or enhance the capabilities of its perception, through the coinciding movement of the increase in thought/light refraction emitted from the energy body, involves the ability of the sentient expression to increase the vibrational rate of its energy body. The increase in the vibrational rate of the energy body or vibrational ascension, is associative of the increase within the inflow and return flow within the higher self energy connection.
The expansion of the sphere of creation of the sentient expression expands all energetic aspects or sub spheres within the individual sphere, within the seat of perspective of the sentient expression. The coinciding expansion of all aspects of the thought/intelligence within the energy body, is necessary to support the creative intention into expression for the observation of the associative reality experience. The ability of the sentient expression to achieve a complete expansion of all aspects of thought/intelligence within its energy body, resides within its desire to seat its perspective within a vibrational position, espoused through the vibrational associative energetic rate of the held thought belief/desire. The held thought form of an energetic impression of a belief/desire, within the subconscious position within the higher self energy connection, influences the vibrational rate of the energy body of the sentient expression.
The impressed subconscious thought belief/desire allowed movement into the conscious reality through the conscious focus upon the belief/desire, establishes the alteration of the vibratory rate of the energy body. The established alteration of the vibrational rate of the energy body through the belief/desire for the experience, alters the vibrational rate for its vibrational compatibility towards a seat of perspective espousing the thought belief/desire. The alteration of the vibrational rate of the energy body through the conscious focus upon the thought belief/desire, allows the sentient expression to position or a mental anchoring onto a vibrational thought/point within a vibrational spectrum of a creation, for the full sensory effect/perception of the reality experience of the thought belief/desire.
The movement of the energy body into a relocation of its vibrational seat of perspective establishes the alteration of the energetic rate of the energy body, into a constant vibrational rate through the sense of familiarity by the held consistency of the alteration of the energetic rate, into a different vibrational seat of perspective. The awareness of the held consistency of the relocated seat of perspective, through the thought activities and the affirmation of the held impressed thought belief/desire, is through its enhancement within the sphere of awareness. The enhancement of the impressed thought belief/desire within the sphere of awareness, is the enhanced sensory effect through the relocation of the vibrational seat of perspective, into compatibility of the vibrational rate of the desired reality experience.
The associative enhancement of all aspects/sub perspectives of the thought/intelligence of the energy body, though the ascension of the sphere of creation is required for the ability of the sentient expression to experience the desired reality, with a degree of capability of comprehension or its potential within the capabilities of the held perception.
The influence of the thought connectivity of the collective thought/energy being, upon the individual self-thought expressions, are powerful factors upon the desire/decision process involved with the expansion and contraction of the sphere of creation. The consensual reality sphere of an individual sentient expression, within a collective thought/energy being heavily influences the expansion and contraction of the individual reality sphere, within the coinciding energetic movements of the expansion and contraction of the consensual reality sphere.
The collective sphere of reality heavily influences the consensual and individual reality spheres, through the desire/decision of the individual or consensual reality spheres to experience the collective reality, which includes the mental positioning of the seat of perspective into the collective seat of perspective. Although the individual and consensual reality spheres are influenced by the collective reality, through the awareness of the collective reality within the seat of perspective of the individual or consensual grouping, these expressions still have the ability to hold the constant operational perception, within the collective seat of perspective.
The ability of the individual and consensual reality sphere to hold the current operation of perception within the collective reality, involves the ability of the individual or consensual reality to block external thought/energy influence. The degree of understanding through the positioning into the collective seat of perspective, involves the capabilities of the perception of the individual and consensual realities within the relocation into the collective seat of perspective.
For the ascension of the collective sphere of creation, for the placement of the creative expression into a higher vibratory operational rate for a higher vibrational collective thought/energy reality experience, the internal conflicts expressed within the external reality, require movement into resolvement coinciding with the energetic movement of the collective ascension of humanity.
The low vibrational thought/energy influence upon the collective sphere of creation, generating energetic barriers within the collective perception towards the ascension of the collective sphere, are expressed and espoused from the negative energy pole of creative expression. The positive and negative energy pole movements of creative expression, hold the ability to influence the collective sphere of human creation, through its thought connection to the collective subconscious and unconscious realities.
The ability of the positive and negative thought/energy expressions to influence the collective sphere of creation, is within its position within the reality sequence, as creative support for the expression of the thought/intention.
The position of the oppositional energy poles expressions within the reality sequence, is within the non-physical reality of the subconscious mind in receivement from the unconscious reality. Within the non-physical reality of the subconscious mind the infusion of high vibrational thought/energy of the higher self, into the non-vibratory thought/intelligence structure to house the creative expression, is formed and projected into the conscious reality of the sentient expression.
The desire/decision of the sentient expression within the vibrational allowances of a creational spectrum, for a reality experience governs the vibrational positioning of the seat of perspective, in relation to the successful attempt towards a thought connection for the desired/decided reality experience. The thought connection to a relative experience is within the position of the seat of perspective, towards the positive and negative energy pole spectrum of thought/energy expressions.
The vibrational allowances of the human spectrum are located and supported within the positive and negative energy pole formations. The ability of an individual sentient expression to hold the perception of self-awareness, through the observation of an external reality is through the oppositional pole movements within the positive and negative pole energy expressions, generating contrast upon the perception. The contrast upon the perception of the influence of the unification of oppositional energy movements, is through the awareness of the sentient expression towards different energy movements outside self-energy circulation.
The ascension of the individual sphere within the collective sphere of human creation, through the relocation of its seat of perspective, allows the sentient expression the ability to view its creation within a high intelligence understanding. The high vibrational seat of perspective allows the sentient expression to remote influence its reality powerfully, as the subconscious belief-system becomes impressed with high intelligence thought reference frames. The ascension process of the collective sphere of human creation involves the desire/decision of the individual sub spheres of reality within the collective sphere.
For the ascension of the individual sub sphere within the intention for the ascension of the collective sphere of humanity, the held intention of self-ascension holds a high probability of success. This is within the allowances of a free thought creation to present the choice of the collective ascension of humanity, through the influence of sentient expressions seated within higher vibrational positions, influencing the collective ascension of humanity. The ascension process involves the entry and accessibility of the heart intelligence within the internal heart portal. The entry into the heart portal is required for the ascension process, as the expansive energetic flow of the heart intelligence, holds the positions of the high vibrational seats of perspective.
The ascension process requires, high vibrational thought/energy frames espoused from the heart intelligence/higher self intelligence, for mental landmarks to seat the perspective. The accessibility to high intelligence thought reference frames, allows the sentient expression to remote influence its ascension and the ascension of the collective sphere of human creation. The remote influencing and remote viewing techniques that guide the individual into, the entry and access of the internal heart portal, are highly valuable for the ascension of the sphere of creation.
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