The portal of language within the connectivity of thought, holds the potential for the ascension of humanity, into a higher vibrational reality experience. Within the reality experience the combinational effect of the energetic thought connections of the self-aware beings, are housed and registered within the energetic structure of the collective being. The desire and or decision of the collective being to manifest within a reality experience is through its awareness of the reality experience, conveyed through the awareness of the self-aware beings, towards the reality experience. For the collective being of individual thought expressions to experience a dimension of reality, the conscious desire and or decision within the mass thought focus of a collective being, fuels the vibrational descent or ascent into a compatible vibrational position for the reality experience. The desires and or decisions for reality experiences are formed through internal and external influences. The ability of a collective being to exist and hold awareness of an internal and external reality, is within its unique vibrational signature or vibrational spin.
The unique vibrational signature of a collective being is expressed through the unique vibrational signatures of the individual thought/energy expressions within the collective being. The unique vibrational signatures of the individualizations of thought/energy, influence the desires and decisions of the collective being through the presented general intention. The internal and external influences which govern the desires and decisions of the collective being through the self-thought activities of its individual expressions, is in reflection to the constant vibrational rate of the collective energy body.
The constant vibrational rate of the collective energy body, positioned into a vibratory rate through influential factors, involves internal conflicts within the collective internal being which attract and manifest influential factors into the reality sphere of the collective being. The attraction and manifestation of influential factors into the mental sphere of the collective being flows within the energetic movement of thought development. The ability of a self-aware expression for the opportunity of self-thought development is through its magnetic attraction properties, simultaneously operational within the formation of the vibratory sphere of awareness. Without the ability of the self-aware vibratory sphere for the attraction of manifestations within the mental sphere, the opportunity for the resolvement of internal conflicts would hold a low value, through the ineffectiveness of the ability to properly resolve conflicts.
The internal and external conflicts which are represented within the desires, decisions and intentions are played out through the collective intention within the collective reality experience. Within the collective thought/energy being, which expresses the human reality, its low vibrational position within the creational energy poles can be observed within the physical plane. The human being which houses the individualization of thought/energy for its self-aware reality experience, is designed for compatibility for its related physical plane activities influenced in direction through the self-thought influence.
The human housing is suited for the vibrational increase and decreases in reflection to the thought/intentions of the individual within the vibrational allowances of the human spectrum. Within the vibrational increases and decreases the individual will encounter portals attracted into the mental sphere, for the purpose of the opportunity of the free will choice of the self-thought expression. The vibrational allowances within the human spectrum, expressing physicality, are designed to allow the movement of free thought though the self-aware vibratory consciousness. The vibrational positions within the human spectrum are in relation to the vibrational rates of the energy body of the self-aware being.
The vibrational rates of the energy body are in relation to sphere expansion and contraction. The ability of the individual to expand its vibratory sphere of awareness is within increases in the vibrational rate of its energy body. The ability of increases in vibrational rate to expand the vibratory sphere is within, the higher vibrational rates influence upon the movement of contraction, within the energetic flow of the supportive creational energies. The increase in higher vibrational energy of the energy body, overrides the contractive movement of the vibrational sphere of awareness, into a supportive creative role to house the expansion of the high vibrational creative intention of the self-aware being.
The expansion of the self-aware vibratory consciousness involves portals to high intelligence thought/energy fields accessible within the high vibrational positions of the human spectrum. The portal into high vibrational thought/energy and activities, fuel the development of self-thought, through the accessibility of high intelligence reference frames encountered upon entry into a high vibrational portal. Within the reality sphere of the self-aware vibratory consciousness the ability for thought interaction is supported through its sensory capabilities. The sensory capabilities of the self-aware vibratory consciousness involve the receiver/transmitter properties of its energy body, which support attraction through the energetic properties of magnetism.
The ability of energy to generate magnetism for the intention of attraction of desired/decided points of thought within the mental sphere is the basis of thought connectivity. The generation of magnetism within an energy field or energy body is powered into motion from the desire/decision of the sentient being. The desire/decision of the sentient being impressed within the belief system is allowed movement into the energy body of the sentient being. The allowance of thought/belief energy impressed within the subconscious, into the energy body of the sentient being is through the energetic support of creative expression. The energetic support of creative expression allows the thought/belief energy impression within the subconscious to continue its movement of intention into the energy body.
The supportive energetic flow of creative expression allows the movement of the thought/belief energy, to flow within the energy current of creative expression through the vehicle of intention. The vibrational position of the collective thought/energy being is within the allowances of the human spectrum. The ability of the collective thought/energy being, to manifest as a collection of individual self-thought expressions within a co-ordinational reality experience, resides within the energetic movement of sympathetic resonance. The desire/decision of a collective thought/energy being to experience the human reality, through its individual expressions generates the alteration in the vibrational rate of the collective energy body.
The alteration of the constant vibrational rate of the collective energy body, generates the vibrational compatibility into sympathetic resonance for the full sensory effect of the reality experience. The vibrational movement into sympathetic resonance allows the collective thought/energy being the ability to exist within a reality/creation. The ability of the collective thought/energy being to exist within a reality/creation, is through its ability to tune in through vibrational positioning to frequency points expressing the physical plane human reality experience. The ability to sympathetically resonate in vibration to a desired/decided point of thought, expressing the supportive element of creative expression, allows the collective thought/energy being to vibrate within the vibrational allowances of the vibrational spectrum of a reality experience.
The degree of activation of the full sensory capabilities of the collective thought/energy being through a supportive element expressing creational codes, is in relation to the vibrational position of the collective being. The sensory capabilities of the collective thought/energy being coincide in degree of activation, to the expansion and contraction within the collection of the individual vibratory spheres of awareness. Portals to higher vibrational realities and portals to lower vibrational realities can be entered and explored within the vibrational allowances of the human spectrum.
The degree of activation of the full sensory capabilities of the collective thought/energy being, is observed within the waking state of the collective human reality experience.
The common senses, which are perfectly designed for the ability of movement within the physical plane, are the supportive elements for the dominant communication tool of language. The ability of the self-aware vibratory consciousness to exist within a reality/creation, is through the ability within the sensory capabilities to detect contrast in energy motion.
The ability of the self-aware vibratory consciousness to detect contrast in energy motion within its sphere of awareness is through its constant reference point. The constant reference point of the self-aware vibratory consciousness is within its seat of perspective positioned within its energy body. The constant vibrational rate of the energy body seats the position of the self-perspective within the energy body. The thought/intelligence within the energetic flow of the energy body, holds the perspective of the human being through the sensory attachments of the human body.
Within the current perception of the collective consciousness being, of which the individualizations are energetically supported from, the ability to constantly operate within an expansion of the common senses is a rare occurrence. The unawareness to manoeuvre within the physical plane, operationally above the functionality of the common senses, holds a low value of urgency. The complacency of the need or urgency to operate within the physical plane through an expansion of the sensory capabilities, is through its perceptually un-necessary action, to hold the self-aware vibratory consciousness within the perception of the believable human reality experience.
The complete sensory experience of the believable human reality can be observed from the self-aware seat of perspective and its employment of the common senses.
The self-thought activities conducted within the seat of perspective are transferred into thought connections, for communication with the external reality within the reality sphere. The ability of self-thought to connect with external thought expressions, is within the capacity of the receiver/transmitter properties of the energy body. The connection ability resides within the reliever/transmitter properties, ability to locate an external point of thought and to be located through the self-aware beings state of existence within a creation.
Within the thought exchange of a sentient expression and a non-sentient expression, the thought/focus of the sentient energy, energizes/animates the non-sentient expression into formation within the reality sphere of the sentient being. The energizing/animation of an external non-sentient expression, through the thought/focus of the sentient expression and the non-sentient expressions' ability to house the thought/energy of the sentient expression, allows the movement of creative intention to interact and inter influence through the thought connection.
The thought exchange between a sentient expression and an external sentient expression, involves the ability of the sentient expression to become aware/locate the external sentient expression, through the awareness of degrees of contrast and degrees of similarity in vibrational rates of the energy bodies, involved within the thought exchange. The heavy focus of the sentient expression upon the identification of energetic contrasts or differential rates of vibration from external sentient and non-sentient thought expressions, involves degrees of severity within internal conflicts, inducing contraction within the higher self energy channel. The heavy focus upon contrast within the external environment allowed development through continuation, involves the conscious interpretation and attempt for the resolvement of internal conflicts.
The heavy focus upon similarity in vibrational rates in comparison of the internal reference against external references, is within degrees of the conscious interpretation of the subconscious signal of the urgency of the resolvement of the internal conflict. The resolvement of internal conflicts of a sentient thought expression, involve the vibrational seat of perspective, which is in relation to its expansion of awareness and the consequence focus upon separation or unification.
Within the reality sphere of the sentient expression, high vibrational beings and low vibrational beings, can be attracted or influenced into attraction and can enter into the reality sphere. The reaction of the sentient expression towards differential thought expressions within its external reality, is in relation to its vibrational seat of perspective, which heavily influences the perception of the sentient expression. The influence upon the perception of the sentient expression, through its vibrational positioning within a vibrational spectrum of a creation, involves the movement of expansion and contraction within the reality sphere. The vibrational seat of perspective of the sentient focus through the seat of perspectives influence upon the perception, influences the observation of the sentient expression towards its external environment.
The lower vibrational positions expressed within the vibrational spectrum, through the negative energy pole involve sphere contraction. The higher vibrational positions within a vibrational spectrum, through the positive energy pole involve sphere expansion. Portals to low vibrational thought realities are observed within the vibrational descent through the vibrational positions of the negative energy pole. Portals to high vibrational thought realities are observed within the vibrational ascension through the vibrational positions of the positive energy pole. The ability of the sentient thought expression for the entry into a portal encountered within the vibrational movements, through the vibrational allowances of a spectrum within a creation, is through its ability to sympathetically resonate with a desired point of thought/location. The ability of the sentient expression to sympathetically resonate with a desired/decided point of thought, allows the entry into a portal through the vibrational alignment generated through the movement of sympathetic resonance.
A portal into a desired/decided reality experience is observed within the mental sphere, as the awareness of the desired/decided reality experience from its presentation into the mental sphere, through the thought connection to the external expression.
The portal of language within the reality experience of humanity into differential thought expressions, apart from the associative experiences observed within the common vibrational seat of perspective, holds the opportunity for an understanding of the role of uniqueness. The heavy utilization of the communication tool of language within humanity, is a reflection of the consistent vibrational rate of the energy body of the individualizations of thought/energy. The interconnectivity of thought/energy within the individual expressions within a collective being, influences the vibrational rate of the collective energy body. The constant vibrational rate of the collective energy body, involves its frequent occurrence within a vibrational seat of perspective and its movement of collective intention or vibrational movement.
The heavy utilization of language within the collective reality of humanity reveals its vibrational position within the allowances of the human spectrum. The ability of humanity for communication within the physical plane through the employment of language, allows the self-thought development of the sentient expression. This is achieved through the observed reference of a external sentient expressions presented images of its position within its own self-thought development. Language can become a portal to higher vibrational seats of perspective and related expressions and portals into lower vibrational seats of perspective and related expressions.
Language is the conscious interpretation of the self-thought expressions motioned into the physical plane conscious reality through the thought/focus of the individual, carrying the thought/intention energy into the physical plane, through the thought/focus of the sentient expression. The self-thought expression is motioned into the physical plane through the human housing, which is recipient of the thought/energy from the subconscious seat of perspective within the energy body. The observation of the conscious interpretation of the subconscious self-thought expression from the influence of an external thought expression, involves the subconscious intention underlining the conscious interpretation of the external expression. The subconscious thought expressions which are projected into the conscious reality and are interpreted, through the ability of the conscious seat of perspective, to hold the free will of intention are expressed within its reactionary movements.
The employment of language involves the perspective of the subconscious mind to express itself within the conscious reality. Language or conscious expression allows the sentient being the opportunity, to communicate with its external reality through its observation from external points of thought within the environment. The non-observation of the individual conscious expression within the external reality, still holds influence within the collective reality through the non-physical pathways of thought connectivity.
The portal into the low vibrational thought expressions and influence, have been readily explored through the mass thought/focus within the collective reality. The low vibrational seat of perspective of the collective seat of reality, is a powerful magnetic force for the attraction of themes and scenarios within the collective reality experience. The employment of verbal speech or oral language into the focus of mass thought energy and its consequential thought reactions, continue the development of collective thought within the thought/focus of intention.
The portal of language for the collective reality of humanity into a higher vibrational seat of perspective, resides within the ability of individual self-thought expressions within the collective being, to position the energy body into higher vibrational seats of perspective within the allowances of the human spectrum.
The conscious interpretation of the subconscious seat of perspective from a sentient expression, seated within the higher vibrational positions of the human spectrum, influence the vibrational rates of the collective energy body. The portal of language for the collective ascension of humanity into a higher vibrational seat of perspective, is within the ability of the individual sentient expression to communicate with individuals or groupings seated within lower vibrational seats of perspectives. This is achieved through the ability of the individuals, within higher vibrational seats of perspective, to connect and influence the lower vibrational positions.
This energetic movement holds true within the reciprocal action of the ability of the lower vibrational seats of perspective, to covey thought/influence into the awareness of the sentient expressions, positioned within the higher vibrational seats of perspective. The thought activities of communication and influence flow within the energetic movement espousing the free will intention. The portal into the influence of vibrational descent and vibrational ascension of external thought expressions, resides within the common and effective communication tool of verbal speech or oral language. The division of languages reflected within the observable physical division of races, can be observed within the perception of separation or through the perception of the creative expression of individuality, within the uniqueness of the self-thought vibrational expression.
The portal of language holds potential within the collective reality for the vibrational ascension of the collective energy body into a higher vibrational seat of perspective. High intelligence reference frames can be conveyed into the awareness of sentient beings, within lower vibrational seats of perspective for the potential of the vibrational ascension of humanity. The increase in the potentiality of the ascension of humanity into a higher vibrational portal, for its existence within a higher vibrational thought reality experience, is within the increase of individual sentient expressions into the higher vibrational seats of perspective within the human spectrum. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the individual into higher vibrational seats of perspective, are highly valuable for the ascension of humanity through the portal of language.
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