Portals And The Human Dream

The portals of the human dream are many and ventured into unknowingly by those who have become a part of the illusion of the human reality. The perspective seated within the concreteness through the belief system in sympathetic resonance with the human thought program allows the sentient being the opportunity to experience the human creation within degrees of automation within the experience. The ability of the sentient being to experience the human reality within, the perception of the logical believability of its existence as a human and quite possibility nothing more, leads the sentient being full into the sensory/perception experience as a human being. The concreteness of believability within the perception/sensory capabilities of the lower conscious creates, the greatest opportunity for depth of impression within the belief system through degrees of the automatic acceptance within the reality belief of the reality experience of the human being. The belief in a perception of a reality experience is achieved through, the vibrational compatibility of the vibratory consciousness or energy body of the sentient being and the energetic signature of the vibrational expression of the reality experience, into the seat of perspective of the sentient being. The energetic movement of the thought/intelligence of a sentient expression into a vibrational compatibility for the desired/decided reality experience, positions the conscious reality into a heightened sensory/perception for the believable perception of the reality field. The degree of concreteness or depth of impression within the reality experience is in relation to the vibrational compatibility between the sentient consciousness field and its thought/energy connection to the desired/decided reality field.

The degree of compatibility of a sentient consciousness field towards the perception of the believability of the reality experience is governed by vibrational compatibility to support the desires and intentions of the sentient being. The ability of the sentient being to operate within the co-ordinational human thought program, resides within the participation of the collective consciousness field into the reality experience of humanity, in which its self-thought reality is supported from. The desire/decision of the collective consciousness field to experience a select reality is witnessed by the individual self-thought expressions within their individual, consensual and collective reality experiences.

The entry and participation of the collective consciousness field into a co-ordinational reality experience, required to support the individual reality, is initiated and achieved through the collection of various interpretations into a collective intention. The human dream is a perfectly designed reality scenario for the support of the free will intention to be exercised within the physical dimension. The reasons for the entry and participation within the human reality experience are many and become personalized through the self-perspective. The ability of the collective consciousness field to operate as a body of individual self-thought expressions and movements allows the opportunity for the development of collective thought through the development of self-thought. The ability of the individual self-thought expressions to operate within the perception of separation towards the collective energy field is dependent upon, the seat of perspective of the individual within the spectrum of reality supporting the human reality experience.

The sentient being, operating within a high intelligence seat of perspective, generates light separation as its focussed thought/light energy connects to an energy matrix within a reality field. The separations of thought/light or higher selves within the collective energy body operate within division or a spectrum of thought/light within the perception of unity towards the collective body. The ability of the higher selves to operate as differential movements of energy, while holding the perception of unification towards its collective body, is achieved through its high vibrational seat of perspective.

The high vibrational seat of perspective is conducive of its position within the reality sequence of thought/energy potentials into manifestation within a reality experience. The higher the vibrational seat of perspective the greater the awareness of the non-physical energetic movements behind the manifestation process. The ability to become aware and coherent towards the non-physical energetic movements behind the manifestation process within its high vibrational position is through, the compatible capabilities of the sentient being towards the high vibrational seat of perspective, required to experience reality from the high seat of perspective.

Within a high vibrational seat of perspective, before entry into desired/decided reality dimensions, can be termed as high intelligence remote influencing. High intelligence remote influencing is achieved through directive thought/belief towards the desired/desired reality experience. This activity can be alikened to a sub creator role in directive thought activities towards its divisions of thought/light within its mental sphere of awareness. This activity can be observed through the individual reality within the physical plane as the observation by a human being of other humans. The observation by a human being of other humans within the physical plane is the observation of the effect of the reflection of thought/light of the higher self light divisions generated from the reflective properties of a non-vibrational thought/energy field supporting creative intention.

The vibrational position of the human reality experience is seated within the perception of separation and degrees of unification. The degrees of the sense of unity or awareness of the collective whole are in relation to the vibrational rate of the energy field supporting the conscious reality. Portals into reality experiences supported by packets of thought intelligence into the mental sphere of the focussing sentient expression, are entered knowingly or unknowingly, which is dependent upon the awareness or perception of the focussing sentient expression. A portal is an energetic pattern supporting a creative expression in which its energetic pattern supports thought transfer through connection support. It can be sensed through the immediacy into the awareness of extreme energetic contrasts in relation to the observable energy movements located within the position before entry into a portal.

The awareness of a portal is generated through the magnetic properties of belief attraction and is dependent upon, the accessibility of reference frames or mental landmarks, which are integrated into the sphere of awareness of the focussing sentient expression through the attraction process. The integration of thought reference frames or mental landmarks into the sphere of awareness of the focussing sentient expression, through the belief attraction process is required for the position for entry into the portal. The integration of thought reference frames related to the energetic signatures behind the portal, prepares the sentient energy body for the successful entry into a portal. The successful entry into a portal involves, the adaptability of the energy body for vibrational compatibility, towards desires and decisions expressed through the self-thought process.

The full sensory effect in relation to the limitations upon the sensory/perception of the sentient being, is achieved within the seat of perspective, aligned in vibration to the energetic signatures espoused from the reality expression. The alignment of the sentient being towards the compatibility of the vibrational rates housed within a reality experience, is motioned through the thought/belief which generate, influence for directive movement within the energy body. The ability of thought/belief impressions held within the non-physical position of the reality sequence, between the stillness of potentiality and its movement into differential rates of vibration, is conducted through the energetic movements of the vibrational signatures attached to the thought/belief impression and allowed movement within the energy body.

The attachment of vibrational signatures to thought/belief impressions are through the associative reactionary movements of the energy body towards its thought interactions with its external reality. Vibrational signature attachments onto thought/belief impressions are created within thought exchanges and reactionary movements, which alter or replicate the vibrational signature of the external reality expression. The action of the alteration or duplication of vibrational signatures sensed by the individual, are initiated into potential degrees of alteration or duplication towards the sentient energy body. These mental activities are dependent upon the perception of the individual sentient expression. The act of duplication or mimicking involves the desire/decision of the sentient expression to emulate the vibrational thought/energy patterns of external thought expressions and becomes correlated through the personal seat of perspective.

The desire/decision to emulate an external reality expression involves the movement of energetic intention to observe reality from the seat of perspective of the desired/decided external thought expression. This action falls into degrees of the automation of the unique individual thought expressions of the sentient being, which commonly involves the dampening of the unique vibrational thought expression by the perception of external influences. The common occurrence of the dampening of the energetic signal of the unique vibrational thought expression, through the perception of external influences, can be coined as mind control or low vibrational remote influencing.

The unique vibrational signature of the energy body is created and flows within the expansive energy current of the creative intention of expression. All movements away from the creative flow of the energy current is sensed by the observer of the external reality as resistance. Resistance or proper misalignment within the lower energy body, towards its energetic connection to the higher self, involves energetic distortions within the higher self energy channel. This activity involves the conscious interpretation of reality through the allowance of entry and movement of energy patterns formed within the movement of energetic intention for misalignment or resistance. The movement of energetic intention for misalignment or resistance, is formed within the internal desire/decision, for mental exploration outside the alignment of the energy flow of the proper creative intention for expression or existence.

The portals of the human dream are accessible from all directional movements away from the initial starting of entry and established existence, which is allowed expression or existence through its ability to vibrate within a unique vibrational pattern. The unique vibrational signal allows its vibrational movement or spin to be perceived by separated thought energy movements, which interpret the existence of the unique vibrational expression, through the ability to sense contrasts within energy movements through the perception of an external reality. The ability to sense contrast in energy movements outside the perception of the boundaries of the self, coincides with the associative action of the perception of an external reality. The accessibility of portals to the unique individual expression within the reality experience of the human dream, are motivated into the awareness of the unique sentient expression, through the sensing of degrees of contrast in relation to the energy movements within the perception of the internal reality of the self.

Portals are gateways to alterations of thought reality, which become identified and defined within the seat of perspective of the self, through their relation or measurement of contrast towards the reference point of the self-perspective. The relation or measurement of the energetic connection to alterations and intensities of thought/energy, via the awareness and successful entry into a portal, registers within the mental sphere of the sentient being. The registry of the awareness and entry into the reality behind portals, is initiated by the reactionary movements of the sentient energy body, towards the degree of contrast from the energy movements within and beyond the portal. The entry into portals within the human dream is initiated from the belief/desire. The movement and intensity of the sentient energy body, generated from the dynamic motion of the held and focussed belief/desire, creates the magnetic attraction for the act of the surfacing of portals into the sphere of awareness.

The held focussed belief/desire towards negative energy pole thought expressions, initiates the movement of the sentient energy body/sphere into a contraction phase. The held and focussed belief/desire impressed within the subconscious mind, holds powerful influence towards the continuation of the contraction phase of the sentient energy body/sphere. The conscious directive interpretation of the subconscious belief/desire energetic movement, initiates and continues the contraction phase to prepare the sentient energy sphere for compatibility towards the impressed belief/desire and its associative reality experiences. The movement of the energy body/sphere into continued phases of contraction and expansion are governed by the movements of the conscious interpretation or reaction towards the belief/desire energetic impressions held within the subconscious mind.

The energy body/sphere of the sentient being within the conscious waking reality, moves continuously between movements of expansion and contraction. The ability of the sentient energy sphere to move continuously between movements of expansion and contraction, is supported by the energetic current of free thought intention and expression. The expansive and contractive movements of the sentient energy sphere are initiated through, the conscious interpretation of the subconscious thought activities of the sentient being, within its daily waking reality.

The connection to negative thought energy initiates the movement into the contraction of the energy sphere, as the reciprocal effect of the connection to positive thought energy, initiates the movement of the energy sphere into expansion. The ability of the sentient being to hold and continue the movement of the energy sphere either into an expansive phase or a contraction phase, is governed by the held and continued focus of the sentient being, towards it conscious interpretation of the subconscious belief/desire energetic impression. The held focussed conscious interpretation of the subconscious belief/desire impression and the influence of the communication activities between the conscious and subconscious realities, are the intention and expression of self-thought development.

The compatibility of the conscious interpretation towards the subconscious interpretation of energy movements through directive intention, varies and is dependent upon the cognitive processing capabilities of the conscious mind. The human conscious mind is therefore dependent upon the capacities of the human body which supports its human reality experiences. Within the collective reality experience of humanity the ability of individual sentient beings to hold and continue the movement of the energy sphere into expansion or ascension is uncommon or infrequent. The infrequency of the sphere expansion or the vibrational ascension of the individual sentient being, is heavily influenced by the compatible vibrational position of the collective energy being towards the collective reality experience.

The purpose of the creation of humanity is unveiled to the observant within the physical plane as a self-thought development program/reality, which is fuelled into progressive motion through the interconnectivity of the individual expressions within the collective energy being. The vibrational position of the collective consciousness being, required for the collective human reality experience, is designed to support free thought and free will for the proper application of self-thought development. The communication of the individual towards the collective and vice versa requires the impressed perception of separation to support and establish the perception of the self.

The sentient being establishes a starting point within its perception of its individual existence and is dependent upon the selection of choice of the higher self subgrouping within the human thought program. The powerful influence of the energy movements of the collective energy body through the collective reaction of the perception of separation and the associative reality experiences, hold the individual sentient expression within degrees of intensity or severity, towards the individual interpretation of the collective reactionary movements induced through the fear of separation.

Portals which have been attracted and entered unconsciously or through unawareness, is governed through the subconscious influence/control and consequential movements of the energy sphere. The governing action or control from the subconscious activities is generated, through the inability of the conscious reality to properly interpret, within its held capacities the non-physical nature of reality. Subconscious belief/desire impressions constantly remote influence the conscious reality, as it is projecting into the conscious reality sphere its reality experience. The movement of the sentient being, consciously or unconsciously into negative thought/energy portals, is achieved through the support of the free thought intention for the continuation and development of the held belief/desire impressions.

The movement of the energy body into the attraction and vibrational compatibility, for the successful entry into positive thought/energy portals, accelerate the ascension process of the sentient being as the reciprocal effect of vibrational descent upon contact and entry into a negative thought/energy portal. The entry into a portal, which is negative, positive or within degrees in between are simultaneously affecting the conscious reality and the subconscious reality. The directive motion of the energy body which has encountered and entered a portal, is the reactionary movement of the sentient energy body through its awareness of entry into a portal, and is consciously interpreted and presented into the conscious reality sphere. The conscious awareness of an encounter and entry into a portal, is achieved through the awareness of the energetic signal espoused from the reality expression behind the gateway.

The energetic signal behind the mental gateway is interpreted through the mental sphere of the sentient being. The interpretation of the sentient being towards the awareness or sense of the energetic signal is processed through the personal seat of perspective. This process involves selections of established reference frames for a mental landmark to gauge contrasts between held reference frames and the energy movements behind the portal. The severity of contrasts is manifested through the severity of the reactionary movements of the sentient energy body, towards the awareness/influence of the energetic signals, expressed from the sub sphere of reality operational behind the gateway. The encounter and entry with a negative thought/energy portal involves associative senses of negative thought which are contractive and extreme within the sensory/perception. The danger presented from the entry into negative thought/energy portals is the inability of the sentient being to remove it's self from the negative energy influence. Contractive energy movements within the energy body can be expressed within various sensory interpretations and are processed personally. Common examples involve the sense of constriction which can be registered within the human body as coldness, heaviness and associative themes. The senses involved in positive thought/energy portals include the associative sensory/perception of expansion, the sense of freedom, unconditional love, extreme joy and unity.

The contractive energies of creative expression required to house the expansive creative intention is contractive within the allowances of expansion to properly develop the creative intention. The influence of negative thought/energy is contractive and falls within degrees of an alteration of the thought/intention for an inversion of the expansion/contraction process of creation. The inversion involves the capabilities of the negative thought/energy intention to control the expansive creative intention of the sentient energy to fuel the intention of the negative energies into expansion. The control of the sentient energy into held sphere contraction from the negative thought/energy influence, initiates the movement of the energy body into vibrational compatibility towards the opportunity for the awareness and access to negative thought/energy portals. Within the human dream the energetic effect from the opening of negative thought/energy portals into the collective reality of humanity, can be observed within the established perception of consensual human history.

The purpose of the human dream as a supportive creative element to house and evolve the creative intentions of the sentient energy being, through self-thought and free will, holds promise for both creational ascension and creational descent. The free will choice supports both oppositional directions of evolution and is expressed within the reality sequence as the duality effect. The world of dualism in which the human dream is expressed from, holds the potential for the destruction of the human creation or towards the movement into the energetic flow of the expansive upper energies to manifest perceived heaven on earth. The ability of individuals within the collective reality to open portals to the upper energies, holds the potential to influence the collective reality, into the proper alignment within high intelligence thought/energy fields.

The ability of the individual sentient being to open portals to the upper expansive energies involves, the ascension of the self into the high vibrational gateways, for the experience of the higher thought realities and its associative reference frames. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the individual into the vibrational compatibility, for the attraction and successful entry into positive thought/energy portals, are highly effective for the focussed intention of positive energy influence towards the collective reality within the human dream.

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