The Portals Of Balance

The Portals of balance offer the lower energy body the opportunity for accessibility into higher vibrational reality experiences towards the seat of perspective of the higher self. The ability of the lower energy body for ascension towards its originating source and for manifested existence within the lower planes of vibrational thought reality, is within the connection to the originating source. The desire/decision for entry and participation into a lower vibrational thought/energy experience, in contrast to the familiar seat of perception, involves influences within the self-perception and within the collective perception. The desire/decision for entry into a lower vibrational plane is expressed through the self-perception, of the entry within the reality experience, within an energetic marriage of the collective influence. The ability of the self-perception for interaction within a collective setting is conducted within the co-ordinational effect of a reality matrix. The non-vibratory reality matrix is reflective in manifested properties and within the participating matrix of sentient energy within non-physical positions of the reality sequence into physical plane manifestation. The lower dimensional planes of the collective reality of humanity offers, the experience of imbalance within the severities of energetic tension experienced within the physical planes of reality. The lower energy body holds the ability to operate within balance or coherency within the physical plane reality and is purposed for the reality experience associated with the desire/decision to exist within harmony between the internal and external realities.

The severities of energetic tension in position within the physical plane are purposed for the reality experience of matter which through the vibrational location of the physical plane influences the perception of separation. The perception of separation is generated through the observation of matter as a contrast to the non-physical reality of the internal perspective. The internal perspective of the conscious mind generates the perception of involvement with creation, as the center seat of reality influences the external reality to become perceived within a foreign tone. The perception of the external reality as foreign is generated through the limited sense of connectivity in contrast to the sense of familiarity within the internal seat of reality.

The reality experience of the lower dimensional plane operates within sensory limitations upon the self-perception. This energetic activity is purposed for the ability of the conscious mind to perceive matter within full sensory capabilities. Limitations upon the self-perception involve energetic severities within the contractive nature of creative expression, espousing the physical universe, which heavily influences the self-perception into severities or contrast between the external and internal realities issued from the self-perception. The observation of the self-perception of repetition within the manifestation of severities within the external and internal realities, generate impressions within the subconscious mind of the lower self, which influence the functionality of the self-perception into the importance for the identification of contrasts. This activity is purposed for the ability of the lower self to identify the boundaries of the self in relation to the contrast of the external world. The held impressions of severities within the contrasts, initiated from the observation of the self-perception of its non-physical and physical reality, are purposed for the associative lessons of separation espoused within the physical plane.

Observations within the self-perception, influenced from the necessity to identify and to place in categories severities in contrast, influence the thought development of the lower self towards tendencies for separation and contrast. The ability of the lower self to develop held belief impressions within the self-perception, issued from their placement within the subconscious mind, is purposed and supported from the energetic current expressing free thought and the free will intention. The vehicle for the lower energy body, the human being/perception, evolve or develop through the thought activities of the self-perception. The human being is reflective through influence via the self-perception and is purposed for the continuation of the desires and decisions formed through thought beliefs within the self-perception.

The manifestation of thought beliefs formed within the physical plane are reflective of held belief impressions within the subconscious mind influencing the self-perception. The mental location of held belief impressions is revealed within the thought interactions of the conscious mind within its internal and external seats of reality. Oppositional thought beliefs espoused from thought/energy expressions within the external reality are presented within the interface between the self-perception and the external reality generated through the thought connection and interaction.

The extension of the self-perception which is positioned as an interface to the external reality within the thought connection is generated through, the sense of boundaries or contrasts to the external environment and held within the ability for complete functionality within the beta mind. The beta mind, reflected within the beta stage (30-14) cycles per second of the electrical brain wave cycle generates the extension of the self-perception. The beta mind powerfully influences the self-perception into directive position within the thought/focus towards the external reality. The concentrated focus towards the external reality activates the critical or analytical mind which generates the self-perception into the awareness for the acceptance or refusal of influences within the thought connection.

The extension of the self-perception acts as an interface towards the thought expression within the connection as the self-perception holds the seat of power towards the allowance of the reality expression for entry into the thought current of the lower energy body. The seat of power of the self-perception, positioned within the beta state of mind, is functional but limited within the ability of the lower energy body to connect/communicate within the thought current of the higher self. The ability of the self-perception to expand beyond limited thought beliefs within the human perspective allows for the ability for proper communication within the higher self channel. The ability of the lower energy body to connect/communicate within the higher self energy channel can be observed within the physical plane collective reality as high intelligence or pure intuition.

The position of held belief impressions within the subconscious reality, become aware to the self-perception, through their detection within the sensory pathways connecting the self-perception to the internal reality. The mental location is revealed through the identification of the external reality and the associative impressed contrasts towards the internal reality. This activity of observation formed into belief impression establishes the boundaries of the self and the awareness of the non-physical internal reality of the self. The awareness of thought/energy within its non-physical state is generated through the inability of the self-perception to observe its formation within the physical plane, within the complete process of the reality sequence from the non-physical into the material world.

The manifestation of the physical world offers a division within the complete cycle of non-physical thought/energy into physical plane formation. The inability of the self-perception to recognize the position of matter within the reality sequence as a complete cycle generates contrasts between the non-physical reality of the internal reality and the external reality of the self. The movement of the reality sequence from non-physical thought/energy into manifestation within the physical plane and back into the return flow towards non-physicality, can be observed within the collective reality of humanity as the cycle of life and death.

The continuation of the inability of the self-perception to locate and identify the position of matter outside its placement within the physical plane further generates contrasts or divisions within the self-perception. The self-perception influenced from held belief impressions or severities in contrast between the internal reality and the external reality, observes manifestations within the external reality as foreign or non-self. This perspective is within balance of the purposed design supporting the ability of the self-perception to observe the self within the contrast of the non-self.

Portals are made accessible within energetic movements of balance and imbalance. Portals are gateways to energetic contrasts in relation to the current state of the lower energy body or reality. The awareness of the self-perception for its entry into a portal, is dependent upon the ability of the self-perception for the identification of a portal and the identification of its entrance into the portal. The identification of the portal and its entry is recognized by the self-perception through the severity in contrasts between the current state of the energy body before and after entry into the portal. The identification of a portal before entry and within the attraction process involves degrees of held intention towards the ability to locate and identify the portal within the mental sphere. The degrees of held intention within the energetic current, forming and circulating within the lower energy body are issued from the conscious and subconscious states of mind.

The issue of the intention within the conscious mind influences the subconscious mind into participation through the nature of the subconscious mind to imprint thought/energy into impressions. The ability of the subconscious mind to impress and store thought/energy from the conscious mind is within its position within the reality sequence. The malleable nature of the subconscious mind within the non-physical positions of the reality sequence allows for the recording of the reality experiences of the conscious mind. The reality experiences of the conscious mind are reflective and reciprocal of the projection of the reality experiences of the conscious mind issued from the unconscious mind into the subconscious mind.

The ability of the conscious mind to observe the reflection of the projection from the non-physical positions issued from the unconscious and subconscious states of mind is within the position of the conscious mind within the return flow of the energetic current supporting the existence of the conscious mind within its reality experiences. The ability of the subconscious mind to record the reality experiences of the conscious mind is conducted through the sensory pathways connecting the internal reality to the external reality interfacing within the awareness of the conscious mind. The ability to locate and identify a portal without the issue of the intention from the conscious mind involves the impression of the desire/decision within the subconscious mind and or associative involvement from the collective human thought program. Associative involvement from the collective human thought program can be observed as ancestral programming or similar co-ordinational themes within the collective program.

The location of portals via the movement of thought/energy within imbalances opens portals in relation to, the associative reality experiences involved with the self-perception, within the state of imbalances within the lower energy body. Associative reality experiences issued from the self-perception with a state of energetic imbalance will attract equal and opposite vibrational manifestations into the reality sphere. The ability of the conscious mind to attract equal and opposite manifestations into the mental sphere involves the movement of vibration supporting the vibratory consciousness, which involves the polarity structure supporting the allowance and governance of the movement of thought/energy within the act of vibration. The ability of the self-perception to observe equal and opposite energy manifestations into the reality sphere is dependent upon the issuing intention of the self-perception which can limit the ability of the conscious mind to locate and identify equal and opposite manifestations through the influence of the intention. The limiting factor is generated from the self-perception which attracts through the desire/decision the awareness of manifestations within the reality sphere. The ability of the self-perception to become aware and unaware of manifestations within the reality sphere, is purposed for the free will choice, for the acceptance and the refusal of thought interactions and associative influences.

The location and identification of a portal, issued from the self-perception within a state of energetic imbalance involves the presentation of the free will choice. The attraction process involved within the issue of the intention from the conscious mind, generates manifestations representing the free will choice tailor made for the individual, consensual and collective settings. The ability of the conscious mind to locate and enter a portal is generated into manifestation, from the attraction of energies issued from the lower energy body. The ability of the lower energy body, supporting the conscious mind, to enter a portal involves the ability of the lower energy body to become compatible in vibrational frequency towards what the portal is representing or the destination point. The ability of the lower energy body to become compatible in vibration to the rate espoused from the portal and energy formations beyond the structure is within the vibrational rate of the creative intention issued from the subconscious and or conscious mind.

Thought/energy, the origin of all manifestations, operates within the world of vibration and within spectrums of differential rates or frequencies. The associative rates of presented manifestations within the reality sphere of the conscious mind are generated from, the energetic signature of the issued intention, which in turn offers also the oppositional choice. The vibrational frequency of the oppositional choice for the potential of awareness and direction is in relation to the severity of energy rates issued from the intention, which generates a vibrational spectrum in which through the polarity structure, the manifestation can enter into the physical plane portal. The creative intention from the conscious mind issued from a state of energetic imbalance, allows the conscious mind the ability to continue thought development within the state of energetic imbalance.

The location, identification and entry of a portal can be observed within non-physical positions within in the reality sphere and involve the thought activities of the conscious mind positioned within the internal perspective. The ability to locate, identify and enter a portal within the physical plane involves the thought activities with a portal through the internal perspective, conveyed through the conscious desire/decision to observe the portal within physical plane formation. The ability of the conscious mind to observe a portal within physical plane manifestation is dependent upon, the formation of the creative intention into energetic impression within the subconscious mind, which in turn heavily influences the conscious mind into the continuation of the creative intention.

The ability of the creative intention impressed within the subconscious mind to influence the conscious mind into the continuation of the creative intention is achieved through, the establishment of the creative intention within the subconscious mind, which is positioned within the non-physical locations of the reality sequence. The ability of energetic impressions position within the non-physical locations of the reality sequence to influence the conscious mind into continuation is conducted through, the ability of the non-physical locations within the reality sequence to project into the reflective reality sphere of the conscious mind, without the necessity of the conscious mind for the awareness of the state of the manifestation within the non-physical location within the reality sequence. The ability of the conscious mind to observe a manifestation seated in non-physical positions within the reality sequence involves, the ability of the conscious mind to seat its awareness into the non-physical locations for the ability to issue the creative intention within the location.

Portals are presented into the reality within a multitude of possible scenarios and associative manifestations. The awareness of the attraction of manifestations into the reality experience involves, the capacity of the self-perception to recognize/sense the appearance of manifestations as portals. Portals to differential locations may enter through the individual, consensual or collective reality and involve a permanent or temporary change in the self-perception. The state of change within the self-perception upon the successful entry into a portal, is the observation of the conscious mind of its current state of reality. The conscious mind can participate within the passage through many portals within the human experience and can hold unawareness of the process throughout the human lifetime.

The conscious mind operating within the influence of imbalances within the lower energy body continues the development of imbalanced thought/energy. The ability of the conscious mind to discontinue or refuse participation within the imbalanced thought/energy patterns is dependent upon, the awareness of the conscious mind of its participation within the influence of held imbalanced thought/energy patterns. Within the design of the energetic nature of polarities, counter measures are presented and purposed to maintain the energetic polarities within a state of continuality for the ability of self-thought to develop within the collective setting. This activity is supported from the energetic current of the creative intention for creative expression or the logos within the movements of vibration. The effect of the continuation of the conscious mind within an imbalanced thought/energy cycle is reflected into the external and internal realities via the self-perception. The circulation of imbalanced energy patterns within the lower energy body influence the conscious mind into the continuation of imbalanced thought/energy manifestations and scenarios within the reality sphere.

The movement of the human body into states of disease and vitality are generated through the self-perception of the conscious mind within the energetic states of energetic imbalance and balance. Imbalanced thought/energy involves limiting factors within the energetic current sourcing and supporting the lower self into existence. The energetic current sourcing and supporting the lower self experience can be observed within the physical plane reality as, the conscious mind and the underling purpose of the conscious mind, the free will expression. Limiting factors or thought/beliefs, expressing barriers non-physically and or physically within the energetic current of free thought, influence the conscious mind into participation and the continuation of imbalanced thought/energy reality intentions and expressions. The reality effect of the continuation of the lower energy body within imbalanced thought/energy movements generates the movement towards severities in vibrational expression.

The nature of imbalanced thought/energy within continuation allows the full expression of energetic imbalances to complete the artificial thought/energy patterns into severities of non-resolvement, which are expressed within the end results of artificial thought/energy into destruction or collapse. The lower energy body can exist within degrees of severities within the movements of energetic imbalance and is supported from the vibrational allowances or spectrum of a reality matrix. The ability of the lower self to participate and continue within an imbalanced thought/energy cycle is purposed for the free will intention to explore the associative reality experience. Within the world of dualism, the lower self moves to and from the positive and negative polarities. The movement of vibration is supported through the oppositional poles of creation or polarities, supported from the energetic still point issuing transference into both polarities.

Within imbalanced thought/energy cycles or spirals, polarities are perceived through the conscious mind within severities of limitations towards the internal guidance from the higher self. The higher self becomes distant or unaware to the lower self. The inability of the lower self to communicate with the higher self generates the momentum within the lower self to collect guidance from thought/energy transference within the collective reality of humanity. The ability of the collective reality of humanity for thought/energy transference towards the individual expression, allows the lower self to communicate with other lower selves. The ability of the lower self to communicate to other lower selves, experiencing the human reality experience, generates the perception of the collective reality of humanity. The lower self is experiencing reality within its individual reality experience. The purpose of the collective setting allows the lower self to evolve within its own thought processes through, the availability of references of contrast within the intercommunication of self-aware expressions, within the collective reality experience.

The influence of the collective reality of humanity upon the lower self is a powerful factor towards its participation with balanced and imbalanced thought/energy movements. The ability of individuals within the inter communication of the collective reality to influence, directive movements of groupings of lower selves into a consensual agreement, generates the combinational force of lower selves. This activity is a micro reflection of the forming and direction of movement of the mass consciousness thought/energy field. Through the ability of mass consciousness to powerfully influence the collective reality, its movement within energetic balance or imbalance, generates the associative reality experiences within mass thought, which can become reflective within the individual reality experience. The ability of the lower self to refuse imbalanced thought/energy from the inter communication within the collective setting, involves the desire/decision of the lower self for the refusal and the transcendence from the undesirable reality experiences.

The portal into imbalanced thought/energy cycles influences the lower self into further development through the desire/decision for continuation within the imbalanced thought/energy cycle. The desire/decision for continuation within an imbalanced thought/energy cycle generates through the law of attraction, the presentation of portals offering further vibrational descent of the lower energy body, into the directive downward movements within spirals. The continuation of the lower energy body into vibrational descent within a spiral, the presentation of portals into further severities in vibrational descent, become more frequent as the increase in the timing within the reality sequence is associative of the position of the lower energy body within the energy spiral. The free will choice offers the opportunity to remove the conscious mind from the associative reality experiences involved within an imbalanced thought/energy pattern.

Portals into balanced thought/energy patterns are continuously presented into the reality sphere for the potential of awareness and involvement. The purpose of the collective reality experience of humanity within continuation allows the opportunity for development and is supported through the innate abilities of sentient expressions to correct energetic imbalances within the individual and collective setting. The ability of sentient expression to correct energetic imbalances within the individual and collective setting is a complimentary activity towards the energetic current supporting the ability to do so within the reality experience. The nature of polarities operate within energetic balance, void of influence from sentient thought/focus, expressing energetic imbalances onto the observation via the self-perception. Energetic balance involves both the negative polarity and the positive polarity. The desire/decision to observe opposition or contrast can influence the self-perception into imbalanced thought/energy patterns, which are observed via the sensory pathways through the influence upon the perception.

The ability of the lower self to influence energetic imbalances within the cycles of polarity is purposed from the energetic current supporting free thought expression and the allowance for the continuation of the associative reality experiences. The ability of the lower self to influence energetic imbalances into the reality sphere, regardless of the participation, involves imbalanced thought/energy within the lower energy body and into impression within the subconscious mind. The observation of the lower self of energetic imbalances within the individual, consensual and collective reality spheres is the reflection of the current state of the lower energy body within the collective influence. The current state of reality of the mass consciousness thought/energy field has encountered and entered many portals into severities of imbalances through its participation within an imbalanced thought/energy spiral. The human body, the representation of the lower energy body within the physical plane, can hold formation within the vibrational spectrum of a reality experience. The ability of the lower energy body to exist outside the vibrational spectrum involves adaptation, which increases the vibrational spectrum into further severities or range between the positive polarity and the negative polarity.

The awakening of lower selves from the automation of the human reality experience is heavily influenced from, the movements of the mass consciousness reality field into vibrational descent, within an imbalanced thought/energy spiral. The awakening of the lower selves to their true nature within the energetic current of the sentient life force, is a counter measure for the movement of the mass thought/energy reality field back towards the movement into energetic balance. This activity powerfully influences the mass consciousness reality field into the potential awareness of its involvement within imbalanced thought/energy cycles and spirals, through the influence of balanced energy generating awareness, within the mass consciousness reality field.

The ability of awakened lower selves to influence the return to energetic balance are powerful factors, which successfully applied can be observed within the collective setting and within the planetary consciousness. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the lower self into the awareness and successful entry into portals expressing energetic balance, are highly valuable for the vibrational ascension of the lower self and therefore the vibrational ascension of the collective reality field of humanity.

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