The employment of remote influencing within the role of the guide is a necessary component involved in the relocation of the perspective of the subject. The attraction process involved in the appearance of thought reality expressions holding the intention for guidance is fuelled through the self-perception. The lower self positioned within a collective reality experience forms its self-perception within the energetic movements of the conscious mind from the state of unawareness into degrees or positions of awareness. The participation of the higher self within the collective human dream isolates its thought/light energy donation within the reality experience in which its participating mind has created. The awareness of the higher self towards its participation within the human reality experience is within contrasts towards unawareness within its seated vibrational position within the reality experience or the lower self. The thought connection of the higher self to a reality field relays into the mental sphere its vibrational position within the reality experience and is interpreted by the self-perception through the observation of associative manifestations within the reality sequences. The vibrational position of the higher self within the reality sequence is observed by the higher self through a compatible vehicle for interaction within the reality experience.
A compatible vehicle is required for the ability of observation within the reality sequence which involves the transmutation of donated energy from the higher self through thought/focus. The thought/focus of the higher self is transmuted into the vibrational compatible vehicle for the full sensory effect of the reality. The full sensory effect is associative of the design or purpose of the reality experience and is an interpreted reflection of the intention of the higher self for the reality experience. The intention of the higher self for the reality experience initiates the thought connection to the reality experience and in turn initiates the movement of the donated energy of the higher self into the lower vibrational position or the lower self.
The process of energy transmutation which allows the higher self to explore different vibrational reality fields is within the movement of the higher self-awareness from the internal perspective into the external perspective. The ability for the movement of the thought/focus of the higher self into a different vibrational location in relation to its position of familiarity or constant vibrational rate involves associative energy movements within the higher energy body attracting the awareness of the thought connection. The placement of associative energetic patterns within the higher energy body involves the acceptance of the differential energetic patterns through the desire/decision to experience thought/reality sequences related to the vibrational expressions issued from the energetic patterns within the higher energy body.
The directive movement of the thought/focus displays the sensory observation into the mental sphere as a reflective product of the energy exchange between points of separation expressing states of self-existence. The ability of the higher self to experience differential reality expressions in contrast to its constant vibrational rate can be observed within the reflective world of the lower self within its human reality experience. The ability of the higher self to position the thought/focus into lower vibrational locations, while holding the position within a higher vibrational seat of perspective, involves the anchoring effect generated from within the awareness of the higher self of its position within the reality sequence. The ability of the lower self to hold its constant vibrational position within the movement of the thought/focus into differential vibrational locations involves the anchoring effect of held thought/belief energetic impressions position within the subconscious reality. The anchoring effect within the lower self is generated within the repetition or sense of familiarity within, external reality observations reflecting the internal thought/beliefs from the higher self projection, through the subconscious belief system into the external reality.
The lower self holds the ability to re-position into a different vibrational location or perspective which may be temporary or continued and is dependent upon the influencing forces of the internal perspective and the influences involved in the external perspective. The influence of the internal perspective involves the held thought/belief impressions within the subconscious reality affecting the external reality observations within the self-perception. The observation of the external reality projected from the internal reality, regardless of the awareness of the influence upon the external world, powerfully influences the lower self. The awareness of the lower self can be considered a non-factor within the inter communication between the internal perspective and the external perspective as the remote influencing activities of the higher self operate uninterrupted below the awareness of the conscious mind within the subconscious reality. The ability of the conscious mind to influence the subconscious reality or the internal perspective resides within the thought reaction of the conscious mind within thought connection activities involving external reality expressions.
Within the thought reaction process the sensory interpretation of the conscious mind towards the thought connections with the external reality is interpreted by the subconscious mind. Thought reactions within the conscious mind which trigger an emotional response are conducted through the allowance of entry of the external energetic patterns from the external influence into the energy body of the lower self. The emotional reaction is the sensing and interpretation of the conscious mind of the movement of the lower energy body, generated from the energetic patterns from the external reality influencing severities in movement within the energy body. The interpretation of the subconscious mind towards thought reactions within the conscious reality are issued through the role of the observer.
The role of the subconscious mind as an observer and recorder of the reality experiences of the conscious mind is a vital component for the support of the evolution for self-thought within the self-perception vehicle. The multiple roles for creative support from the subconscious mind allows the conscious reality of the lower self freedom of movement within the thought/focus and can only become limited within the perception of the self. Self-induced allowance of entry of external influences allow external energetic patterns to form limiting thought impressions within the belief system. The conscious mind within the reality experience interprets the observation of the external reality within severities of separation and is dependent upon the vibrational position of the lower energy body within the reality experience. Severities within the sense of separation issued from the conscious mind are in relation to the constant vibrational rate of the lower energy body which governs its position within the reality experience. The vibrational rate of the lower energy determines the ability of the creative intention to expand against the influence of tension espoused from the contractive energies supporting creative expression.
Contractive energies are required to form the energy of thought into formation or creative expression through the molding of the expansive creative intention against the oppositional movement of the contractive energies. The contractive energies hold the creative intention within degrees of limitations which are required for the associative reality experience. The formation of the expansive creative thought intention is projected into the energetic sphere of creative expression and relayed or reflected back into the center seat of position within the mental sphere of the lower self for observation and interaction. The ability of the lower self to seamlessly interact within its thought/energy movements is conducted through the instant and constant inter communication between the thought/intelligence of the expansive creative intention and the thought/intelligence of the contractive creative expression.
The movement of the creative intention into a balanced expansion, through the energetic support of the creative expression, is issued within the seat of power of the conscious mind. The conscious mind is positioned within the seat of power towards the energetic movement of the creative intention into balanced expansion or into unbalanced expansion. The oppositional movements of balance and imbalance are supported from the energetic current of free thought intention and free thought expression. The movement of the creative intention into both oppositional energetic movements of balanced expression and imbalanced expression involves guides. The role of guides falls into various interpretations or formations which are interpreted by the conscious mind through the thought processing capabilities within the self-perception. The movement initiated by the influence of the guide towards the subject involves the drawing or attracting of the subject into a different vibrational position or seat of perspective. The ability of the guide to attract a subject into a different vibrational location involves the acceptance of the subject. Acceptance is conducted through the awareness of the remote influencing attempt or through remote influencing applications designed for entry into the subconscious mind of the subject. The attraction or drawing process from the influence of the guide involves the adaptation of the energy body of the subject into vibrational compatibility with the energetic patterns from the desire/decision of the guide towards the subject. Within this interpretation guides fall into a multiplicity of formations and hold positive and negative intentions or degrees in between.
Guides that act within imbalanced thought/energy patterns, hold intentions towards remote influencing the subject into an imbalanced energetic movement, which may be imbalanced within the movements of contraction and or within imbalances within the movement of expansion. Guides that apply remote influencing techniques involved in, the disruption of the energy body of the intended subject into an imbalanced expansion, involve imbalances within the energetic movements of the ego. The movement of the ego into imbalanced expansion generates the observer role within the ego complex to invert into the observation of the ego from the external reality. The held and continued imbalanced energetic movement within the expansion of the creative intention utilizes the ego vehicle for movement into imbalanced expansion. Energetic movements of imbalance, within the expansion of the creative intention supported through the ego inversion, rely upon energy collection or donation to fuel the expansive process.
Energy collection involves various methods which may reveal the purposed intention or disguise the intention within the application of the remote influencing method. The ability of the remote influencing attempt issued from the guide to collect sentient energy is achieved through the attraction of sentient thought/focus towards the energy body or field of the guide. Within the attraction of sentient thought/focus towards the energy field of the guide, the projected sentient energy from the thought/focus of the subject, energizes and influences the guide into its continued movement within an imbalanced expansion. The ability of the guide for the attraction of the thought/focus of the subject and its continuation relies upon its ability to retain the thought/focus of the subject within a desired/decided movement. This is effectively achieved, without interference from outside influences within the external reality, altering the desired/decided energetic movement intended for the subject.
The remote influencing methods applied by a guide attempting energy collection involve the ability of the guide to alter the perception of the subject into a compatible format for effective utilization of the collected or donated energy. The process of energetic compatibility involves alterations within the energy movements of the energy body of the subject into degrees of vibrational sympathy or sympathetic resonance within the energetic intentions of the guide initiated in movement through the remote influencing application. The ability of the guide to remote influence the intended subject into vibrational compatibility or sympathy with the energies involved within the intentions of the guide, is achieved through access points or portals into the energy body of the remote influencing subject. An accessible portal which is readily applied within remote influencing attempts involve, the desired position of the remote influencer towards the intended subject, for the attraction of the thought/focus of the subject towards the energy body/field of the guide.
Within the projection of sentient thought/light from the subject the guide can energetically attract the energetic patterns supporting its thought/intention onto the relay of energies from the sentient thought/focus of the subject through the sensory pathways involved in the self-perception of the subject. The ability of the remote influencer to attach energetic patterns within the energetic relay of sentient thought/focus or reflective stage within the reality effect, for the successful entry into the energy body of the subject, is dependent upon the perception of the subject towards the guide and the ability of the guide to alter or work around the held perception of the subject. The perception the subject holds towards the guide must be identified for the successful attempt of the remote influencing application. This is required to determine the position of approach for the remote influencing attempt. The counter influence generated from, the perception the subject holds towards the guide, involve degrees of acceptance and degrees of refusal.
The ability of the lower self to accept or refuse external thought influences is initiated within the thought connection and continued within the thought interaction and reaction process. The desire/decision to accept or refuse is further identified within the contemplation process which involves a review of associative thought influences from the external and internal realities. The ability of the subject to identify contrasts between the internal perspective and the energetic intention from the remote influencer is compromised in relation to the degree of vibrational compatibility the subject is operating within during the remote influencing attempt. The subject becomes limited in this ability within its movement into vibrational compatibility.
The sense of association or belonging alters the perception of the subject which lowers its sense of contrasts towards the energetic intentions of the remote influencer. This activity quietens the energy body in its ability to induce an oppositional emotional response through the inaccessibility of reference frames displaying contrasts. The inability of the subject to retrieve reference frames in contrast to the external influence within the thought interaction process, is generated through the sense of the lack of importance from the subject, to identify contrasts towards the external influence. The sense of the lack of importance for contrast identification towards the external influence is issued from the conscious mind of the subject from its desire/decision to accept/believe the external influence. The ability of the lower self to form contrasts within its mental sphere in relation to the energetic intentions of the remote influencing attempt involve its ability to observe its reality from different reality perspectives. The ability to observe reality from different vibrational locations or perspectives allows the lower self access to thought reference frames expressed from the different positions of reality. Held thought/reality reference frames impressed within the subconscious mind and accessibility, generate the sense of contrasts towards thought connections and within the thought interaction process.
The guide operating within imbalanced creative energy requires sentient energy to fuel its creative intentions into creative expression or into formation within the reality sequence. Imbalanced thought/energy relies upon energy donation or collection. The severity for the necessity of energy donation and collection from the external influence is in relation to its vibrational position and associative thought realities. The ability to operate within imbalanced thought/energy remote influencing applications requires the ability of the guide to motion the vibrational rate of its energy body/field into a compatible position for the accessibility of the imbalanced energies. The movement of the energy body/field into vibrational compatibility is initiated from the conscious desire/decision and is further intensified within the aligned subconscious interpretation. The necessity to become energetically compatible with the energetic signals espoused from the conscious intention is achieved through the availability of associative thought connections within the compatible position which offer support and the opportunity for establishment. The sentient being which locates its seat of perspective into a low vibrational position, espousing imbalanced thought expressions, holds the ability through the free will choice to remove itself from the lower seat of perspective. The ability to remove the conscious mind from undesirable realty experiences is dependent upon the inter communication between the desire/decision of the conscious mind and the associative saturation of influences present within the vibrational position.
Non-sentient thought expressions or thought forms may operate within the role of the guide which holds multiple or different intentions in relation to the underlining purpose of a sentient being operating within imbalanced thought development. Thought forms require energetic vibrations for movement or animation within the reality sequence. The sentient thought connection to a thought form activates the imbalanced or artificial thought/intelligence within the thought form through the projection of sentient thought/light energy issued from the thought/focus of the sentient being onto the thought form. The underling purpose for artificial thought expressions to operate within the role of guides falls into the development of artificial thought within the self-perception of sentient beings. The desire/decision of the sentient being to experience and develop artificial thought/energy falls into the context of the avoidance and distraction of internal conflicts.
Artificial or non-sentient thought relies upon the thought/focus of sentient beings for development and its ability for associative influence within its accessibility to sentient energy. The avoidance and distraction towards internal conflicts are exampled within the thought/focus of the sentient being upon artificial thought development. The establishment of distraction and avoidance are presented due to the inability of artificial thought to properly resolve the originating source of internal conflicts within sentient beings. The inability of artificial thought to properly resolve the internal conflicts of sentient beings is exposed within its disconnection to sentient energy which governs its motion into sentient energy donation and collection. The influence of this activity can be observed within the sensory pathways of the sentient being as the sensation of drawing or draining. These sensations are expressed from the thought/intelligence of the lower energy body and sensed and interpreted through the conscious mind and expressed within the thought reaction to the artificial thought influence.
The ability of the lower self to hold awareness through the sensory pathways of the artificial thought remote influencing attempt involve its desire/decision to do so and its belief in the ability. The ability of the sentient being to detect artificial intelligence resides within its ability to access thought connections to high intelligence thought/energy frames expressed from the higher self perspective. The desire/decision of the conscious mind seated within a low vibrational position to connect to high vibrational thought expressions opens the mental sphere of the sentient being for access to higher vibrational reality expressions. The held desire/decision within the conscious mind, seated within a low vibrational position for its relocation into a higher vibrational position initiates the ascension process. This activity is fuelled into motion in relation to the degree of depth within the associative energetic impressions held within the belief system.
The attraction of guides into the reality sphere is governed by the self-perception which seats the perspective into a compatible vibrational location through the influence of the desire/decision of the thought/focus drawing the lower energy body into the vibrational location. The subconscious reality comprised of the held thought/belief impressions collected within the recording activities of the subconscious mind heavily influences the directive movement of the conscious mind through the vehicle of the self-perception. For the ability of the lower self to effectively attract high vibrational beings, operational as guides into the reality sphere, the subconscious mind must hold high intelligence thought/belief impressions for the formation of destination points within the awareness. This activity is required for the attraction of the lower energy body into a higher vibrational position. The initiating movement for the attraction and collection of high intelligence reference frames into the subconscious impression stage is fuelled within the conscious mind.
Guides are purposed for stage development within the conscious mind as the self-perception forms concepts and ideas and promotes continuation via the thought/focus. The energetic thought intention of the sentient conscious mind governs the attraction of energetic signatures espoused from the appearance of thought expressions operating as guides within the reality sphere. The lower self holds the ability to attract high intelligence thought expressions regardless of its ability to do so. The innate ability of the lower self for high intelligence thought attraction from within a low vibrational seat of perspective is supported from the energetic current of free thought and the free will intention for the removal of the reality experience. The ability of the lower self to attract guides operating within a high vibrational reality expression within the lower vibrational seat falls into the application for remote influencing the ascension process. The ability of the lower self to attract low vibrational thought expressions operating as guides while seated within a high vibrational position falls into the context for remote influencing the vibrational descent into lower frequencies within the human reality bandwidth. The ability of the lower self to perform within both oppositional movements of thought and intention flows within the underlining purpose of reality experiences and the associative lessons.
Within the ascension process access to low vibrational thought/energy expressions are available and are purposed for the free will choice for the refusal of the ascension process The proper current for self-thought development, sentient or artificial relies upon the ability of the lower self for the acceptance or the refusal of the ascension process. The inversion of the perspective is positioned within the higher vibrational seats of perspective and is presented as the acceptance or the refusal for its vibrational descent into the lower dimensions of thought/reality and separation. All movements of the energy body involve remote influencing which is motioned from the directive intention or the reactionary intention. The remote influencing application is involved with the attraction of low vibrational thought/energy expressions operating as guides from a high vibrational seat of perspective. The initial position for the attraction of low vibrational thought/energy guides is seated within the internal perspective of the lower self. This activity falls into the refusal of the ascension process as the thought/focus of the conscious mind has in portion turned away from the energetic movements within the ascension process.
The ability for the attraction of low vibrational thought/energy guides regardless of the vibrational seat of perspective involve the influence of the thought/focus of the conscious mind. The movement of the thought/focus of the conscious mind through the thought connection to different vibrational thought/energy co-ordinates is influenced from the internal perspective of the subconscious reality and from influences within the external reality affecting the self-perception. The ability of the lower self to remain within the energetic movement of the ascension process resides within its ability for remote influencing its continued movement within the ascension. The attraction of high vibrational beings operating as true guides within the movement of the lower energy body into a higher vibrational position is the observation of the lower self of its vibrational position and its continued energetic movement towards higher vibrational seats of perspective. The attraction of low vibrational thought/energy guides within the ascension process is the observation of the lower self of contrasts within the ascension process, which is reflective of its lower vibrational reality experiences and for the free will choice for vibrational descent.
The lower self holds the ability for remote influencing the ascension process into higher vibrational reality experiences for the self, the consensual reality and in turn the collective reality. This ability seated within the conscious mind requires its awareness for activation, which through the accessibility of the conscious mind for the awareness of its remote influencing ability, generates the movement of the lower energy body into directive motion. The desire/decision of the conscious mind for the simultaneous refusal of its current undesirable reality experiences and the acceptance for the attraction of desirable reality experiences into the reality sequence, initiates the attraction of high vibrational guides into the reality sequence. The effectiveness for the attraction of high vibrational thought/energy expressions operating as guides into manifestation within the mental sphere is conducted through the heart intelligence. The access of the lower self to the heart intelligence is accessed and developed from the internal perspective. The conscious mind within the internal perspective can motion the heart intelligence into the external perspective through the desire to experience heart intelligence reality expressions, which initiates the storage of the thought beliefs within the subconscious mind for presentation into the external reality.
The held desire/decision of the conscious mind enables its ability to remote influence its subconscious reality. Remote influencing for the attraction of high vibrational thought/energy guides into the reality sphere through effective remote influencing techniques will establish a high probability for manifestation. Proper remote influencing techniques involve the ability of the lower self to position its conscious mind into the theta state for the ability of thought connection or remote viewing high vibrational thought/energy guides. This ability is effectively achieved with an external vibrational energy pattern influencing the electrical brain wave cycle into the theta cycle of (7 to 4) cycles per second. Repetition within this activity establishes familiarity within the conscious mind which enhances the ability to attract and communicate with high vibrational thought/energy guides. The continued repetition of the position of the conscious mind within the theta mental state allows the conscious mind the ability to remain within the theta state while operating within the waking reality for the awareness of continuous remote viewing. This ability is achieved through the established bilocation of the conscious mind into the simultaneous awareness of the internal perspective and the external perspective. This activity held within high vibrational thought/energy intentions falls into the context of high intelligence intuition. The ability of the lower self to re-position its vibrational seat of perspective into the position of the interacting guide falls into the application of remote influencing. The effectiveness of this ability is achieved within the positioning of the conscious mind into the delta state of the unconscious mind.
This activity involves the positioning of the conscious mind within the electrical brain wave cycle of delta (4 to 1) cycles per second. The conscious mind positioned within the unconscious reality operates within the sense of unity and holds the ability for remote influencing within degrees of this perception. This is required for the ability to position its conscious mind into the perception of thought/reality expressions within its external reality. This ability allows the lower self to observe reality from the perspective of the high vibrational thought/energy guide, which establishes the metal landmark of the vibrational position of the guide, through the ability of the lower self to become the high vibrational thought/energy guide. This is the essence for remote influencing and effective thought development. The establishment of the mental landmark issued from the position of the conscious mind into the seat of perspective of the guide allows the lower self to return to this position and to move beyond the position within the continuation of the ascension process. Within the theta state for the remote viewing application the thought connection to high vibrational thought/energy guides can be observed within the sensory pathways into the mental sphere as the feeling of positivity, the sensation of lifting or weightlessness. These sensations are associated with the breaking through of the boundaries of the human body limiting the conscious mind.
The position of the conscious mind into the delta state of the unconscious mind allows the conscious mind the ability to experience reality from the perspective of the guide, which falls into the process of the enlightenment of the lower energy body from the influence of the perspective of the guide. The repetition of the conscious mind within the theta and delta positions allows the conscious mind to invoke its innate ability within the seat of power for the directive intention for a reality experience. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that activate the awareness of the conscious mind towards its innate seat of power are highly valuable for the attraction of high vibrational thought/energy guides for the ascension process.
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Remote Influencing Through The Delta Door