Remote Influencing And The Heart Intelligence

The ability of remote influencing from the heart intelligence, for the attraction of themes and scenarios within the physical plane, is dependent upon the state of coherence of the energetic subdivisions within the energy body. The energetic subdivisions of the energy body of the lower self are motioned into the intended focus for the physical plane functionality of the human body. The ability of the lower self to experience a reality within the human perspective is through the fuel source of the energy body of its higher self powering into animation the creational codes of an energy matrix within the human thought program. The thought/light focus of the higher self carries the energetic intention into the non-vibratory structure of an energy matrix, within a thought/energy consciousness field expressing creation. The energetic intention, generated through the thought/light focus of the higher self, powered into directive motion from the energy body, is projected into the non-vibrational energy structure of a creational matrix. The projection of thought/light onto the non-vibrational energy matrix is observed within the physical plane reality as a sensory effect of the projected light reflection. The position of observation for the physical plane reality experience is the state of awareness of the higher self within its bilocation of perspective through the perspective of the lower self. The sensory perception of the lower conscious is the effect of the vibrational position of the lower state of consciousness of the higher self within its exploration into a consciousness thought/energy field expressing the theme of separation.

The ability of the lower self for remote influencing its reality experience resides within the thought/light focus of the higher self. The energetic flow of the higher self into the formation of the lower state of self is motioned into manifestation and allowed continuation through the energetic support of the higher self. The ability of the higher self to hold a bilocation of awareness between its center seat of perspective and a secondary seat of perspective, displaced from the higher energy body into a differential energy movement, is though the energy pathway connecting to both seats of perspective.

The energetic flow from the thought/light focus of the higher self into the formed extension carries the thought/intelligence of the higher self into the lower state of awareness.

The energetic support from the thought/intelligence of the higher self into, the formation of the reality experience of the lower self, energetically supports its human housing. The intention of the higher self to energetically support the reality experience of the lower self, through the energizing/animation of the human housing/body, is to hold the lower awareness within the secondary center seat of perspective. The unification of the expansive creative flow of the higher self into a selection within the contractive energetic flow of creational expression, allows the lower seat of perspective to hold the perception of the human being. The perception of the human being from the lower perspective is observed and experienced, through the automation of the human reality experience, perceived from the influence from the lower seat of perspective.

The vibrational influence generated from the lower seat of perspective creates restrictions upon the perception of the lower conscious. The restrictions imposed upon the lower conscious, for its ability to hold the perception of its existence apart from the perception of its human existence, is the energetic effect of a state of existence within a low vibrational thought experience. The restricted perception is associative of the lower vibrational state of awareness to express the full sensory effect of the believable human reality. The ability of the lower self for the expansion of its restricted perception, enforced within its low vibrational seat of perspective, is through the energetic coherency of the lower energy body towards mental states of its higher self.

The energetic coherency between the lower energy body and the upper energy body is in relation to the state of coherency of the lower energy body. The degree of coherency within the energetic state of the lower energy body is in contrast to the constant reference point of the upper energy body. The contrast in the movements of the upper and lower energy bodies is detected within the subconscious awareness as the identification of internal conflicts. The subconscious awareness of internal conflicts is influenced for entry into the conscious reality of the lower self. The awareness of contrast within the coherency of energy patterns and movements within the upper and lower energy bodies is observed from the upper and lower seats of perspective.

The observation of the energetic contrasts between the upper and lower energy bodies is perceived in relation to the seat of perspective and associative perception. The lower vibrational position of the lower seat of perspective observes the subconscious awareness and the identification of internal conflicts in relation to its state of perception. The ability of the lower self to recognize the source of its internal conflicts, is within its ability to expand its perception outside the limited perception of the believable human reality. The ability of the lower self to hold the perception for the proper realization of the energetic source for its internal conflicts, through the expansion of its perception, resides within the lowering of contrasts between the upper and lower energy bodies.

The lowering of the sense of contrast from the perspective of the lower self towards its constant reference point of the higher self, involves the increase in the coherency of energetic patterns and movements within the lower energy body. The increase in the coherency of energy patterns and movements within the lower energy body is in relation to the vibrational positioning of the lower self. The vibrational positioning of the lower self directly influences the state of coherency of energetic patterns within the lower energy body and can be observed within the physical plane through the reactionary effect within the human body. The human body is designed to operate within degrees of coherency and un-coherency. The ability of the human body to exist within coherent and un-coherent states of energetic patterns, is for the purpose of the development of self-thought from the reality experience of the lower self.

The allowances of coherency and un-coherency represented within the human body, through the energetic influence of the lower energy body, coincide with the vibrational allowances of the human spectrum. States of energetic coherency, through the influence of the energy body seated within higher vibrational positions within the human spectrum, are observed within the human body as degrees of optimal health. The degrees of optimal health within the lower states of awareness involve, the coherency of energetic subdivisions within the lower energy body into a singularity of intention.

The states of energetic un-coherency, through the influence of the energy body seated within lower vibrational positions within the human spectrum, are observed within the human body as degrees of the state of disease. The degree of the state of disease within the lower state of awareness involves, the influence of un-coherent energetic subdivisions within the lower energy body, and the inability of the lower energy body to correct its energetic movement into un-coherency. States of energetic coherency and un-coherency, through the desire/decision to experience the influential states of existence, are formed and initiated into motion from the internal and external influences of the lower self.

The energetic support of the lower self and its human housing, from the thought/intelligence of the higher self through its energetic connection to its lower self, is within the expansive energy flow of the heart intelligence. The ability of the lower self to initiate the movements of its energy body into a state of energetic coherency is generated into motion from the focus and accessibility of the heart intelligence. The access of the heart intelligence and its employment into the lower reality sphere involves the conscious desire/decision of the lower self to experience reality from the seat of perspective of the heart intelligence. The thought/focus of the lower self for the desire/decision to experience a reality from a higher vibrational perspective initiates the opening of the heart portal to the higher self. The energetic flow of the high vibrational energies of the higher self, are seated within the perspective of the heart intelligence. The unawareness of the lower self towards the heart intelligence/energy of the higher self is through the low vibrational position of the seat of perspective of the lower self.

The influence of the subconscious conflict of the sense of separation becomes active within the physical plane, through the conscious focus allowing entry into the reality sphere. The degree of activation of the sense of urgency to resolve the subconscious sense of separation, through attempts within the physical plane, is within the movement of the conscious attempt for the resolvement of the subconscious sense of separation. The physical plane resolvement of the lower self for the subconscious sense of separation, is properly achieved through the correct position, for the initiation of the resolvement within the internal subconscious mental processes.

The subconscious application of remote influencing, presented into the reality sphere of the lower self, is the thought/light energy of the higher self, projecting through the subconscious impressions or mental images, reflected back into the reality sphere of the lower self. The conscious attempt of the lower self for remote influencing its reality, is governed by the state of the subconscious mind, and its influence of limiting factors upon the perception of the lower conscious. The subconscious mind is constantly remote influencing the conscious reality through the interconnection of thought between the conscious and subconscious states of mind.

The proper resolvement of the un-coherency of energy/intention between the conscious and subconscious realities involves the removal of energetic patterns within the subconscious belief system, generating interference or energetic un-coherency within the awareness of the lower self. The observation of themes and scenarios within the reality sphere of the lower self, is formed into manifestation within the conscious reality from the subconscious remote influencing application. The conscious control of the remote influencing ability from its automation within the subconscious reality, is achieved within the energetic movement into coherency through the influence of the heart intelligence. Energetic coherency within the lower energy body involves the flow of energetic coherency within the holding and distributing positions within the energy body.

The energetic coherency of the energy body of the lower self involves the subdivisions of energy, expressing and supporting the functionality of the energy body and the physical body. The physical and non-physical states of the lower energy body involve all aspects of the seat of perspective of the lower self. The differential aspects of awareness within the lower energy body involve, differential energy movements of intention to express select functionalities, within the support and ability for expression of the lower energy body.

The energetic subdivisions expressing and supporting the functions of the lower energy body entail the energetic coherency of the physical and non-physical states of the lower energy body.

The functionalities of support and expression motioned within the energy body include subdivisions within the physical body and subdivisions within the non-physical body. The energetic subdivisions within the physical body are expressed and supported from the non-physical energetic subdivisions, which remote influence the physical body through the non-physical position with the reality sequence. The subconscious remote influencing abilities are in turn influenced by the conscious reality through the conscious reactionary effect.

The state of energetic un-coherency within the lower energy body, through the inability of the lower self to become aware of its accessibility of its heart intelligence, is within its self-generated energetic barriers restricting the awareness of the heart portal within the mental sphere for the conscious application. The unawareness of the heart portal and the inability of the lower self, for the access of the heart intelligence, will influence the lower self to resolve its internal and external conflicts, without the intuitive guidance within the communication with the heart intelligence. The inability to access the heart intelligence, for powerful remote influencing abilities endowed through the position of the seat of perspective, is through the inability to position its seat within the expansive energetic flow of the heart intelligence. The increased effectiveness or the sense of power within the conscious application of remote influencing, from the intuitive guidance of the heart intelligence, is through the alignment of energetic subdivisions within the energy body. The alignment of energetic subdivisions within the lower energy body generates the dynamic motion of differential energies into a directive flow of a singular wave pattern. The coherent flow of energies into a directive motion to house and allow the movement of the thought/intention energy expression, is a powerful remote influencing force sensed by the conscious reality through the initial subconscious awareness.

The alignment or coherency of differential energy movements of expression into a directive focus, for the successful destination of the thought/intention, is a highly powerful position for remote influencing high vibrational thought/reality into the individual and consensual reality sphere. The conscious attempt for remote influencing thoughts and desires into the reality sphere, through the seat of perspective energetically positioned within an un-coherent energetic pattern, holds a low potential of effectiveness. The low potential of effectiveness is generated through the powerful overriding influence from the subconscious belief-system.

The ability of the conscious reality to override the subconscious remote influencing activities, limiting the effectiveness of the conscious remote influencing applications, involves the conscious participation within the mental field of the subconscious mind. The successful conscious control of the remote influencing application from the subconscious seat of control involves the movement of energies into coherency.

The successful conscious control of the remote influencing application, through the participation of the conscious mind within the impression/image stage of the subconscious belief-system involves, holding the conscious mind within the reality of the subconscious and unconscious states of mind. The remote influencing application holds the highest probability of success within, the released intention/desire of the conscious thought/energy focus into the unconscious state, positioned within the energy connection between the higher self and the lower self. The unconscious state of mind, from the perspective within the return flow or the lower self, is manifested into the conscious mind through the lowering of the human brain wave electrical cycle. The lowering of the human brain wave electrical cycle into the delta state allows, the conscious reality of the lower self to hold its perception of its conscious reality within its unconscious state of mind.

The ability of the lower self to hold the perception of its conscious reality within its unconscious state of mind, allows the lower self the opportunity for successfully remote influencing its reality. The remote influencing application motioned from the lower self through its, conscious control of its subconscious reality, while positioned within a low vibrational seat of perspective, holds a high probability of manifesting low vibrational thought realities into its reality sphere. The lower vibrational seat of perspective, is in reflection of the held interference patterns and movements within the subconscious impression/image stage of the belief-system. The conscious control of the subconscious reality of the lower self, seated within a low vibrational seat of reality, amplifies the subconscious influence. This is conducted through the generated movement into the conscious reality, through the magnetic force of the thought focus of the conscious intention, powerfully energized by its state of existence within the subconscious and unconscious states of mind.

The un-coherent state of the energy body is a simultaneous occurrence of the state of un-coherency through the energetic impressions within the subconscious belief-system. The un-coherency of energetic movements within the energy body powerfully attracts un-coherent energetic patterns/formations into the conscious reality sphere of the lower self. The amplification of un-coherent energetic patterns or distortions, within the subconscious belief-system into the conscious reality through the conscious initiation, is observed within the physical plane as the recoil effect. The amplification of energetic distortions within the subconscious mind into the conscious mind is through, the added fuel source of the conscious thought/energy focus of the lower self applied within the subconscious mind. The lower self who holds the desire/decision to consciously participate within its subconscious and unconscious states of mind, to initiate the movement of the thought/intention into the physical reality while holding un-coherent energetic patterns, holds a high probability of entry and continued participation within a negative thought/energy cycle.

The perception of the conscious control of the subconscious mind for the remote influencing application within the un-coherent flow of energy patterns, is devised for deception to hold the lower self within the perception of its conscious control. The inversion within the perception of the lower self towards its reality of its conscious control of its subconscious mind, is through its inability to detect the low vibrational thought/energy influence espoused from the subconscious mind. The inability of the lower self to become aware of energetic movements of negative thought/energy intention, from its subconscious processes, is through the low vibrational position of its energy body within the human spectrum.

The similarity in energetic rates between the lower energy body and the held negative thought/energy patterns within the subconscious mind, holds the conscious reality sphere within a low contrast effect for the ability of detection. Without the ability of the lower self to detect the low vibrational negative thought/energy intention, energetically active within the subconscious mind, creates the attachment of the low vibrational thought/energy intention into the conscious remote influencing application.

The un-coherent energetic patterns held within the energy body of the lower self, generate interference patterns or mental noise within the sensory pathways, energetically connected to the higher self energy channel. Held un-coherent energy patterns within the subconscious reality, generating mental noise within the sensory pathways, is the source of the inability of the lower self for effective communication with the higher self. The ability of the lower self to properly communicate with its higher self is through, the increase in clarity within the sensory pathways, energetically connected to the higher self energy channel. The increase in clarity towards mental noise within the sensory pathways is through, the removal of un-coherent energetic patterns within the impression stage of the belief-system generating the interference patterns. Held mental noise within the sensory/perception communication pathways affects the ability of the lower self, for the detection of interference patterns, influencing distortions within the perception of the lower self.

Held distortions within the perception, generating the inability of the lowers self to hold the proper conscious control of the subconscious reality for the successful remote influencing application, is in regards to the perspective of the higher self. The perspective of the higher self which is seated within the energetic current of the heart intelligence is, the contrast reference point or mental sensory landmark, for the movement of the proper energetic alignment of the lower energies into the upper energies. The desire/decision of the lower self to experience reality from the perspective of the higher self, seated within the heart intelligence, initiates the energetic movement of coherency within the lower energy body. The coherency of energetic patterns within the lower energy body, is a simultaneous occurrence of the re-positioning of the lower energy body, into a higher vibrational seat of perspective towards the higher self.

The higher vibrational seat of the lower self allows the increase of the energetic flow within the higher self energy channel. The increase in the inflow and return flow of the higher self energy channel, creates the ability of the lower self to access the high vibrational thought/energy of the higher self, seated within the energetic coherency of the heart intelligence. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that, guide the individual into a higher vibrational seat of perspective for the access of the heart intelligence, are highly valuable for the energetic movement into coherency within the lower energy body towards the perspective of the higher self.

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Remote Influencing Through The Delta Door

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