Remote Influencing And Judgement

   The relationship between remote influencing and the concept of judgement in regards toward vibrational ascent and descent, can be observed within the reflection of the optic world, as directive motion within the lower energy body.  The ability for judgement is seated within the return flow of the lower self/higher self energy channel. The ability and intention for judgement within the lower self are defined/refined through the energetic influences espoused from the emotional body from experience via the vibrational seat of perspective. The vibrational seat of perspective of the lower self, heavily remote influences the perception towards the external reality and in fold the internal reality.  The inter-communication of the higher self/lower self channel is greatly influenced by the voluntary/involuntary vibrational position or seat of the lower self. The vibrational seat of perspective of the lower self, actioned by the free will choice and reinforced through its level of ability for proper discernment, generates the movements of expansion and contraction of the energy sphere of the lower self mental/optic. The spectrum of energetic movement is heavily remote influenced by the lower self from its reaction towards external stimuli, which reinforces its movements of expansion and contraction. The ability of the lower self in relation to discernment is calculated within the reactionary sequence (Omega) and governs the responsive intention which completes the sequence within the reality feedback loop from the initial movement (Alpha). Judgement is initially reactionary by nature as a composite of contrast must become form to allow the free will opportunity for judgement. The continuation of motions of judgement towards the composite and its continual development can uproot the position of judgement within the reactive energy movements participant of the reality feedback loop. This falsifies the initial seat of the intention/action potential/position. The desire for contrast within the reality sphere of an awareness/consciousness, is the father of judgement, which is alpha/logos. The concept of judgement, a sum of the equation of discernment, is formed from the essence of desire for continuation and development of the lower self within the dualistic/optic reality for experience/data collection for the higher self. The thought/desire to employ the ability of judgement within the initial movement of the lower self is remote influenced by the sense/response from the movement of contraction, initiated by the lower self through its sense of focus. The sense of contraction of the lower self and its therefore reactionary energy contribution, manifests thought forms/artificial composite, which apparent of critical mind, can remote influence/concrete the improper position of judgement within the action instead of the reaction. The desire to hold the seat of judgement within the initial position becomes potentialized by the sense of the lower self towards the cause of contraction. The sensory computation of the cause of contraction as an external influence apart from the action/reaction involvement of the lower self, generates imbalance within the higher self/lower self energy/data channel as an inversion of the reactionary position/ process. The concept of judgement energetically supported within the victim/villain/hero trinity is rooted within the inverted position as the sense/experience of the lack of control of the directive action of the lower selves will/intention towards its present state of awareness. The reactionary sense of involuntary contraction of the lower energy body, common place through birth right of concept, conceived in the reactionary process. The ability of the lower self towards discernment of the present/presentation scenario is governed by its vibrational seat which through the belief of lack/loss of self power or control of the directive intention fuels potentialities for resolution. These potentialities manifest become colored by tendencies of familiar movements within the house of the vibrational spectrum. The inability of the lower self to resolve its perceived sense/movement of its awareness of involuntary contraction, fueled by its impressed sense of loss/lack of power, invokes inversion within the remedy.

    The ability of the lower self to remote influence the energetic root of judgement, seeded with the reactionary sequence, involves the higher self/lower self communication channel and its proper alignment/frequency. The lower self operating within a low vibrational seat of perspective espouses tendencies related to the concreteness of the physical plane, which in turn recycles/rewards the intention towards further development within the operational sphere of the lower self. The concept of judgement, held by the awareness within a lowly vibrational seat, invokes fear principles into the judgement concept which in turn fuels and propels the judgement activities of the lower self. The opportunity for future development of the concept of judgement is endowed to the lower self through the free will act/action. Within the human spectrum of livable seats of perspective/perception the lower self holds the ability to explore contrasts in the energy/thought connection. The ability of the lower self for consciously remote influencing its reality for proper resolution is impaired, projected from low vibrational seats. The position/positive/projection of the vibrational signature creates a mark or impression, which is reinforced with the concept of familiarity or continuation. The concept of familiarity espouses a sense of house through accepted contraction of the sphere of reality/awareness. This act is remote influenced by the positive or negative pole within the lower energy embodiment. The actions of expansion and contraction are continuous action/reactions of cause and effect influences within the reality sphere. Remote influencing the concept of judgement within a low vibrational seat of perspective involves the subconscious and or conscious root thought of fear, which through continuation develops into ideas/concepts in relation to the physical plane and the therefore heavy influence of materialism, an offspring of the influence of the concept of gravity.

    The thought form of the victim/villain/hero complex resides within the low vibrational thought processes invoked through the fear principle as its root is formed/enabled from the birth of the concept of separation which is governed from the serpentine/separate energies forming creation. The lower self operating within the lower vibrational points/positions of the human spectrum operates from an imbalance within the expansion/contraction processes as its ability for non egoic sphere expansion is impaired by energetic distortions within the higher self/lower self communication channel.  The conscious/unconscious remote influencing activities of the lower self for forced contraction involves its own remote viewing/influencing by products, generated by thought/energy interactions or entanglement with entities within the physical plane.  The lower selves’ reaction and continuous reactions governs through its continuous remote influencing/observation of the manifested scenarios its resolution/dissolution attempts. The inability of the lower self to empower conscious expansion of its sphere of awareness, through proper connection/frequency to the higher intelligence body/soul creates a void for this opportunity of proper connection.  The continuous desire/intention of the lower self for conscious expansion of its sphere of awareness invokes the negative energies of the ego to fuel the expansion attempt. The invocation of the ego energies for sphere expansion is an improper attempt for resolution/dissolution of the inability of the lower self for sphere expansion through the proper channels of the higher self communion. The inability of the lower self to invoke the expansion of its reality sphere through the ego/will roots the victim consciousness which through the vehicle of dualistic natures and its generated thought forms generates the manifestation of the villain, dualistic/reflective of the void created by the failed attempt of sphere expansion through the egoic directive.

   The failed egoic attempt by the lower self for sphere expansion holds the void/portal open which generates the dualistic response of the villain. The villain is designated to this office as the failed egoic attempt by the lower self can be observed as self heroism vs. self villainism. The lower self operating within the confines of low vibrational thought/energy processes replaces the higher self energy connection (positive pole) with the egoic connection (negative pole). The egoic connection espoused from the negative pole (Omega) relies on the positive pole (Alpha) for energy connection. The lower self operating within this egoic nature becomes a receiver of energies which are constitutional in its seat of perspective/perception and generate dualistic themes born from the sense of need of an external power source/battery sourced from the physical plane or internally as an occult directive. The ability of the lower self to fuel its thought processes from higher intelligence fields is perceptually lost from impairment of energetic distortions within the lower energy body generating cloudiness of thought/perception. The unresolved attempts of the lower self to remedy the after-effects/affects of the involuntary sense of contraction, generates/forms an outside entity exclusive of the victim/villain pole.

   This act forms a triad/triangle form of thought/focus for channel between participating entities. The third entity which forms the low vibrational trinity, is the hero complex. The hero complex is the God complex held to formation by the lower self operating within a low vibrational thought pattern, enabled/influenced from its low vibrational seat within the human thought spectrum.  The God complex or Holy Trinity are channels for movement/logos, which is vulnerable to the sense of contrast of completeness from stillness, its origin. The inability of the lower self to prevent through resolution the sense of incompleteness, through its ideology of lack/loss of power and its continued desire/intention for resolution calls forth the formation of the hero. The Perception of the lack/loss of power sensed by the lower self is perceived/formatted through its energetic signature and the energetic residues/impressions of its movements within its perceived reality. Thoughts formed from low vibrational positions espousing low vibrational signals/messages preform ideas of the God complex as apart/separate from the sense of origin/point of the lower self. Within this scope of perception, a traverse of low vibrational thought patterns/forms govern the remote influencing capabilities of the subconscious mind. This act which in turn, through the continuum of thought via interactions within the reality feedback loop. This act forms a sense of concreteness, which through the cause/effect principle, impress/mark the subconscious perimeter. This is the birth and right of belief. The vibrational spin/spiral of the higher self espouses/expresses its signature from point into existence. The manifestation of the lower self is formed from the co-creational abilities of the higher self from its thought/desire for contrast experience. The ability of the higher self to form the lower self through the donation of energy/focus is the birthright of the free will act/action. The formation of the lower self manifest onto the physical plane for the development of the free will principle, through the spectrum/theatre of human characteristics, can be observed and further computed on the physical plane as the fall of man. The fall of man is induced through the first act of free will which in idea of stillness is neutral but within channels of influence form a triad of positive/neutral/negative which cords the non-physical world to the physical world as entry to the non-physical world from the physical world is appreciated as a free will choice within the physical plane, but its arrival of destination removes it from the physical plane. This subconscious/conscious act of free will can be observed upon the physical plane as the perception of human death. The thought/intention of/for free will formatted into reality births the thought/concept of impurity within the reality sphere, which births its twin, dualism from the negative pole perspective/reflection as the platform for both expression and continuum must be available for purpose of free will choice.

   The sense of familiarity is contractive by nature as it holds the perception within tones of repetition, which are limiting in relation to the choice of movement. The sense of familiarity or constant within the reality sphere forms a mental house which can be observed by the lower self through the positive pole or negative pole, this act is endowed within the free will choice. A sense of constant/familiar is generated within the repetition of scenario which can hold sum to the likeness of home, which in seek of an origin can hold sum to the likeness of earth nature/mother. Within the human characteristics a continued sense of familiarity from a low vibrational seat of perspective can object/subject the sense of home/earth into a category for calculation and summation. The propellant desire for development of the sense of familiarity/home generates the need for summation of origin for purpose of calculation. The thought/energy processes espoused within a low vibrational seat of perspective hold by nature impurities or interference patterns which obscure the higher self portal and therefore a proper connection. The sense of familiarity/home espoused from a high vibrational seat of perspective compasses the lower awareness into the higher self channel and therefore its proper connection. The Communion of state of communication of the lower self unto the higher self can be observed within the physical plane as The Ascension of The Lower Self or The First Right of Ascension.

   The thought/desire of the lower self, formed within the reaction for constriction of will/influence of external stimuli, invests the fear reaction into the action through the coax of familiarity/impressions and therefore the consequence of belief. The desire of the lower self for continuum of the constriction of external stimuli and its sensory computation of perceived conscious resolution establishes the fear pole of the victim/villain.  The fear pole impressed within the subconscious mind of the lower self can be sourced within the after effect/affect or compliment which originates within the essence of the will/desire for multiplicity or Genesis. Its guise becomes inverted within the low vibrational positions influencing the perspective and consequence of perception and through its growth within misalignment, its sibling perversion is born. The fear reaction pole within the psyche of the lower self can be recognized as the inversion/perversion of the higher self/lower self pole, as its energetic misalignment from the proper alignment of the higher/lower energies fields, generates the optic effect. The optic effect made manifest, from the subconscious signal conveyed through the Proper/Holy Communion or The First Right of Communion.  The lower the vibrational position of the lower self, within the human spectrum, the greater the severity/separation of the perspective/perception which through the constant, generates greater severities of inversion/perversion of the optic effects/affects within the reality sphere.

   The will/desire of the high self, transmitted through reception into the subconscious/conscious mind, organizes scenarios within the conscious mind of the lower self via the subconscious mind to be conveyed/observed for initial intention of reaction purposed for the potential of sub intentions/pathways remote influenced from the observation/reaction.  This activity is endowed by the free will choice, for the potentiality of fulfilment of the belief system. The sense of the initial intention perceived from external stimuli for purpose of continuation, can be observed within the physical plane as the inversion of the intention. The true intention becomes continuum, through impressed familiarity of reaction espoused from the subconscious/conscious mind of the lower self. The remote influencing intentions of the external reality towards the lower self for purpose of continuum of low vibrational reaction development, can be recognized as improper thought resolution attempts for the purpose of potentialities for thought/desire for correction of alignment. The thought/desire of the lower self for the purpose/vehicle of judgement can be observed within the physical plane as the observation of scenarios birthed from the inversion/perversion of the higher self/lower self pole. The misalignment generates tones of separation/division within the sub-optic/optic reality sphere. This is the essence of the concept of destruction into eminent potentials and its reflection/ghost of manifestation (CAIN). The energies expressed from the proper alignment of the upper and lower energies can be sensed/observed as unity/multiplicity. The energies espoused from the higher self/lower self house/church can be observed within the physical reality as constructive in will/intent (ABLE). 

   The hero character is formed by the energetic imbalances within the victim/villain pole as a subconscious desire for resolution from the misalignment, creating interference patterns within the higher self/lower self communion.  The employment of the hero character is a resolution attempt for the sense of involuntary contraction. These sequential signals promote continuation of scenarios for further involvement of the lower self within the avenues of potentialities available within the hero complex. The formation of the inverted trinity of the victim/villain/hero trinity, is birthed from the energies of separation through the vehicle of division, as the hero is perceptually placed outside(without) the victim/villain pole.  The victim/villain pole is reflected onto the subconscious/conscious mind as an internal struggle played out from one or both sides (by-product of duality). The desire/intention of the victim for resolution/remedy of the sense of contraction, invoked from the participation in the victim consciousness through the hero complex, is formed/assigned from the energetic imbalances created from the misplacement (differential in frequency) of the lower energy body and its further developments (victim/villain). The severe/severed thought patterns participant in the lower energy body seated within a low vibrational seat of reality births the conception of the hero complex through the inverted/perverted perception of multiplicity. The victim/villain/hero trinity can be observed as the inversion/perversion of Holy Trinity. Within the energies espoused/expressed from the Holy Trinity are the intentions for multiplicity for resultant union (Holy/whole) Communion.

   In relation to judgement, the remote influencing activities of the lower self operating within a continued low frequency pattern/sequence, will become familiar/reliant upon the hero complex for continuation for the potentials of resolution/dissolution.  The victimhood consciousness is conjured/upset (sat/Saturn) from the energies/intelligences of drama/dragon/serpent (over earth).  The energies of the (Holy/Whole) Trinity in multiplicity with union becomes movements of separation within the low vibrational/frequency position of the lower energy body. The low vibrational rate of the lower energy body in contrast to its higher vibrational/frequency stations generates the sensory perceptual effect/affect within the lower conscious as the sense of separation. The sense of separation experienced from the lower self is congruent to its formed perception attuning from its low frequency signaling. Belief systems attuned to the sense of separation, through degrees of familiarity by continuum, reference the victim/villain pole from the subconscious impression. This act/action can be observed within the physical plane as the conscious reflection/reaction of the energetically/emotionally marked inversion of the victim/villain pole housed within the subconscious mind field or frequency location/station.

   Remote influencing judgement through the associative themed resolution attempts generates through the propellant desire/emotion by will/movement of thought, the downward motion of the existence/awareness spiral. This act/action can be observed within the human reality sphere as the descension of the spirit/ghost and its associative colors and themes.  The associative vibrational/frequency station conjuring the perception via the perspective is in relation to the allowances housed within the human spectrum or frequency allowance/requirement. The remote influencing ability of the lower self to ascend/descend via vibrational seats of perspective (contrast of frequency|) within the human spectrum is endowed through the free will allowance. The innate remote influencing abilities of the lower self are purposed for continuation and development within the human reality sphere/designated.  The ability of the lower self to ascend/descend outside the allowances of frequency determined by the human spectrum involves the ability of the lower energy reflective/ghost to remote influence the ego for movement outside the perception of the human frequency range. This act/action can be observed upon the physical plane in relation to the ego ascending in frequency as the ascension of the lower self towards the higher self or First Right Of Ascension. The contrast of ego and human as frequency parameters must be established to avoid perceived human death to establish the ascension.  This act/action in relation to the ego descending in frequency can be observed upon the physical plane as descension of the lower self until severities of contrast in frequency created separation of signal from the higher self communication channel/communion or Damnation (damming of the lower energy from higher frequency movement). Ascension and Damnation are innate rights endowed to the lower self by the free will spirit or Elohim. Perceived hell within the human spectrum of the lower self involves maximum severity within the higher self communication channel. Within the nature/path of the force/principle of the maximum severity, the sense of separation or loss of connection is generated for manifestation. The greater the severities in contrast within the will/intent of the higher self/lower self communication channel the lesser the ability of the lower self for remote influencing its reality sphere for purposed self generation of energy/ power. The self generation of energy/power is fueled from the higher self (transmitter/alpha) and is dependent upon the ability/capability of the lower self (receiver/omega).

   The ability/capability of the lower self for access to its higher intelligence thought/energy fields is dependent upon receivership not transmission. The severities expressed within the involvement of victim/villain pole generate the desire/intent for the resolution/dissolution of the entanglement, the inability of the lower self to perform the removal, invokes the hero complex. The invocation of the hero complex by the lower self is an inversion/perversion of the invocation of the higher soul (higher self) and is attuned to the low/weak frequency of the position/station of the lower self generating the damming of the transmission through the damming of the receiver.  Continuation and development within the victim/villain/hero trinity and its associative shifts in perspectives seats of the trinity, heavily impairs the ability of the lower self for proper resolution/remedy through receivership of the higher intelligent transmission. The marking of impressions from the experiences within the inversion/perversion, power the negative energy/thought into its natural action of contraction. The inability of the lower self to recognize the involuntary action of its sphere contraction as an inversion/perversion/reflection of its subconscious signaling for the experience. Access to the higher communication channel regarding the intelligences available, through the higher self communion/communication channel, reveals the activities of the reality feedback loop.

   The remote influencing abilities of the lower self for transference between seats of the victim/villain/hero trinity is within the allowance of the free will/intent of the lower awareness for the continuation of development for resultant experience within the distorted perception. The sum of resultant experience becomes a calculation within the propellant of the thought/desire for proper resolution/dissolution of the sense of involuntary contraction of the reality sphere.  The ability of the lower self to ascend victimhood, must be resolved through the attributes of the higher self. The remote influencing activities of the lower self, subconscious/conscious, stationed within the vibrational position that has invoked/manifested the victim consciousness must be observed from a higher perspective for the perception/ego to transcend the contractive state of victimhood.

   The ability of the lower self to remote influence the higher self, for the potential/opportunity for resolution/dissolution, resides in the version (initial transmitter).  The version, thought/focus for the intent/will for the manifestation of reality (optic/sensory) requires the mirroring/reflection of the version for the act of observation of the observer. The observation establishes the status of the observer, within the perspective of the reality inversion the observation generates the attraction of the observer for the act of becoming the observed or validating status.  The inversion (initial receiver) through its nature for receipt, for housing and utilization of data/intelligence, generates a low vibrational energetic pattern (thought/wave) which through its contractive movements (omega) contrasts/opposes the expansive movements (alpha) of the initial transmission. This act/activity forms the reality feedback loop assigned to all participant to the human frequency spectrum.  A low vibrational/frequency thought/pattern is an innate neutral activity without thought/energy focus of sentient beings the thought pattern is occult.  The thought/focus of sentient energy illuminates/manifests the negative pole which generates the mirroring effect/affect which in turn generates the shadow/man. The continuum of the observation of the concept of the shadow/ghost reflection/observation or awareness of optic sensory reality generates through marked impressions within the subconscious belief system through involuntary movements of contraction of the emotional body, the artificial representation/manifestation of the shadow/man. 

   The double lens/doubled eye (duality) must be resolved/dissolved of impairment, espoused from impurities infecting the conscious mind via the subconscious mind for clarity/discernment. When the light/beam from the pupil is pure (without impurity), the reflection of reality will be observed without impurity (Diamond eyes). This act/action allows the lower self the opportunity to observe the sensory optic reality (physical plane) within the cross flow (stillness point) of the upper and lower energies current of creation (double helix).

   The lower self may find prejudice of opportunity within the return flow/reaction as impurities/improper sequence hold attraction for reactive seats for representation/presentation of perspective.

   The desire for the lower self to transcend/ascend the sense of involuntary contraction of ultimately the thought/will/intent, comes forth from the perception of victimhood, as its value is appreciated as a noted contrast of self power generation from the proper connection to the higher self.  The awareness/sensory computation of the contrast allows for the desire via the void created from want of replacement, to fuel the emotional body into a contrast of movement for contrast of awareness. This act/action replaces the seat of awareness of the lower awareness into the positive pole (version/flow) from the negative pole (inversion/return flow).  The remote influencing activities of the higher self onto the lower self are governed by the reaction/signal generated from the participation of the lower awareness within the human spectrum, which is calculated for continuation/experience/evolution.

   The improper remote influencing/resolution attempt, initiated from the initial accusation/first movement of the accuser or inverted Logos or Satanism, encourages the appearance of the hero. The Hero remains a potential/void until its evocation, its space in the potential/void is initially purposed for the version as it fuels and props it into reality. The role of the hero comes forth from non-validation/invalidation of the identity of the judge character, through its inability to satisfy/remedy the conflict or interference patterns/signal conducted through the victim/villain pole and sensed/observed from all participants’ viewpoints/seats of perspective. The placement of the hero in the potential/void is the potential for inversion of the originating potential to which its desire for potentiality fueled the expansion of purpose which created the place/position for the opportunity. The desire for the opportunity for the potential comes forth from the first movement /Logos and can be attuned to the GOD Head/Holy Trinity, which through the optic inversion remote influenced from the improper position/placement of the lower perspective, can be sensed/observed as the concept of judgement and its sibling of continued traverse through misaligned pathways as the concept of heroism.

   The ability of the lower self for transcendence/ascension from low vibrational reality scenarios is governed by its ability to observe the inversion/reflection in its innate neutral setting awaiting light/focus (current) for animation. The inability to resolve/dissolve the inversion as a misplacement/mistake generates within the perception (perversion) the need(fear) for validation/identity for its misalignment which through continuation of need (fear) the mental compass becomes artificially recalibrated/improper placement which resultant sum leads to perversions in materialism, or the inversion becomes the version.  The lower self seated within the energetic imbalance of the victim consciousness conflicts the return flow of its reality generating the sensation of restriction through tension. Manifestations of characters animated in the return flow of the reality feed back loop are perceived within the perceptual inversion, expressed from the active movement/flow or innocence/unity or Christos, rather than its precise location within the reactive movement/return flow or accuser/separation or Satan/Saturn. The receivership of reflective/reactive intelligence from its reality/thought forms generates the impression within the subconscious of the lower awareness, which through the desire for continuation becomes the force for impression/dent/identification within the belief system.

    The receivership of reflective intelligence and its consequence of cause and effect through belief in the reaction as the action (perversion of inversion) through its generated illusion is the essence/origin of the accuser/Satan. Reflective/reactive intelligence fuels the lower self into compartments of reflective/reactive thinking processes. The familiarity of reflective thought/intelligence and its observation of cause and effect/affect of insolvability, fuel the energetic inversion of characteristics of perversion within the perception, the essence/origin of the victim. The concept of judgement and its associative scenarios are governed by the vibrational seat of perspective of the lower self. Remote influencing abilities become co-ordinate (artificial) within the position of thought and influence the perception. The concept of judgement becomes animated through the desire/intent of the lower self, which through its conscious/subconscious failed resolution/dissolution attempts fuel its manifestations processes into the physical realities, stained from the low vibrational influence held within the perspective/ perception. The lower self participating within the concept/act of judgement from a low frequency station (receiver) holds within the perception an imbalance inversion/perversion of the concept of contraction within its sphere of awareness. The remote influencing signal espoused/expressed from the low frequency station (presentation of reception) holds the sense of force/resistance over the perception fueling attributes of animation into the reality sphere of the lower awareness. The desire/intent fueled from the sense/belief of inability for resolution of its state of contraction, heavily remote influences the perception into correction attempts viable within the victim/villain/hero trinity. The identification/mark of victimhood within the lower awareness can be perceived as an external event and openly encouraged by the sense espoused from the concreteness of the physical reality as outside/without the perceived position of the awareness of the lower self.

   The sense of external events, contributing to victimhood within the participation of the physical reality, coincide with the thought attributes involved/associated with participation within a low vibrational seat of perspective. The vibrational seat of perspective of the lower awareness heavily remote influences the perception into marked impressions within the belief system. This activity is performed through the thought/energy within the awareness concentrating/focusing upon the negative experience. The depth of the impression is in relation to emotional energy and period of focus which is attributed to the will/desire, the focus of thought/energy creates a holding pattern to which the sub-action of repetition (sum of focus/desire) generates the thought/energy into directive energy(focus) for sum of pressure (sense of voluntary sense of contraction) into force for resultant mark/dent. To initiate this act/action is for purposed identification.  The interaction of light/dark energy is a requirement for data input/code of the human awareness for the perception of the lower self and is purposed for the continuation and development of attributions within perception of the input of new data.

   The innate act of remote influencing judgement, govern by the influence of the sense of familiarity of automation, attuned to its low capabilities for proper discernment, manifests the inverted logic of the concept of separation. This in turn, through the influence of the continuation of participation, fueled through the desire, creates the first act/movement within the victim/villain/hero trinity, the sense of separation. The impression/belief held within the perception of the viable/logical sense of separation governs the perception into the first act into the mental state of victimhood as an external event. This act/action of the lower self, with its perceived security of belief, manifests into the reality, the villain. The first judgement/participant within the victim/villain/hero trinity becomes the accuser (initial movement). The appearance of this observation remains logical within the inverted beliefs circulating within the perception of the lower self, contributing to the further establishment within the belief system.  The inability of the lower self to utilize its proper discernment capabilities, allows and encourages the further establishment of the falsification of the accuser as the first act/movement within the victim/villain/hero trinity. The continuation of thought interactions/scenarios within the low vibrational trinity, become highly probable as the remote influencing attempts towards the resolution from the impressed sense of victimhood.

   The first act/movement of insolvency from victimhood of the lower self is impressed/allowed. The identification/impression of the concept of the self as apart/separate from its ideology of origin allows/remote influences vulnerabilities (lack/loss of ability)  within the lower energy body, which through lack/loss of power from the higher self channel, weakens the energy body into transference of energies, for the allowance of energy retrieval, which compromises the purity of the energy body, creating the containment of impurities collected from the perceived external reality within the energy body. The sense/perception of the need for retrieval of external energy, is the manifestation of energy transference impairment within the higher self/lower self channel. The though/focus of the lower self upon this belief and its consequence focus of thought upon the energy source, creates the impurities within the perceived external energy source. Within the impurities of thought, through its own active concept of impurity, remote influences probabilities/possibilities of influences of manifestations of impurities within the impression field of the lower awareness.  The influences espoused from manifestations of thought/energy impurities heavily, through the avenue of desire/will, channel manifestations of impurity into the physical reality with formed directive thought/energy toward the lower awareness.  The sense of attraction/magnetism of impurities of thought/energy intended/directed onto the lower self are allowed and encouraged, for the purpose of probable further continuation/participation of the lower self within the victim/villain/hero trinity.

   The thought/desire of the lower self to identify/mark within its perception the signatory influence of the victim consciousness is generated from the inversion held within the conscious mind of the lower self and is espoused/motioned from its subconscious mind. The sense of identification/marked is initiated from the energetic mental impression within the elusive fabric of the subconscious mind.  The heavy influence of inversions computed as versions within the perception, propel the lower movements into pathways of misalignment promoting propaganda of the origin of the sense/mark of victimhood. The lower self housed within the victim consciousness subconsciously and or consciously remote influences further scenarios for development/continuation, through the reinforcement of the sense of believable reality espoused from the reality feedback loop.  The reinforcement/concreteness of the belief system registered/accepted from the critical/beta mind can be observed from the energetic/creational principle as a state of sphere contraction. The concept of judgement, within low vibrational seats of perspective fathers the negative remote influences into the creation of the concept/awareness of the victim.  The concept of the victim and the desire for proper resolution/dissolution is impaired through concealment within the optic energetic inverted perception of the Holy/Whole Trinity, which through the inverted logic becomes the Serpentine/Separate Trinity.

   The concept of Drama unfolds from the illusionary influence as improper resolution attempts towards the sense/emotion of victimhood.  The sense of origin generated from the influence of judgement, expressed from the Serpentine/Separate Trinity gives concept into precept of origins outside the sense of self/body of the lower awareness. The concept/precept of the origin of the cause of the effect/affect of the sense of victimhood creates the genesis of the villain.  The sense/awareness of the lower self as the cause of the sense of its entry into the victim consciousness, generated and influenced from outside its sense of self/boundaries is energetically remote influenced from its identification within the belief system operative with the recesses of the subconscious mind/veil. The belief and further promotion of the sense of origin of the cause of victimhood reinforces/establishes the identity of the manifestation of the victim.  The thought/desire of the lower self for opportunities of proper resolution from victimhood and its governor judgement, are further concealed/impaired from the remote influencing properties espoused from the energization and promotion of the manifestation of the villain.

The continuation of development within the reality sphere of the lower self towards resolution/dissolution of the sense of victimization through the disappearance/removal of the villain and its influence from its awareness acts as a propellant, by its ineffectiveness, to motion/direct the energy spiral/spin/signature of the lower awareness into a downward motion of lowering of frequency and ability of proper discernment from access to higher intelligence. This act is activated through the held belief of the influence of the pulse/impulse of the Serpentine logic for propaganda of Drama.  The inability of the lower self for proper resolution of victimhood through the heavy influence/attraction expressed from the manifestation of the villain reveals the third degree/seat of Drama, The Hero. The evocation/attraction of the hero complex into the Serpentine/separate logic, is generated from the sense of separation observed from the influenced low vibrational seat of perspective. The act/action of evocation/attraction of the hero identity can be observed within the subconscious/conscious as reactionary manifestations/optics of characters of improper resolution/dissolution attempts from the energetic inversion/perversion of the concept of judgement. The impairment of the lower self for proper resolution/dissolution of the sense of victimization is remote influenced through its sense/position/state of contraction of its sphere of awareness, which though its frequency transmitter/receiver (accuser/projector) espouses the sense of incapability or helplessness. The sense of helplessness experienced by the lower self can be sourced from the sensory effects/affects of the inability to repel/withdraw its sense of origin/intent of its state of sphere contraction. The continuation/development of the sense of helplessness generated from the lower self fuels the pulse/impulse of the sense of separation and its continuum, the sense/concept of fear.

   The attraction/evocation of the manifestation of the hero complex, operating within the low vibrational “Theatre of Drama” espouses the want/concept of punishment, as a proper resolution attempt for the removal of the sense of victimization expressed from the lower self operating within the identity of the victim.  The inability/impairment of the lower awareness for recognition of its energetic placement or energy/frequency station within the energetic inversion of the Drama Trinity, disallows in perception its free will choice resolution/dissolution of the sense of victimhood, through its vibrational ascension into a higher seat of perspective. The continuation and development of the lower self towards resolution attempts for the sense of disillusion from victimhood, without the availability of proper choice for resolution, comes forth through its sensory disposition of its concept of without and its therefore consequential belief embedded within the memory, signaling remote influencing activities into action.  The concept of without reveals the sense/percept of the lower self as the origin of cause for its sensory effects/affects as outside/without its sense of body/boundaries, which in its current form can be expressed as outside/without, which generates the sense of outside/without control of directive and power source. This act/action can be observed within the physical plane as the manifestation of the impairment of ability of the lower self for proper self power generation, obtained through the proper connection to the higher self channel/station.

   The interchangeable roles of the low frequency broadcast of the for victim/villain/hero trinity are purposed for seat of perspective development for summation of want/desire for continuation or discontinuation.  The thought/desire of the victim to visit/revisit the seats of perspective of the hero and villain complexes involves the subconscious remote influencing signaling from the higher self for movement of the lower self within the seats of perspective of the trinity as forethought for impose of corrections through the awareness/observation of incorrectness/misalignment, within the attributes for proper resolution espoused from the low vibrational influence of the victim consciousness. 

   The concept/role of judgement observed/influenced from the perceptual contrast of the seats of perspective of the victim and villain,  are valuable development tools for the lower self towards the potential of proper resolution/dissolution of the victim consciousness and its originating concept judgement.

   The ability of the lower self to properly resolve/remove the identity/impression of the victim consciousness, involves its ability to energetically attract/connect to the higher self channel. The thought/desire of the lower self for proper resolution/dissolution of the victim impression/mark initiates/manifests into the reality sphere potentials/opportunities for vibrational ascension of the lower energy body towards the higher vibrational seat of perspective of the higher self. The conscious/awareness of the potential/belief of dual/twin bodies within the potential/belief of One/Separate as the same identity within a contrast through the concealment of the identification for the opportunity for split/omni awareness from differential seats of perspective is the origin of thought/movement or current and can be identified as LOGOS/ELOHIM. This act/action of thought/movement of the logos can be observed  within the human optic reality as the concept and manifestation of duality or the observation/belief in an outside/without reality held, continued within the awareness/consciousness of the human reality of the lower self. The ability of the lower self for remote influencing its higher self for access to higher intelligent thought fields/stations exposes the lower energy body to thoughts/ideas from the higher seat of perspective for purposed contrast of low vibrational concept/impressions of judgement.

   The concept of judgement held/observed within high vibrational seats of perspective espouses a high/positive frequency as per participant of manifestation and holds severe contrast for reference for the choices expressing proper choice/resolution from the victim identity held/observed by the lower seat of perspective. The ability of the lower self to remote view/remote influence its thought/desire into proper resolution/dissolution attempts involves transference of the awareness/ego into The Theta Portal/Station and The Delta Portal/Station. The activity of the conscious within these mental stations, the membrane/contrast of frequency becomes translucent towards the state of dissolution. Within tis seat of perspective the lower self holds the highest potential/morphic field for remote influencing high vibrational/intelligent thought/desires towards the lower body for enactment of the proper resolution/dissolution of the mental state of the victim consciousness towards a higher intelligent perspective of the concept of judgement through The Communion of the Higher Self.