Remote Influencing And The Sleeping Human

Remote Influencing And The Sleeping Human

The process of remote influencing within the cycle of the sleeping human holds the potential, through the conscious control of the subconscious mind, to powerfully manifest thoughts and desires into the reality experience. Conscious participation within the subconscious mental states, positioned within the impression stage of the belief system, generates a directive motion of the intention within the belief system for its movement within the manifestation cycle. The ability to consciously participate within the impression stage of the belief system allows the creational light of the higher self to project the impressions, which are observed through the mental senses into the reality of the lower self, through the reflection of light upon the non-vibratory structure of an intelligence matrix of creation. The act of co-creation which has formed the lower self for the accessibility of the higher self into a lower vibrational thought reality experience is necessary to establish, the sense of existence within a observable dimension separated from the self-awareness. The act of co-creation for a desired reality experience, within a sensory creation of the higher self involves a thought intelligence structure. This is required for the availability of creational codes for the opportunity to energize into an animated reality experience, through the high vibrational light of the higher self, activating the creational codes upon entry and continued participation within a creational consciousness field. The energizing of creational codes for the animated reality experience is conducted through the thought focus of the higher self within its selection of intention process and the continuation of its support of the lower self through its sub-creator role within the reality experience of the lower self. The creational codes allow a degree of plasticity within the physical plane, to flow within the ability of the self-aware vibratory conscious, for free thought and the freedom of vibrational movement through the free will choice.

The subconscious automation of the projected reality experience from the high vibrational thought/focus of the higher self, is necessary for the lower conscious to focus upon its external reality and participate within the reality experience through a restricted awareness. The ability of the lower self to focus upon the external reality while energetically supported into existence from the higher self, allows the thought development of the lower self through its thought interactions with its external environment. The reality experiences of the lower self, are registered within the subconscious activities of the internal processes of the lower conscious and into the intelligence field of the higher self.

Within the human reality experience the higher self recalibrates its projected thought experience for the lower conscious, through the subconscious remote influencing applications of the lower self. The subconscious recording through the observer role, energetically initiated from the higher self of the experiences of the lower conscious, is discerned within the upper energies of the higher self.

The discernment involves alterations within the thought reality experience of the lower conscious while the lower conscious reality is unaware within its human sleep cycle. The subconscious remote influencing of the lower self of the perceived reality of, the mental states of consciousness and unconsciousness through the waking human the sleeping human cycle, is initiated and conducted within the human sleep cycle. The discernment of the movements of the lower conscious through its thought interactions and reactions, which influence its decisions recorded within the waking reality, is interpreted for necessary alterations within the presented themes and situations of the next day reality, to coincide with the decisions, beliefs and desires of intention of the lower self. The co-ordinational effect of the human thought reality is represented within the physical plane as humanity and is produced from the multitude of thought/light individualizations within a consciousness being, experiencing a collective reality within an interacting consciousness field.

The co-ordinational effect is achieved within the physical reality through the crossing of energy currents of an energy matrix which allows vibrational pathways for sensory communication between the thought/light individualizations within the collective consciousness being. The ability of the collective consciousness being to evolve its thought processes is through the accessibility of communication between the light/thought individualizations. The accessibility of communication simultaneously develops the individualization and the collective being through the collected and recorded data of the individual experiences.

The believable reality of the human life is established within the co-ordinational effect and requires the self-aware vibratory consciousness, to operate within compatible rates in order for the sensory/perception of the lower awareness to hold the impression, within the belief system of the believable human reality.

Without the ability of the lower conscious to hold the perception of its self as a human being the lower self will not generate depth of impression within the subconscious belief system. The ability to generate depth of impression through the energetic plasticity of thought/light in its position within the interface of the upper and lower energies, is through the acceptance of themes, concepts and ideas observed within the reality experiences of the lower conscious.

The lower self co-creates through the allowance of thought reference frames, which are allowed entry through the acceptance process and automatically reconfigured through the lens of observation of the held operational perception of the lower conscious. The held perception of the lower conscious alternates the observation through its held beliefs and emotional impulses, which form the energetic alternation of the observation for an attempt of understanding, which is dependent upon the degree of vibrational compatibility. The alternations of the individual perception are initiated through the lower conscious to attempt compatibility within the human reality experience.

The constant influences within the external reality of the lower conscious are motioned through the interconnectivity of the individuals within the collective conscious being. The collective interaction and reaction of reality experiences and the associative reactions within the being, alternate the individual perception and are constantly influenced within the thought interactions of the external reality.

The thought/reaction/contemplation process of the lower reality can open the beta analytical mind to allow the external thought influence access to the impression stage of the belief system. The acceptance of external thought/influence is dependent upon vibrational compatibility of both subjects of the thought/influence interaction.

The constant vibrational rate of the lower energy body creates a platform for the ability of free thought within the lower conscious, to move above or below its constant vibrational rate of its energy body. The constant vibrational rate of the lower energy body changes in vibrational rate, through the conscious vibrational movements within the thought/desire/intention process. This process is involved within the mobility of movement allowed through the free thought free will creational ability.

The depth of impression within the belief system from the acceptance of external thought reference frames, heavily influences the vibrational movement of the constant vibrational rate of lower energy body. Throughout the human lifetime the constant vibrational rate of the lower energy body, will increase and or decrease within the vibrational activities of thought interaction with the external environment. The internal contemplation process of the lower conscious forms a decisive movement of intention through the analysis of the thought interaction. The constant vibrational rate of the lower energy body is within the thought/energy cycle of, the thought interaction into the establishment or depth of impression, within the belief system of the lower self.

Through the co-creational ability of the lower self of free thought and the free will intention, the acceptance or non-acceptance of thought influences within thought interactions of the lower reality occurs. The acceptance or non-acceptance of external thought influences is dependent upon the vibrational rate of the external thought/influence and the vibrational rate of the lower energy body. The vibrational rate of the external thought influence and the rate of the lower energy body of the lower self, before the initial thought connection between both subjects will establish a baseline or vibrational platform, which heavily influences the vibrational movement of the thought interaction.

The ability to remote influence a subject within a thought interaction, is within the acceptance of the external subject of the thought/influence of the lower self. The acceptance of the thought/influence involves vibrational compatibility or sympathetic resonance which generates, the sense of rapport which is sensed by the subject of the remote influencing attempt as a charismatic effect from the individual, who has successfully applied influence within the thought interaction.

The ability for remote influencing within the physical plane involves the synchronization of physical plane movements of the external subject, which opens the non-physical portal to the thought/energy source of the physical plane manifestation. The successful entry into the non-physical portal to the energy source of the external subject, allows the ability of the remote influencer to impress degrees of depth within the energy body of the external subject.

The severity of influence or the degree of depth of the energetic impression within the belief system of the external subject, involves the degree of impression allowed entry into the emotional body of the external subject. The attachment of the thought/influence into the emotional body of the external subject, generates the force for impression within the belief system of the external subject. The emotional body is the energetic movements of the energy body of the lower self as it interacts and reacts to external and internal influences within its sensory reality.

The remote influencing activities within the sleeping human, create the presentation of starting points from which the movement of thought of the lower self, can direct for the next day reality. This internal activity holds the potential for the conscious control of the lower self for remote influencing its reality.

The constant flow of low vibrational thought/influence is generated through the vibrational position or mental location of the interacting thought/energy consciousness field which expresses the human reality. The thought/energy consciousness field holds the ability to effectively remote influence the self-aware vibratory consciousness, through its vibrational position within the interacting consciousness field required for participation within the reality experience.

The thought/influence of the interacting consciousness field is designed to hold the lower self within vibrational compatibility of its set designed operational vibrational rate. The set design influence for vibrational compatibility of its participants, within the functions of the interacting consciousness field, is for the intention of continued participation in order to develop the self-thought of the reality experience.

The lower self operating within vibrational compatibility of an interacting thought/energy consciousness field, which expresses a human reality as the only believable reality of the lower self, becomes the sleeping human within its waking reality. The sleeping human unaware of its conscious ability for remote influencing its reality experience, observes its reality through the subconscious remote influencing of its human experience. The decisive actions from thought interactions and influences within the conscious reality, are interpreted and established through repetition of intention and the conscious desire, by the subconscious communication between the conscious and subconscious realities of the lower self.

The continuous interaction of the conscious intentions and the subconscious interpretation, fuel the reality experience of the lower self as the movement of thought communication between the conscious and subconscious realities, generates the movement of thought influence.

The ability of the lower conscious to surpass the vibrational spectrum of a thought/energy consciousness field designed for the human experience, is termed within the current collective perception as awakening. The awakening of the lower self within the human reality experience involves, the relocation of its seat of perspective into a higher vibrational position within the human spectrum, which allows the experience of the human reality through its set designed vibrational positioning. The set designed vibrational positioning of a thought/energy consciousness field, governs the restrictions upon the expansive movements of the sphere of awareness of the lower self. Within the set designed vibrational spectrum, the vibrational positioning of the lower self within the vibrational spectrum, will coincide with restrictions upon sphere expansion and its associative enhancement of the sensory/perception abilities.

The ability of the lower self to position its seat of perspective into the higher positions of the human spectrum, will allow the lower conscious the ability to perceive reality outside the perception of the believable reality of the human being. The ability to observe reality outside the perception of the human being, as the only reality allows the lower self the opportunity for the uninterrupted expansion of its sphere of awareness. The expansion of the sphere of awareness into thought fields expressing the human reality from a higher vibrational seat of perspective, allows the individual the ability to hold the perception of the human being while holding the perception of its non-physical reality and its continuation after the human reality experience.

The awakening of the lower conscious from the automation of acceptability from its low vibrational seat of perspective, into a more expensive conscious control of remote influencing abilities through vibrational ascension, allows the lower self to consciously remote influence themes and situations within its reality experience.

The potential of thought evolution within the human reality experience of the lower self, into high vibrational thought consciousness fields, holds the key to the awakening of the sleeping human. The ability of the lower conscious to operate consciously within a high intelligence thought/energy field, coincides with the energetic removal of barriers upon the high vibrational energy connection of the higher self. The degree of energetic barriers constricting movement of the inflow of high vibrational energy, runs parallel with the degree of intensity of light from the lower energy body of the lower self.

The degree of intensity of the projected light from the lower energy body, is through the expanded inflow of high vibratory creational thought/light allowed into the lower sphere. The increase of high vibrational creative thought/light into the lower sphere of awareness, is through the energetic compatibility of the lower energy body of the individual, which is able to receive the increase within the inflow of high vibrational energy. The ability of the lower self to increase light refraction from its lower energy body, is reflective in its effectiveness for remote influencing its reality experience.

The effectiveness of the remote influencing ability is carried within the physical plane, through the energy source of the lower energy body, generating an increase in light refraction through its higher vibrational increase in rate. The light refraction can be sensed within the physical plane, through the mental senses, and within the physical observation of a glow or presence from an individual.

The enhancement of perception within the expansion of the awareness allows the lower self the ability to comprehend its reality experience, apart from the reality experience of the limitations within the automation of the human reality. The increase of high vibrational energy within the energy body, generates the expansion of awareness and the simultaneous increase in light refraction from the lower energy body. The increase in the vibratory rate of the lower energy body and its, increase in intensity of light refraction into its reality sphere, can be termed within the current perception as enlightenment.

The increase in light refraction from the lower energy body into the lower sphere of awareness, moves the vibratory sphere into an expansive state, as it simultaneously increases the intensity of light within its mental sphere. This is required for the ability to experience thought fields, previously unavailable through unawareness, and the perceive the current and expanded reality through a high intelligent perception.

The increase of the refraction of high vibrational thought/light into mental fields within the sphere of awareness, allows the opportunity of the lower self to shine a high vibrational thought/focus of energy upon its external reality. The ability to focus high vibrational thought/light upon an external object generates degrees of severity in contrast between the high vibrational thought/energy focus and the external object.

The ability of high vibrational thought/light focus to generate the sense of contrast in relation to the vibratory rate of the external object, allows the lower self to observe the external object from a high intelligent understanding. This is through the understanding of differential vibrational directions, which are observed in frequency rate and conscious and subconscious intentions played out within the physical plane.

The observation from a high vibrational perception allows the individual the opportunity to observe the external object, without the ability of the external object to influence the individual. This ability is generated through the light refraction of the lower energy body, reflecting back onto the individual awareness holding the individual into a high vibrational pattern.

The conscious control of the ability for remote influencing, positions the individual into effective remote influencing applications within the physical plane. For the sleeping human the awakening into the conscious control of its innate remote influencing abilities, for the manifestation of desires within the physical plane, will have to take place and applied in direction towards the subconscious reality of the internal self. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the individual into the conscious control of its remote influencing abilities, are highly effective for the awakening of the sleeping human.

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