The successful application of remote influencing through the conscious mind involves the proper understanding and accessibility of the subconscious mind. The ability of the conscious mind to manifest desires and beliefs into its sphere of reality involves its directive thought/focus and the position of the conscious mind within the reality sequence. The conscious mind automatically seated within the mental state of the waking reality or the beta mind follows the electrical human brain wave cycle within degrees of the automation within the perception. The automation of the perception of the lower self within the believable reality of the human experience flows within the automation of the experiences of the waking reality and the sleep reality. The inability of the lower self to remove its conscious mind from the automation of perception within the human reality experience, blocks the opportunity of the conscious mind to participate within the initial effect of the manifestation process.The ability to operate within the initial or non-physical position rather than solely within the reactionary position, holds the lower self within a better position for the greater potential for effective and directive manifesting within the physical plane. The observed manifestations of the lower self within its human reality cycle through selected themes and scenarios, is the observation of the perception of the current state of the energy body of the lower self. Within the reactionary phase of conscious thought activities the degree of severity and continuation of similarity in observed experiences, is dependent upon the thought reaction of the conscious mind and the directional movement of the lower energy body.
The influence of the thought reaction of the conscious reality onto the subconscious mind involves energetic impression which can be observed within the physical plane as the mental ability of memory. The recall of memory within the physical plane involves the thought/energy connections of the lower energy body with collected internal mental co-ordinates or reference frames. The thought/energy connection to internal reference frames, hold the greatest signal of clarity within the connection through the degree of the depth of impression. This activity is dependent upon the receiver/transmitter capabilities of the human brain/mind which connects the conscious mind to the human reality experience. Short term and long term memory capabilities are thought/energy connections of the lower energy body for the timing of sequence within its human reality cycle. The co-ordinational effect of the collective reality experience of humanity, through the thought activities of the individual expressions, holds the reaction of the memory recall to coincide with the sequence or timing of the reality experience of the human life.
The lower self unaware of its mental capabilities to remove its conscious mind within degrees from the automation of the human thought program, continues seamlessly through the experience within a low probability for awakening from the human dream. The full removal of the automation within the perception of the human thought program can induce energetic separation of the sentient energy connection. The energetic separation of the sentient energy connection from a reality program can be observed, from the position of consciousness and its capacities, as the removal of the perception from the reality experience or the death of the reality expression.
The lower self is seated within the greatest opportunity for depth of impression of the human reality experience within the held perception of its believability. The ease or automation of the perception of the believable reality of humanity is achieved within the governing control of the subconscious mind. The inability of the conscious mind to participate within the initial stage or non-physical position towards the manifestation process leaves the lower conscious mind for interaction with its reality experiences within the reflected thought/light reality of the physical plane. An inversion in the perception of the lower self towards its position within the manifestation process, occurs within the formation of the lower self self upon entry into a reality experience or what is termed as conception within the human reality. The lower self within its human reality experiences holds the perception of the conscious control of its reality experience within degrees, which is dependent upon the personal perspective of the individual.
The inversion of the lower self towards its non-physical reality holds the perception of the lower conscious within the reactionary stage of the manifestation process. The lower self unaware of its remote influencing activities of its subconscious mind towards its conscious reality perceives, the observations within its human reality experiences and its thought interactions with manifestations appearing within its reality sphere, within the initial stage of the manifestation process rather than the reactionary stage. Within this held perception the contribution of the lower self for remote influencing its reality experiences is espoused from its reactionary movements.
The lower self holds the ability to consciously influence or dampen the severity and intensity of themes and scenarios within its reality experiences through the reactionary stage of the remote influencing process. An example within the physical plane would be the reaction to an external thought expression projecting negative energy onto the perception of the lower self. The lower self holds the choice to enter into degrees of a dualistic reaction or towards a non-reactionary position through the refusal of the negative thought/energy influence. How the lower self reacts to themes and scenarios presented into its reality sphere influences the severity and intensity of reoccurring manifestations. The reactionary stage of the manifestation process holds equal remote influencing abilities as the initial or non-physical stage towards the attraction of reality experiences. The subconscious mind is directive of the conscious reality as it supports the conscious reality experience. The reactionary stage of the conscious reality influenced through the internal subconscious activities is the observation of the lower self of its current state of being within its energy body.
The movements of the internal energy body/perception and the external human body perception are simultaneous and continuously within inter communication. The sensing of experiences within the perception of the human body are expressed from, the initial movements of the non-physical awareness of the energy body and relayed into the observable reality of the human being, for the opportunity of thought interaction, reaction and contemplation. The ability of the self-aware consciousness being to interact with its external reality and the associative reactionary movements redefined through contemplation, is the underlining purpose of the creation of the human reality experience.
The unawareness of the lower self towards its remote influencing capabilities influenced within the external collective thought of the human world forces its perception to focus on its external reality. The subconscious mind fuels the movements of the lower conscious through the conscious interpretation of its internal state of being which is observed through the physical plane within the external reality. This is achieved through the conscious interpretation of the sensing or mental communication with its internal state of reality and the conscious interpretation of the external reality. The observation for interpretation of the external reality which has become manifest through the combinational influences of the above mentioned principles of the remote influencing process of the self.
An understanding of the non-physical reality of the lower self and its role within the manifestation process are required for the successful attempt of the conscious mind for directive participation within non-physical positions of the reality sequence. The inability of the collective consciousness of humanity to consciously participate within the non-physical positions of the reality sequence leaves collective humanity within the reactionary stage or the observation of the non-physical position from the physical position. The non-physical stage of the reality sequence positioned within the impression/image stage of the subconscious mind, although remote influenced from the conscious reality, holds a higher seat of power towards the successful attempt of remote influencing directive desires and beliefs into manifested reality.
The world of duality presented to the lower self within its human reality experiences holds powerful influence towards the directive thought/energy movements of the conscious reality. The ability of the lower self to awaken from the human dream within its perceived life time is governed through the external influences within its external reality and its reactionary movements. The chain reactions of the cycle of events within the communication properties of observation and reaction, generate intensity within the sensory/perception of the conscious mind. The greater the intensity of a reality experience onto the sensory/perception, the greater the probability for depth of impression within the belief system positioned within the subconscious mind. This is achieved through the nature of the increase in intensity of the reality experiences, conveyed through the sensory/perception associated with established thought reference frames within the belief system, held in vibrational compatibility with the focussed/attracted reality experience.
The intensity of the reality experience falls into the ability of held thought reference frames to allow the conscious mind to invoke plasticity in order to flow within co-ordinational thought and the timing of the reality sequence within the human thought program. The ability of thought reference frames to evolve within the belief system is achieved through the energetic flow of creative expression supporting the free will intention. Within the supportive elements for the creative expression of humanity, differential movements/intentions of thought/energy hold the potential for animation within suitable environments. The perception of the presence of good and evil within the mortal world of humanity, expressed through the suitable vehicle of dualism, flows within the underlining bases of all internal conflicts and observed external conflicts. The perception of good and evil within the reality sequences of the lower self creates and holds the position of the lower self within the perception of opposites or duality.
Within the held perception of duality or opposition, formed impressions within the belief system, fuel the continuation of the presented scenarios. The viscous cycle of conflict resolvement through reactionary means positioned within the duality perception holds the conscious mind within the resolution attempts focussed upon the elimination of opposites. The perception of the proper resolvement of conflicts through the elimination of opposites to create similarity or artificial unity generates the attraction of the continuation of oppositional manifestations. This directive motion for the continuation for the attraction of oppositional encounters, is generated through the subconscious activity for the impression of the conscious interpretation of logic, towards the proper resolution attempt through artificial thought objectives. The movement of subconscious energy impression flows within the mobility of the desire/intention to continue the reality experience until the loss of desire discontinues the experience. The inability to effectively resolve internal conflicts leaves the lower self within degrees of the opposite choices of continuation or discontinuation.
The role of the directive movement of mass thought within the collective consciousness of humanity heavily influences the individual reality, through the ability of mass thought to impress depth within the collective energy body and associative directive movements, which generates the emotional signature attachment onto the impression. The subconscious mind of the lower self is the personalized interpretation from the self-perspective of the collective subconscious of humanity. The collective subconscious of humanity and the individual subconscious are in constant communication and the potentiality for influence in respect to both held perspectives of reality. The subconscious of the individual and of the collective perspective of humanity are perceived as differential through the level of awareness and operational designs purposed from both seats of perspective.
The ability of the individual mind to locate and communicate with the collective subconscious of humanity is achieved through the unity portal. The unity portal of the individual connects the lower self to the perception of the collective reality of humanity as the individual expression is a micro reflection of the macro reflection of humanity. The self-perspective of the collective consciousness of humanity has been interpreted within the physical plane as the first human. The self-perspective of the collective consciousness of humanity unfolds through the collective unity portal of humanity into the universal self-perspective. The formation of the self-perspective of the individual is represented from the self-perspective of Oneness or Wholeness. The individual self-perspective and the self-perspective of Oneness are in illusionary separation through the capacities of the awareness operational within both aspects of the self-perspective.
The external influences within the perception of the collective human reality, which are designed to hold the thought/focus of the lower self within the human reality experience, are as varied as the allowances of the vibrational spectrum which support the ability of thought intentions to exist as expressions. The ability of the emotional impression of fear to hold the lower self within the thought focus of its external reality resides within the perception of the self towards external oppositional forces. The impressed thought reference frames within the belief system, attached to energy signatures or emotional attachments generated through the thought connection/reaction to low vibrational thought expressions, influences the conscious mind into vibrational compatibility within the emotional spectrum of fear. The movement of the conscious mind into vibrational compatibility with the emotional spectrum of fear is interpreted from the subconscious recording of the conscious interpretation of un-coherent energy patterns within the energy body.
Un-coherent thought/energy movements within the lower energy body are projected into the conscious reality sphere as the observation of the animation of the shadow self or lower self. The observation of the shadow self, which is expressed through the self-perspective, is the observation of the external reality while holding the perception of separation of the self. The ability to hold the perception of separation within the self-perspective is, the casting of the shadow from the light, as the perception of separation creates division which supports the expressions of light and darkness. The creation of division or oppositional expressions can be observed within the conscious human reality as matter. The world of physicality is expressed and supported from the consciousness of dualism. Within the consciousness of dualism the lower self holds the ability through the mobility of thought/energy to experience the dualistic world within variations of perspective.
The ability of the lower self for directive movement into differential seats of perspective within a reality experience is achieved, through the supportive elements within the reality experience housing differential seats of perspective, for the ability of differential movements of intention for expression. The inability of individuals and groupings for movement into high vibrational seats of perspective of the reality experience holds individuals and groupings within the low vibrational seats of the reality spectrum. The inability of individuals and groupings to ascend into the high vibrational seats of perspective within a reality experience, is generated through the inability of individuals and groupings to properly resolve differential movements of energy patterns or conflicting intentions within the awareness of the self. The awareness of differential movements within the energy body is the awareness of separation which houses the ability of the lower self to perceive the concept of separation. The ability of the lower self to hold the perception of separation within the observable world of dualism or internal and external realities is within the thought/focus for the observation of reality through the perception of separation. The vibrational position for the held perception of separation expressed within physicality is limited or restricted from the perception of all awareness. Within the perception of separation the separated self and the external reality is created.
The focus upon unawareness or the unknown generates the conscious mind to, locate and select thought reference frames within the subconscious processes, to surface into the conscious awareness. The attraction of thought reference frames into the conscious mind is selected through vibrational signatures or emotional energy attachments. The selection involves vibrational compatibility to the current perception of the thought reaction towards the unknown which from the perspective of separation equates to survivalism. The vibrational compatibility of selected reference frames allows for degrees of plasticity upon the held reference frames as onto the observers perception of the observed. The ability of the perception to invoke plasticity upon physical and non-physical reality manifestations is supported and allowed continuation through the creative energies upholding the reality experience.
The individual perspective seated within vibrational compatibility with the emotional spectrum of fear views its external world as separate and within degrees through focussed selections as a threat or with oppositional directions/intentions in contrast to the directive movements/intentions of the self. Within this perception the individual becomes locked into a fear cycle in which oppositional poles represent the victim and the aggressor. The lessons of the victim consciousness involve both oppositional seats of perspective to support the continuation of the experience. This movement flows within the opportunity for the complete perception of the victim consciousness through the reversal of roles between the aggressor and the victim. The perception of the unknown within the external reality is represented through the fear perspective as god and evil.
Within the victim/aggressor stance the anxiety generated from the fear position fuels the conscious resolvement attempt for the elimination of fear through actions seated within both perspectives of the aggressor and the victim. The ability of an individual or grouping locked within a fear cycle to properly resolve the conflict of the fear emotion can be temporarily resolved through the elimination of the external triggering mechanism activated through the observation of fear manifestations. Without the ability of the individual or grouping to resolve the conflict of fear from its origins, which have generated the formation of the lower self, the internal conflicts with fear will reappear into the external reality until proper resolution or understanding is achieved. The resolution of external conflicts involves, the simultaneous occurrence of a reconfiguration of the perception, to accommodate the movement of the intention and for the observation of the reconfiguration of manifestations within the external reality.
The evolution of artificial thought within modern society has captivated the thought/focus of the collective consciousness of humanity and has influenced its direction towards artificial supportive elements to continue and develop the artificial thought reality experience. The ability of the collective consciousness of humanity for remote influencing the individual reality is within the collective position of fear towards the unknown. The influence of fear upon the perception generates the effectiveness for remote influencing energetic contraction or the decrease in vibrational rates of energy. The energetic movement of contraction induced within the collective consciousness, through the thought reaction to a connection of expression from the emotional spectrum of fear, is represented in the tendency of similar thought expressions to form groupings for the temporary relief of the fear sensation. The ability of individuals to invoke plasticity or a reconfiguration of the currently held perception, for vibrational compatibility in order for the appearance of similarity for the acceptance of a grouping, can be termed as conformity.
The functions of mind control flow within the actions of conformity, but has evolved within the continuation of fear thought development, to represent imposition or low vibrational remote influencing. This can be identified as such as the conscious intentions and free thought of the intended target are not factored into the intentions of the low vibrational influencer or issuer of a mind control application. The world of fear in which humanity has seated itself into, is expressed within modern society and represented by the developed tools which mimic proper resolution attempts. The evolution of artificial thought within the current collective perception is continued in movement through the inability of collective humanity, for the expansion of the sensory/perception capabilities within the collective energy body.
Without the ability for sensory/perception enhancement, the lower self focusses upon its reality experiences through the governing action of restrictions upon the sensory/perception, enacted by the automation of the reality experience engineered from the participation of the subconscious mind. The inability of the lower self for proper intuition or guidance for effective navigation within the physical plane, generates vulnerability through a high probability for access into the subconscious mind, through the observed repetition of similar themed reality situations which can be expressed as familiarity. A high probability for the accessibility of the subconscious mind through external influences involves, the unawareness or the perception of unimportance towards the sensory effect of held external thought/belief, impressed within the subconscious mind.
Without the perception of importance towards the monitoring or awareness of subconscious thought activities, the lower self holds a high probability of influence from its external thought connections, which is generated in part by the ineffectiveness of the individual for proper remote influencing. The development of artificial thought and its attracted artificial thought manifestations flow within the intention for the continuation of artificial thought reality experiences. The thought/focus of the collective reality of humanity upon artificial thought is generated from the imbalance of focus upon the physical reality. The heavy focus upon the physical reality directs the movement of collective humanity into physical plane conflict resolvement attempts suited for physicality and void of non-physical conscious participation.
The world of dualism becomes concreted into the perception through the heavy focus upon matter. Within the dualistic approach the fear of the unknown or the sense of opposition fuels the resolvement attempts into the forces of good and evil. The ability of the human thought program to hold the collective reality into a low vibrational seat of perspective, is generated through the collective belief/desire for the continuation of the experience and the coinciding attraction of low vibrational manifestation, tailored for the observer’s reality experiences or perception. The low vibrational seat of perspective of collective humanity holds the human race within degrees of captivity as the continuation of the experience is fuelled through physical plane resolution attempts.
The external thought influences upon the collective reality within the current perception of time/space, which is a manifestation of the current perception of the collective reality, has evolved artificial thought into advancements in directive mind control. Successful mind control or low vibrational remote influencing involves the understanding and development of entry potentials into the individual subconscious mind, which in turn remote influences the individuals consensual reality and through energetic association the collective reality of humanity. The ability of low vibrational remote influencing for access into a targets subconscious mind can be achieved through degrees of influenced unawareness of the low vibrational remote influencing attempt. This action can also be achieved through the ability of the remote influencer to invoke an emotional response or reaction from the intended target.
The ability of low vibrational remote influencing to invoke an emotional response within an intended target is achieved by the desire of the intended target, for the avoidance of conflict which has in part generated the attraction of the low vibrational thought influence. The avoidance of conflict through conformity with external thought expressions, is the reflection of low vibrational energy patterns within the energy body of the target, attracting the manifestation and generating the high degree of vulnerability. Low vibrational remote influencing involves directive physical plane activities and the transmutation of sentient energy into low vibrational negative energy to fuel the negative thought intention into manifestation within the physical plane.
The energetic effect of low vibrational remote influencing although potentially received by the intended target generates a recoil effect onto the low vibrational remote influencer. The attraction of negative thought energy onto the low vibrational remote influencer flows within the energetic movement of magnetic attraction and the dynamic movement of energies allowed continuation and development.
The ability of the lower self to negate low vibrational remote influencing or mind control is represented within the energetic state of its energy body affecting clarity within the higher self energy channel. Un-coherent energy patterns within the energy body generate distortions within the sphere of awareness which become interpreted through the conscious reality as artificial thought disguised as accepted collective reality. The ability of the lower self to remove un-coherent energy patterns from its energy body or the proper resolution of internal conflicts allows for the proper communication within the higher self energy channel. The clarity of connection from the higher self thought/energy channel into the conscious reality, falls into degrees of intuition or internal guidance, which is required for high intelligence remote influencing.
The lower self holds the ability for immunity towards low vibrational remote influencing attempts from its external reality and is achieved within the held seat of perspective of the higher self. Within the high vibrational seat of perspective low vibrational negative thought/energy influence becomes easily recognizable and the ability of the negative influence for entry becomes dependent upon the conscious mind of the intended target. This is achieved through the awareness of contrasts in energy movements which become severe towards negative thought/energy movements while seated within the higher self perspective. The remote influencing and remote viewing techniques that guide the lower self into the seat of perspective of the higher self are highly valuable for the progression into immunity towards negative influence onto the subconscious mind.
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Remote Influencing Through The Delta Door