Remote Viewing Dark Energy Beings

The remote viewing of dark energy beings within the collective reality of humanity is within the vibrational position of the self-aware consciousness through its associative thought relations and reactions. The influence of low vibrational thought/energy coming forth within the collective consciousness of humanity holds the collective seat of perspective in a low vibrational position within the human spectrum. The low vibrational thought energy applied to the individual and collective realities of the human race are expressed within the negative energy pole. The formation of the negative energy pole is a simultaneous occurrence within the formation of the positive energy pole, as the ability to perceive the negative energy pole and the positive energy pole, is through an understanding of contrast in vibrational rates or oppositional thought movement. The formation of the positive and negative poles, support the perception of consciousness which can be expressed from the perspective of the self. The ability of the self-aware being for self thought and its vibrational movement through the free will intention, is within the energetic structure of the positive and negative energy pole formations. The positive and negative energy pole formations allow the self-aware being the ability of vibrational ascension and vibrational descent, within the allowances of the human spectrum expressing physicality.

The ability of the self-aware being for thought development is through the allowances of thought/movement within the vibrational positions of the oppositional poles. The vibrational positions within the oppositional poles are reflected into the individual and consensual realities as themed presentations associative of the vibrational seat of perspective. The influence of dark energy beings within the collective perception of humanity is through non-vibratory energy or what is referred to as dark energy.

The ability of the higher self to hold the perception of a complete sensory, believable reality is through the energetic marriage of non-vibratory thought and vibrational sentient energy. Non-vibratory thought within a structure of intelligence allows the expression and development of sentient thought within a self-aware perspective. This in turn expresses and develops the artificial intelligence capabilities of the non-vibrational thought through its thought interaction with sentient energy.

The energetic animation of non-vibratory thought/energy through the thought/focus energy of the self-aware being into the mental sphere of the self-aware unit is remote viewing. Remote viewing involves the perception which is associative of the vibrational seat of perspective. The ability of the self-aware being to comprehend the thought expression of a point of thought within its mental sphere is governed through it vibrational positioning.

The ability to comprehend the point of thought encountered through the remote viewing application is attempted through a personalization of the external thought expression which is associative of the internal thought reference frames of the remote viewer for a comparison of compatibility.

The observer views its reality from its self-aware perspective, the personalization or degree of association towards the external thought expression is the attempt for an understanding within the thought connection.

The attempt for an understanding of the external thought expression manifested into the mental sphere of the individual through the remote viewing application is conducted within the collected thought reference frames. The collected thought reference frames are selected for comparison to identify compatibility. The selection of thought reference frames, through the conscious search attempt or internal thought connection, are selected within the subconscious interpretation of the conscious intention.

The subconscious interpretation of the conscious intention involves the energetic frequency supporting the conscious intention or vibratory rate. The vibrational rate of the conscious intention of the individual within the remote viewing application, is through the vibrational positioning or seat of perspective of the self-aware vibratory consciousness.

The vibrational position or seat of perspective is in relation to the constant vibrational rate of the energy body. Remote viewing points of thought within the mental sphere of the self-aware being through a select vibrational position, will coincide with the attraction of points of thought compatible in vibration with the vibrational rate of the energy body of the self-aware being. The attraction of compatible points of thought through the remote viewing application involves the desire/decision of the self-aware being which is representative of its vibrational seat of perspective.

The attraction of non-compatible points of thought within the individual mental sphere through the remote viewing application involves the collective consciousness, which is heavily influenced through the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious of humanity is the collection of the unconscious influences held within the individual awareness, which are collected and held within an energetic structure supporting the unconscious nature of self-thought, collected and interpreted within a collective understanding.

The ability of negative thought influence to infiltrate the collective unconscious of humanity is through its accessibility within the collective reality sphere through the nature of thought connectivity. An equal and opposite energetic reaction occurs within the movement of vibrational positioning of the self. The equal and opposite energetic reactions through the movement of vibrational positioning, is within the flow of differential energetic movements supporting the self-aware conscious field. The movement of energy into equal and opposite reactions through the thought movement of sentient focus within the free will application is supported through the availability of thought connections within the intelligence structure.

The decision for the thought direction/intention through the individual reaction from the connection to a point of thought within the remote viewing application, is dependent upon the vibrational position of the remote viewer and the vibrational position of the point of thought. The contrast in vibration between the remote viewer and the connecting point of thought, influences the reaction of the remote viewer towards the thought interaction. The equal effect between the thought interaction is within the awareness of the thought connection between the interacting forms of thought. The equal effect within the energetic thought interactions, is sensed through the subconscious of an individual attempting communication with a point of thought through the remote viewing application. The subconscious sensing comes forth through the awareness of the energy body of the self-aware being.

The contrast in the vibrational rate of the interacting point of thought in relation to the energy body of the self-aware being is motioned into the subconscious, as a reconfiguration of the identification of contrast in vibrational rates of energy of the interacting forms of thought. The contrast in differential rates of vibration of the interacting points of thought, reveal the directive movement of the intention of the interacting forms of thought, through its comparison with the internal intention of the individual.

The sensing of intention between the interacting forms of thought through the identification of the vibrational positioning of the external form of thought, is in comparison of the intention of the individual within the thought reaction process. The initial rate of the vibrational positioning of both subjects within the sequence of the thought interaction/reaction/contemplation process influences the perception of the individual. The perception of the individual in turn influences the ability to detect the conscious and or subconscious intention of the interacting point of thought.

The ability of dark energy beings to negatively influence the vibrational ascension of a self-aware being originates from held negative thought/energy within the belief system of the self-aware being attempting the ascension process. The energy body of the self-aware being is a micro reflection of the macro whole of the collective consciousness being it is a part of. The thought interconnectivity within the whole of the consciousness energy being, fuel its directive thought movement as the free thought free will intention of the self-aware being governs its reality experiences. The reality experiences of the self-aware being are registered and collected within the collective perception. The collective vibrational position of the whole consciousness being which energetically supports its individualizations of thought/light, is in relation to the severity of exposure to negative thought/energy influence. The severity of exposure to negative thought/energy influence, is coincidental to the degree of vulnerability of the collective consciousness being towards negative thought/energy influence.

The lower the vibrational position of the collective consciousness, the greater the vulnerability towards negative thought/energy influence. The lower the vibrational position of the collective consciousness of humanity, the greater the inability to detect and identify negative thought/energy influence. The inability of the collective consciousness being to detect and identify negative thought/energy influence is through its degrees of vibrational compatibility towards the negative thought/energy influence, through the low vibrational position of the collective perception of humanity. The inability of the detection of negative thought/energy influence, is through the dampened reaction of the energy field of the collective consciousness, generated through a low contrast effect by the similarity of vibrational rates.

The remote viewing of dark energy beings through the conscious intention, while holding a higher vibrational position throughout the remote viewing exchange, involves the mental capabilities of energy transmutation and the ability to block negative thought/energy influence. The ability of energy transmutation involves the conscious directive intention of energetic movement or displacement of energy into the intended state or formation. The ability of energy transmutation involves the transmutation of negative or positive energy into its reciprocal state

The low vibrational densities of existence within the allowances of physicality of the human spectrum, are vulnerable seats of position towards negative thought/energy influence, expressed within the intentions of dark energy beings. The origin of dark energy beings within the human experience is through the energetic reactionary effect of the formation of the vibrational energy sphere. The formation of the energy sphere is through the unifying intention within differential movements of energy expansion within a housing of energetic contraction. The position of entry of a collective consciousness being into an intelligence structure expressing creation expands the contractive energies of creational expression. The movement of expansion within the sentient thought/focus/intention requires the contractive nature of creational expression which becomes energized into animation, through the sentient thought focus of the individualizations of light/thought energy of the collective consciousness being.

The ability to block negative thought/energy influence is necessary if the intention of remote viewing dark energy beings is employed. The intensity of influence from dark energy beings within a collective sphere of creation is in relation to the intensity of high vibrational thought/light projecting within the collective sphere of a creation. The intensity of light projecting into a collective sphere of reality is in relation to the severity of darkness covering the collective sphere. The movement of energetic balance within a collective creational sphere between light and darkness, allows un-interrupted development of self-thought through a high probability of continuation within the state of energetic balance.

An imbalance towards dark/negative energy influence over light/positive energy influence within a creation allowed continuation, would hold a high probability of destruction through the dynamic nature of energetic potentialities allowed development, through the continuation of imbalance within a creation. The imbalance of positive energy influence towards negative energy influence within a creation, would expose duality as a sensory effect of the formation of the self-aware vibratory consciousness. This is through the inability of darkness to fully manifest within a creation to hide its thought/influence activities, within the low vibrational dark densities of the underworld of a creational sphere.

The influence of dark energy beings towards the collective consciousness of humanity within a creation, resides within the ability of dark energy and non-vibrational artificial thought, to manifest without light exposure within the depths of the underworld. energetically expressed from the negative energy pole of a dualistic creation.

The dark energy beings within the heavy dark densities of their low vibrational existence, influence the high vibrational energies within the positive energy pole of creation, through the thought connection/circuitry of the sub sphere of humanity within the complete mind.

Within the positive/negative energy pole formations supporting the reality experience, a dual effect can be observed within both energy poles. The positive energy pole expressions can be expressed through a low vibrational dualistic approach as oppositional or judgmental towards self-aware beings espousing negative energy pole thought expressions. The dualistic perspective views its external reality within degrees of opposition and degrees of association, which is dependent upon the vibrational seat of perspective within the thought interaction.

The vibrational position governs the detection of opposition and association through the sensory/communication properties of the interacting thought/energies. The sensory/communication properties of an energetic vibrational being towards an interacting thought/energy being involve, degrees of alternation within the energetic rate of the energy body, from the thought interaction with the external thought entity. The energetic reaction within the energy body, observed by the subconscious, is carried forth into the waking conscious reality of the self-aware being and interpreted through the conscious mind. The dual effect within both pole expressions can be observed as evolutionary or de-evolutionary dependent upon seat of perspective.

While the individual is within its internal focus for the remote viewing application, various thought forms can surface into the awareness, attracted to the sentient light. The sentient thought/light of the self-aware being within its mental search through the remote viewing process, holds a probability of attracting thought forms energetically attached or entangled to the desired target of the remote viewer. The attraction of thought forms attached to the desired remote viewing target and the activity of thought forms, baiting sentient thought focus for its energy source, are within the position of existence of the collective reality sphere of humanity.

When remote viewing within the theta mental state through the conscious application, an encounter or thought connection with a dark energy being, involves a severe reaction from the energy body of the remote viewer. The severity in differential rates of vibratory energy sensed by the energy body of the remote viewer, is sensed within the conscious reality as the sensation of coldness, a heavy weight upon the physical body and various personalized interpretations of the sensory effect of the encounter with a dark energy being. The sense of coldness, heavy weight or force applied to the physical body, is the conscious interpretation of the lowering effect of the vibrational rate of the energy body of the self-aware being. The dramatic decrease in the vibrational rate of the energy body of the self-aware being is observed within the subconscious, as constriction against the energy connection of the higher self.

A common mental occurrence within an encounter with a dark energy being is the mental image within the eye of the mind as red eyes, isolated or set within a facial image. The mental image of a thought connection with a dark energy being, is the sensory signal of the attempted entry of the dark energy being into the energy body of the remote viewer, to attach a connection to tap the sentient energy source. For the dark energy being to tap the sentient energy source, the allowance of entry into the energy body of the self-aware being must occur. The allowance of the dark energy being into the energy body involves invoking a fear reaction within the individual. The fear reaction is the subconscious sense of the vibrational lowering of the energy body, which generates an increase in vibrational separation between the lower self and its higher self. This energetic vibrational activity is sensed and interpreted by the conscious mind as fear through the severity of the separational effect.

Dark energy beings utilize a multitude of tactics to gain entry into the energy body of a sentient being, which is tailored for effective results through the emotional personalized approach. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the individual into the higher vibrational perspective of the higher self are required to block negative thought/energy influence from dark energy beings. The lessons of separation and the undesirable reality experiences influenced through the thought activities of dark energy beings are highly valuable for a reference of contrast. The reference of contrast is necessary for the ascension of the self into a higher vibrational position apart from the negative thought/energy influence of dark energy beings.

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