Remote Viewing And The Higher Life

The ability for remote viewing the higher life within the individual and consensual reality experience is powered into motion through the conscious desire to experience a higher vibrational thought reality. The desire to experience a higher vibrational thought energy experience within the seat of perspective of the believable human reality is formed within the self-perception of the unique vibrational sentient expression and entails the influence of personalization towards the external reality. The desire for a higher vibrational thought reality experience is initiated and motioned from the sensory observation of the individual’s external reality and or consensual reality which forms a reference point within the sphere of awareness of the individual or consensual realities. The identification of personalized reference points within the external reality as undesirable reality experiences simultaneously presents to the individual or grouping dependent upon awareness the opposite choice. The presentation of the opposite choice within the observation, reaction and identification process towards external reality reference points is sourced from the energetic current of free thought and creative expression which enables the free thought intention for motion through the free will choice. The ability of the individual or consensual grouping to properly identify undesirable thought reality experiences through proper conscious interpretation involves the access of high intelligence thought reference frames from within the seat of perspective of the higher self.

The ability for remote viewing high intelligence thought reference frames is generated through the ability to position the conscious mind within the seat of perspective of the higher self. This activity can be observed within the physical plane as intuition or the sense of knowing. Access and integration of high intelligence reference frames through the successful remote viewing application, can be observed within the physical plane as the awareness of upcoming manifestations appearing into the physical reality before the observation of the manifestations appearance. The mental activity of intuition is achieved through the momentary or continued positioning of the conscious reality into the seat of perspective of the higher self, which remote views and projects the reality experience of the lower self, before the lower self observes the projected reality within the physical plane.

Without the ability of the individual for remote viewing high intelligence thought reference frames the individual must rely upon its sphere of awareness for reference frames operating within the self-perception as references to the higher vibrational realities. The availability of thought reference frames for presentation as an opposite polarity towards the identification of undesirable thought reference frames observed within the external reality is governed through the self-perception. The ability of an individual to believe it has the free will choice to remove itself from an undesirable situation is within the capacity of the self-perception to believe it has a choice. The ability to hold the belief of the free will choice for the removal of the thought focus from presented themes and scenarios within its reality sphere is interpreted through the inter communication between the conscious interpretation and the subconscious mind or internal focussed self-thought and contemplation and the subconscious interpretation or recording of the conscious interpretation of its reality experiences. The subconscious interpretation of the conscious reality experience is the remote viewing and recording of the conscious reality experience through the non-physical seat of perspective of the subconscious mind.

The presentation of themes of opposite choices within the sphere of awareness of the individual is dependent upon the state of the energy body which governs its motion into a seat of perspective. The association of the state of the energy body or constant vibrational rate and the conscious reality is conducted through the observation of the individual thought belief impressions within the subconscious reality which have formed depth of impression through the movement of the energy body. The movement of the energy body is motioned through the thought reaction or emotional response of the energy body towards interactions with attracted energies within its sphere of creation. The thought reaction within the conscious reality involves the remote viewing of the subconscious reality which is presented into the combinational effect of the desire/decided reality experiences. The combinational effect is initiated through the observation of the subconscious reality within the conscious reality which confirms or establishes the desire/decision and the state of consciousness associative of the intention. The remote viewing of the subconscious reality within the conscious reality is the meeting point between both respective perspectives of reality.

The lower self is remote viewing its reality constantly as the conscious observation within the human waking reality is the remote viewing of the lower self of the thought intelligence of the higher self energy body, through the supportive creative elements within the participation of a thought/energy reality field. The thought interaction between the higher self and a lower vibrational thought/intelligence reality field, energetically forms the lower energy body as a vehicle for the higher self to experience a lower vibrational thought reality experience. The energetic effect of the thought/desire of the higher self to experience the physical human reality, forms the lower energy body in vibrational compatibility to the desired/decided reality experience. The supportive elements within a thought reality consciousness field, generates the perception of the human reality experience to form the impression within the lower energy body of the perception of believability, which incorporates the human perception within the self-perception. The perception of believability within the human reality experience is conducted through the allowance of the higher self to observe the lower self reality experience without the conscious awareness of the lower self of its activities.

The ability of the higher self to position its awareness outside the awareness of its lower self holds purpose of intention towards both seats of perspective. The purpose of intention towards the lower self is a supportive element for the full sensory effect within the lower seat of perspective, which also supports the higher self intention to experience in energetic vibration the desired reality from the consciousness or vibrational position of the desire. The full sensory effect of the reality experience from the lower seat of perspective is the bilocation of the awareness of the higher self into a lower vibrational seat of perspective for the ability of awareness without the awareness of its self. The bilocation of the seat of perspective of the higher self into a differential vibrational position is the initiating force for the impression of believability within the self-perception of the lower self seated within the perspective of the human body. The believable observation of the human reality through the perspective of the human body is the remote viewing of the lower self of the energetic exchange between the higher self energy connection to a desired/decided reality field supporting the reality experience of the desire/decision. The ability of the lower self to become aware of its origin from the higher self is a constant available choice for the lower self, to choose its ascension and is independent of vibrational positions and associative reality experiences.

The innate ability of the lower self to choose the movement into ascension towards the seat of perspective of the higher self regardless of position within a reality experience, is represented within the initial free will choice to enter into a reality experience or to refuse entry. The refusal of entry can be viewed from the desire/decision of refusal upon awareness of the attracted manifestations or within the energetic origins of the free will choice of refusal through the lack of desire for the experience. The energetic choice for the experience lies dormant within the stillness of potentialities without the magnetic attraction of the energetic desire for the reality experience. The generated magnetic attraction of a held desire within the belief system draws the energetic potential into directive motion into the reality sequence, for the attraction of the manifested desire into the sphere of awareness operational within the physical plane, for the opportunity of the free will choice for participation or refusal.

The ability of the lower self to become aware of the presentation of oppositional choices for the free will experience is heavily influenced, through the self-perception and its observation of its external reality, influenced through and by the self-perception of its internal reality. The awareness of the influence of the self-perception towards its external reality, is dependent upon the seat of perspective or vibrational location of the lower self, which operates in coinciding limitations towards the awareness of the self-perception in relation to the vibrational seat of perspective. The ability of the lower self to remote influence its reality towards the higher life experience is dependent upon its ability for remote viewing. Remote viewing acts as a precursor to remote influencing towards the conscious directive intention of a desired reality experience. The complimentary nature of remote viewing and remote influencing work in concert as remote viewing involves locating mental co-ordinates or thought points for access of data to incorporate into the desire/decision for employment within the physical reality. Remote influencing relies on the remote viewing application for location and connection to establish a reference point for the awareness of contrast or vibrational distance.

The ability of the lower self to identify a mental landmark is achieved, through the sensing of the vibrational rate of the thought connection, towards the vibrational rate of the energy body of the remote viewer. The contrasts in reference points through, the identification process of mental co-ordinates for established thought connection, is required in the directive remote influencing intention. The identification of mental co-ordinates is required for direction through the awareness of the vibrational location of the desired remote influencing subject. Remote viewing can be applied without remote influencing the desired subject and inviting influence from the interaction with the desired subject. The ability of the lower self to connect with mental co-ordinates for the access of data with the thought point intelligence field without influence involves, remote viewing and remote influencing techniques involved in the intention of refusal. A technique designed for the un-acceptance or refusal of influence from thought connections is termed as the vibratory shield, which is initiated from the light body technique. The light body technique involves the visualization or remote viewing of the thought/light energy body which allows through successful connection, the conscious mind to apply directive intention towards the thought/light energy body for the desired effect.

The ability of the conscious mind to connect and influence its thought/light energy body is within proper alignment towards the conscious lower mind entering and applying co-creator status. The lower self can connect to its energy thought/light body within all vibrational positions within a vibrational spectrum of a reality consciousness field. The degrees of compatibility of the lower self to connect to its internal thought/light energy body is in relation to the constant vibrational seat of perspective. The relation of the ability of the lower self to connect with its thought/light energy body is towards the positions the lower self within a vibrational location within the collective sphere of humanity.

The vibrational location of the thought/light energy body of the lower self, which positions its seat of perspective accordingly, operates within severities of limitations towards the self-perception. The degree of severity of limitations upon the self-perception is in relation to the vibrational seat of perspective associative of the reality experience. The ability of the lower self to experience the full sensory effect of the desired/decided reality experience through, the position of the conscious mind within applicable limitations, is purposed for the full effect of the lessons for experience. This is achieved through the compatibility of the vibrational seat of perspective in degrees of sympathetic resonance towards the vibrational rate of the energetic signature of the thought intelligence field expressing the reality experience. The ability of the lower self to become compatible in vibration with the vibrational rate of the thought reality field is initiated through the desire/decision, to hold the perspective of the consciousness or mind set espoused from the desired/decided reality experience.

The conscious mind initiates the movement of the energy body towards vibrational compatibility for the full sensory effect of the reality experience, as the subconscious mind is in receivement of data from the conscious interpretation of its reality experience, required to initiate the continuation of reality experiences tailored from the conscious interpretation. The full sensory reality effect entails the repetition of desired/decided attracted manifestations within the reality sphere, observed through the self-perception influenced within its vibrational seat of limitations or state of consciousness. For the lower self to attract differential themes and scenarios into its sphere of awareness, in contrast to its current state of consciousness, the conscious mind holds the initial seat of power to attract into its reality sphere the desired/decided reality experiences.

The desire/decision of the conscious mind to experience a higher vibrational thought/energy reality experience generates the initial movement of the energy body. The movement or reaction of the internal energy body from the directive intention of the conscious mind is dependent upon the energetic state of the energy body. The energetic state of the energy body is associative of the internal perception of the subconscious reality which is receptive of the capacity for interpretation of the conscious mind towards its external and internal states of reality. The conscious interpretation of the lower self within its reality experiences are collected into the holding patterns within the subconscious mind and in turn, influence future movements of the conscious mind through its observation of repetition of the established subconscious beliefs, observed within the external reality. The ability of the subconscious mind to record and house the conscious reality experience is through its position within the reality sequence, which is seated as an interface between the physical reality and the non-physical reality.

The position of the subconscious mind is purposed as a supportive element for the conscious reality experience, which in turn supports the conscious free thought intention through its capacity to record, store and relay the conscious interpretation into the conscious awareness. The ability of the lower self to successfully apply the desire/decision of the conscious intention into its reality experience is within its ability to, position the conscious intention into alignment with the subconscious interpretation, through the adaptability of the conscious mind or the replacement of the subconscious belief impression for compatible reference frames towards the conscious intention. The ability of the lower self to hold alignment between the conscious and subconscious interpretations is the seat of power for the movement of the conscious intention of desired/decided manifestations into the reality experience.

The ability of the lower self to achieve alignment between the conscious and subconscious intentions through aligned interpretations generates the sense of unity within the conscious reality. The sense of alignment between the external and internal realities of the self, become established within the conscious reality through the observation of repetition within manifested themes and scenarios, appearing in the physical plane espousing and confirming the internal sensing. The vibrational position of the energy body and the associative state of consciousness of the lower self, govern the vibrational level of the attracted manifestations appearing into the sphere of awareness. The alignment of the conscious and subconscious seats of reality involves the alignment of the conscious belief and the subconscious belief and entails the awareness within the conscious mind of its ability to hold directive influence towards its reality experiences. The ability of the conscious mind to hold awareness is dependent upon the vibrational position of the seat of perspective of the lower self, which influences in relation to vibrational position, degrees of limitations upon the conscious ability to become aware of its innate co-creational power. The degrees of the sense of control within the conscious mind through the observation of the successful application of intention within its sphere of reality, influences the lower self for the continuation of the reality experiences, espousing the conscious intention.

The vibrational ascension of the lower energy body, into the transcendence of its current reality perception, into a higher life reality experience is dependent upon the conscious desire/decision to experience a higher vibrational thought/energy reality experience. The lower self holding accumulated negative thought/energy impressions within its belief system, while holding the conscious desire/decision for the higher life experience, will form contrasts or conflicting energetic movements of intention within the sphere of awareness of the conscious reality. The conscious desire/decision to invoke belief impressions into its subconscious mind is dependent upon the reaction of the conscious mind towards the sense of separation or severity in contrasts between the conscious and subconscious realities. The contrast of the conscious and subconscious intentions will require proper resolvement in relation towards the successful attraction of positive thought/energy manifestations into the reality sphere. The ability of the lower self to hold proper mental co-ordinates seated within high vibrational thought/energy realities, which is interpreted by the conscious mind as reference frames, is the initial successful movement of the conscious reality towards the attracted reality experiences.

For the ability of the lower self to remote view high vibrational thought/energy reality experiences for destination points, requires the alignment of the conscious and subconscious mental states for proper movement towards the high vibrational thought/energy experiences. For the ability of the conscious mind to position itself into the attraction and observation of higher vibrational reality experiences, limiting factors within the belief system which have influenced the current state of reality of the lower self will require removal and de-energizing. The ability of the lower self to remove/de-energize limiting factors impressed within the belief system requires, the successful entry of the conscious mind into the subconscious seat of perspective, to invoke the desire/decision for the higher life experience through the directive energetic movement of the conscious intention. The key to the placement of the conscious mind into the subconscious reality is within the proper remote viewing application. The proper remote viewing application involves the ability of the lower self to override the influence of the human sleep cycle as it lowers in electrical brain wave activity towards the unconscious state.

The art of meditation offers an entry into the awakening of the lower self to hold the awareness of its ability to override or expand its perception from automation within the human reality experience. The ability of the lower self to become aware of its innate ability to override influential limiting factors is dependent upon, the ability of the lower self to hold conscious directive motion within the lowering or the relaxing of the human brain/mind. The ability of the lower self to lower its brain wave cycle to position its conscious mind within the theta cycle (7 to 4 cycles per second) can be achieved through an external sound/beat mimicking the theta cycle of (7 to 4 cycles per second). The human brain/mind exposed to the external sound will influence the movement towards the lowering of the human brain/mind into the theta cycle. The effectiveness of the external application of the external influence is dependent upon the presence of resistance within the conscious intention, which will limit the ability of the lower self to hold the conscious mind within the subconscious seat.

The held conscious desire/decision for the higher life reality experience espoused through the heart desire positions the conscious mind within optimal positions to consciously remove/de-energize limiting belief impressions within the subconscious mind restricting the ascension process. The conscious desire/decision positioned in movement with the heart intelligence is required, for the ability of the conscious mind to remove/de-energize limiting belief impressions from the belief system, as the lower self cannot effectively accomplish this action while holding negative thought/energy intentions. The inability is generated as the held perception influenced through negative energies, will project onto the subconscious reality for further intensification of the negative thought/energy belief patterns. The desire/decision to remove negative belief patterns, for the replacement of higher vibrational thought/energy reference frames, positions the conscious mind within the ability to effectively accomplish this activity.

To remove/de-energize limiting impressions within the belief system the conscious mind must position its seat behind/beyond the subconscious impression stage which is achieved with its seat positioned within the theta brain/mind cycle. The repetition of the positioning of the conscious mind within the theta state allows the conscious mind to familiarize with the conscious mind into the subconscious reality. The ability of the conscious mind to apply repetition towards the access of the subconscious mind, increases the effectiveness towards the ability of the lower self, to remain conscious within the theta cycle and towards the evolution of the conscious activity to remain in the theta cycle within the conscious waking reality. The ability of the lower self to remain in the theta cycle while the conscious mind is positioned within the waking reality is the conscious intention for the positioning of the theta mind into the beta position, which can be viewed as an external expression of the internal intention, for expansion of the conscious mind into different seats of perspective within the reality sequence.

The removal/de-energizing of limiting belief impressions within the subconscious mind can be achieved through various techniques which involve the directive conscious intention for the removal/de-energizing of the limiting beliefs. An effective technique involves the visualization of a balloon above the head or crown chakra of the light/energy body and the conscious desire/decision to remove/de-energize the limiting factors through the vehicle of the balloon. The visualization of the balloon lifting away from the the light/energy body is symbolic of the conscious intention for the removal/de-energizing of the energetic signature or emotional attachment towards the limiting beliefs. This technique is highly effective within the positioning of the conscious mind into the subconscious seat of reality. The successful removal of limiting factors within the belief system instantly frees the lower self from the limiting factors, which through replacement of the limiting factors with high vibrational thought/beliefs, generates the movement of the light/energy body towards a higher vibrational rate.

The successful application for initiating the attraction of the higher life reality experience, through proper remote viewing techniques allows the conscious and subconscious energies/realities to align through the movement of both energetic states into coherency, which is achieved through the held conscious intention within the heart intelligence. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques aligned within the energetic movement of the heart intelligence are highly valuable for the reality experience of the higher life.

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