For the ability of remote viewing through the higher intelligences the proper understanding of the psychology of the soul will require integration into the perception of the lower self. The purpose and effect of the creation of the lower self, its human perspective and its relation towards its human and soul collective beings, will require the access of a higher intelligence perspective for proper un-distorted understanding. The lower self through its lower conscious operation, exists within the duality consciousness and can be observed within the human awareness, as greater and lesser degrees of severity within manifestations involving the individual and collective spheres of awareness. The duality consciousness is the effect of the perception of the intent and cause of the desire for the perspective of separation through the self-aware vibratory consciousness. The degree or spectrum of severity within the observational effect of an energy matrix, for observation and interaction of the collective whole of self-aware sentient operations, is dependent upon the rate of vibration between the energy matrix and the focussing energy of the collective whole interacting with an energy matrix. The lower the rate of vibratory energy of the collective whole the lower the constant rate of vibration of the energy matrix. The initial perceived rate which can be sensed subconsciously governs the rate of vibration within the allowance of the human spectrum.
The initial perceived vibratory rate is commonly sensed subconsciously as the lower self upon entry into the self-aware vibrational consciousness operation is handicapped in ability of full cognitive awareness. Until later stages in human development can create the opportunity for the attempt of perception expansion, the infant/child stage is vulnerable to external influence.
The influence on rates of vibration in regards to external influence, are dependent upon the degree of intention of the external influence, which governs its rate of vibratory energy, for potential influence for integration onto its desired target.
The selection of the higher self subgrouping for physical plane human embodiment, and its associative themes and scenarios within its sphere of awareness, will heavily influence the vibratory rate of energy of the lower self. Themes and scenarios presented into the early development of the lower self via the human perspective, become concreted into the lower conscious as the full cognitive ability for un-acceptance has yet to manifest. This sense of concreteness or absolute reality within the initial development of the self-aware vibratory consciousness will be observed with a sense of plasticity for the allowance of the free will choice.
The initial base line rate of vibration of the lower self through its interaction with its associative reality spheres of family and parental figures, will fuel the development of the lower conscious, through the human embodiment as the free will choice becomes more evident and employed.
The perceived separation of the soul from the human perspective, through the limited understanding of the lower self of its own reality, comes forth through the observation and interaction of the self-aware vibratory consciousness.
The inability of the lower self to remote view the higher intelligence thought/energy fields is the initial creation of the perception of separation towards its higher self. The participation of the lower self within the duality consciousness, which is heavily espoused through the mass consciousness thought/energy field, further impresses the duality effect and its reactionary effect of polarization.
The perceived separation between the soul and human, through the human perspective, is the effect of the limited perception of the lower self. This energetic schism between the lower constrictive energies and the unlimited upper energies is the driving factor for its resolvement through its pursuant in psychology. An energetic schism is allowed within a limited spectrum to support the movement of free thought and free will.
The free will choice movement of energy is the differential tension between energy movements moving to and from the center point within reciprocal directions. This collective schism within the macro whole can be observed within the micro self as the differential movements of energies from the conflicting intentions between the higher self and the lower self.
The study or understanding of the soul cannot be properly achieved within the perception of the duality consciousness as this perspective of separation is created within the duality effect.
For the proper discernment of the psychology of the soul, the intelligences of the higher self will have to be accessed, through effective remote viewing techniques, and employed for effective resolvement through the continuation of remote viewing the higher self.
Effective remote viewing in regards to high intelligence data collection from the high intelligence thought/energy fields, are required to transcend the consciousness of duality, in order to resolve the dualistic approach from a higher vibrational awareness.
The dualistic effect within the physical plane can be readily observed and identified within the perception of the duality consciousness. The self-aware vibratory consciousness participating within the dualistic approach will have abundant reference frames in which a sense of familiarity can be achieved.
The greater the collection and integration of dualistic reference frames the greater the sense of familiarity and association with dualistic thought and its development within the individual reality sphere.
The proper discernment within a presented scenario, in regards to the potential ascension of the lower self, will require the ability of remote viewing the higher self. This is required for intuitive communication from remote viewing the higher self thought/energy field, for effective navigation of desired intention within the movements of the scenario.
The resolvement of consciously un-desired experiences within the lower conscious will have to be achieved through the accessibility of awareness into the subconscious and unconscious states of mind of the self-aware vibratory consciousness.
Awareness accessibility of the lower self into its subconscious and unconscious mental states would allow the ability to invoke influence upon the plasticity of the belief system of the lower self. This would allow the opportunity for correction of negative energy impressions into its transformed positive state, for a better reality experience of the self-aware unit with the physical plane.
The ability to remote view the higher self through the higher energy connection for the integration and employment of high intelligence attributes within the lower self reality sphere can be considered the ability of pure intuition.
The ability of remote influencing the higher self for desired manifested experiences within the individual reality sphere, is achieved through effective remote viewing for the collection and processing of high intelligence data, for integration and employment into the lower conscious.
The remote viewed high intelligence data can be observed within the self-aware vibratory consciousness as a sense of knowing or wisdom towards the proper approach for remote influencing the higher self.
The reconnection between the higher self and the lower self and the pursuant of the sense of constant connectivity for a constant increased operational rate of vibrational energy, would hold the greatest opportunity for the proper resolvement of negative influences within the psychology of the soul.
The strengthening of connection between the upper and lower energies through the removal of constrictive negative energies and through the desired intention of the expansion process, will fuel the expansion of awareness and perception within the individual reality sphere.
The greater the ability to receive and hold the high vibrational energies, the greater the constant rate of operational vibratory energy of the lower self.
The increased inflow of high vibrational energy from the higher self will make available the required rate of vibration and sustainment ability necessary for the expansion of consciousness of the lower self.
The expansion of consciousness coincides with the ability of greater discernment, which involves perception expansion and its associative attributes, which in turn support and contribute to the development of the individual ability of perception.
The expansion of the sphere of awareness into thought/energy fields operating outside the duality consciousness will be reflected in the ability of the lower self, to remote view and remote influence its reality from a non-dualistic approach. The degree of compatibility with the currently held perception, through recombination efforts for integration, will govern the expansion of perception and effectiveness of non-dualistic remote viewing and remote influencing practices.
The constant influence of fear thought/emotion and its associative perspectives will create resistance within the higher energy connection. The entry into the subconscious mental state of the lower self, through acceptance and allowance create the effect of resistance, within the higher energy connection through the receivement and containment of the distorted low vibrational energies.
Held distorted energy within the higher energy connection, will create the perception of barriers towards the access of high intelligence thought fields, and coincides with the perception of barriers towards the expansion of awareness and perception.
The by-product of participating self-awareness within a duality consciousness thought field is held distorted energy within the higher energy connection. This is within the design to support the restricted consciousness for a greater probability of continuation within a duality consciousness thought/energy field. Its purpose is for the opportunity for the lower conscious experience, for the potential resolvement of the sense of separation espoused within the duality consciousness and therefore for the potential ascension of the lower self towards its higher self.
The tension created from the formation of the lower self and its continuation, generates the potential movement into the perception held within a state of mental illness, through the degree of reaction of the lower self towards external influence and through the duality perspective within its lower conscious experience.
The desire for resolvement of the fear of separation, created within the duality consciousness, through dualistic reference frame retrieval, will generate further energetic tension between the interface of the higher and lower energies. The dualistic resolvement approach creates greater depth of impression of the duality consciousness for reinforcement and integration within the sphere of awareness of the lower self.
The effect of the reinforcement action of the impressed dualistic thought/belief can be observed within the physical plane, through the degree of negativity and dualistic nature of themes within scenarios presented into the individual reality sphere. The severity of the negative thought/energy effect is governed through the degree of participation within the negative energy spiral and the spirals influence of constriction within the higher energy connection between the higher self and its lower self.
The fear of separation is espoused through the human perspective as the fear of death. The fear of death is a creation of perception from the emotional energy of the fear of separation of the lower self from its higher self, which is impressed subconsciously, and attracted into the awareness of the lower self through the desire for its resolvement. The proper resolvement of the fear of death from the human perspective, is the reflection of the proper resolvement of the initial fear of separation, from the restricted awareness towards the higher energies.
The fear of death from the human perspective and the energetic schism between the upper and lower conscious can only be properly resolved through the access of the high intelligence thought/energy fields in which the higher self positions its perspective from. This set perspective of the higher self remote viewed from its lower self, would endow the proper approach for fear resolvement, through effective applications involving the psychology of the soul.
The higher self holds all awareness of its lower self as it is projecting a combination process of the lower selves’ thought/intention and belief system influence into its reality sphere for the opportunity of experience.
The inability of the lower self to achieve desired thought/intention into manifested form within its reality sphere, through the incompatibility of the thought/intention towards the impressions held within the belief system, will generate increased energetic tension within the interface between the upper and lower energies.
This inability influences negative thought/energy upon the mental processes of the lower self and will require a proper approach for the removal of the fear based emotional influence.
The proper approach in regards to the resolvement of the fear of separation is through the higher non-dualistic perspective from effective discernment of the psychology of the soul. This approach would entail the ability of remote viewing the higher self for high intelligence thought/energy field access in the form of pure intuition. This successful action would endow the tools, techniques and perspective for the ability for the proper resolvement of the fear of separation and its associations within the human development.
The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques aligned within the higher intelligence perspective, would allow the lower self the ability to transcend the duality consciousness into the perspective of the unity conscious, for the effective removal of fear based emotional energy. This is conducted through the transformational higher energy process, into the positive higher vibrational energies, to create a better reality experience for the lower self.
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Remote Viewing Through The Theta Window