Remote viewing within the shadow world allows the lower self the opportunity to resolve internal conflicts, which have generated the vibrational descent of the higher self into the lower conscious. The vibrational descent of the higher self into the lower vibrational depths of the mind, are within the circularity flow of the vibratory consciousness. The circularity flow of the vibratory consciousness, which seats the self-perspective, allows the higher self to collect thought reference frames from its lower conscious mental activities. The ability of the higher self to observe and collect thought reference frames operating outside the held perception, within its high vibrational seat of perspective, generates the awareness of energetic contrasts within its energy body. The sensory contrasts within the energy body of the higher self establish the high vibrational seat of perspective. The energetic vibrational contrast generated within the awareness of the lower self, allows the higher self to impress/record mental landmarks, energetically espoused from the thought activities of the lower conscious. The seat of perspective of the higher self is positioned within, the expansive flow of high vibrational creative energy or its seat of perspective in alignment, within the energetic flow of its source of existence. Within its alignment to the upper creational energies of its source of creation, the higher self holds the ability to powerfully co-create its center reality, through the mental explorations of its energetic extensions reality experiences.
The innate ability of the higher self to hold the perception for the existence of its energetic thought/reality extensions, is within the non-physical digital-like thought/reality processes, operating outside the perception of linear time. The non-physical high intelligence thought processes of the higher self can be observed within the physical plane reality of the lower self, through the complex subconscious thought activities from the higher self, powering the human body into reality and degrees of continuation. The empowering of the human body for the containment of the soul energy, is energized into its state of existence through the thought/energy focus of the higher self.
The purpose of the human body thought/design is to seat the perspective of the higher self into a perspective of self-awareness. The perception an individual, consensual grouping or a collective reality holds towards the perception of the self, is dependent upon the vibrational seat of perspective. The perception of the self can hold many interpretations through the influences of personalization projected through the seat of perspective. The held position of the seat of perspective within the vibrational allowances of the human spectrum, hold the perception of the self within degrees of severity towards the sense of separation and degrees of non-severity, towards the sense of separation. The degrees of the sense of separation are expressed within the lower vibrational positions of the human spectrum. The degrees of the sense of non-severity towards the sense of separation are expressed within the higher vibrational positions of the human spectrum.
The inversion of the perception of the sense of severity between the lower and higher vibrational seats of perspective, is in reflection of the inversion of the higher self reality, into the mental state of its lower conscious. The ability of the lower self to energetically invert back into the perspective of its higher self or ascension, is allowed through the ability of free-thought within the lower conscious. The human spectrum is within the thought/design of the supportive energies of creative expression. The energetic holding patterns manifest into the lower conscious as the vibrational paths of descent and the path of ascension.
The higher self is in a continuous remote viewing/recording process towards its mental extensions. The ability of the lower self to observe and interact with its external reality, through the participation of its internal reality, is conducted through the remote viewing activities of the higher self. The perception of the lower self towards its perceptual automation of its subconscious and unconscious realities, perceives the internal subconscious activities within degrees of foreign intelligence, through its seemingly non-conscious participation. The high intelligence thought activity energizing the lower self existence is automatized within the lower vibrational seats of perspective. The lower vibrational seats of perspective operate within degrees of automation for the continuation of the reality experience.
The ability of the lower self for remote viewing its future potentials void of misconceptions is compromised within the lower vibrational seats of perspective. The compromise within the remote viewing ability of the lower self towards accurately remote viewing its immediate reality and its future potentials, is through the inability of the lower self to properly access the thought/intelligence field of the higher self. The inability of the lower self to properly access the thought/intelligence field of the higher self is in relation to the degree of energetic distortions held within the higher self energy channel. The remote viewing application from the lower self for the access of the higher self thought/intelligence field, within the lower vibrational seats of perspective, manifests within the lower sphere of awareness as distortions of the higher thought/intelligence field.
Energetic distortions that manifest within the mental sphere of the lower seat of perspective, are the personalized conscious interpretations of held distorted/un-coherent energetic patterns, within the impression/image stage of the subconscious belief-system. Held distorted/un-coherent energetic patterns within the subconscious are associative of the lower vibrational seats of perspective. The low vibrational seats of perspective are associative of held distorted/un-coherent energetic patterns, through the sense of energetic contrasts in vibrational activity, between the higher self and the vibrational position/seat of the lower conscious.
The creative act of the human being, through the formation of the lower self, automatically manifests degrees of distorted/un-coherent energetic patterns within the lower energy body, as an energetic by-product of the formation of the lower self. The low vibrational seat of perspective of the lower self allowed development through continuation, develops the distorted/un-coherent energetic patterns, through their continuous presentation within the reality sphere of the lower self. The concept of the shadow within the conscious collective reality interpretations are formed and allowed development, through the inability of the collective thought /energy field, to resolve the associative sense of fear within the perception of the unknown.
The inability of the collective thought/energy consciousness field to resolve the collective sense of fear within the perception of the unknown, is sourced from the sense of separation generated through the formation of the lower conscious, seated within the perception of the self. The sense of the fear of the unknown espoused from the collective consciousness, is generated through the individual self-thought entities/lower selves, projecting personalized distorted energetic patterns into the collective thought/energy field. The projection of personalized distorted energetic patterns into the collective thought/energy field, is an autonomous thought activity within the interconnectivity of thought, between the conscious, subconscious and unconscious states of reality.
The shadow is a manifested generalized concept of the recording of, the individuals personalized perceptions of the thought reactions, towards the sense of fear associated with the sense of the unknown. The concept of the shadow is a collective metaphor for the unknown, expressed and espoused within a low vibrational seat of perspective, which generates the restricted awareness. The sense of fear attached to the sense of the unknown is through, the inability of the lower self to hold a perception or understanding of the dualistic world of light and darkness in which its existence is submerged within. The dualistic world of light and darkness of the lower self, can be observed within the physical plane as the casting of the shadow, from the state of existence of the lower self within its perception of night and day.
The physical plane observation of the lower self towards the shadow of its physical human body, is the conscious sensory interpretation of the energetic movement of the higher self, into the shadow world of the lower conscious. The concept of the shadow as a collective expression of the collective observation of the perception of darkness, manifests within the collective thought/energy field, through the inability of the high vibrational thought/light to present itself within the depths of the darkness. The inability of the collective thought/energy field to manifest thought/light completely within the collective sphere of awareness, is generated through constrictions within the energy connection, manifesting and supporting its state of existence.
The ability of the collective thought/energy being, which expresses the human reality experience, to operate within divisions of itself as individual self-thought expressions or lower selves, is the driving influential factor within the energy movements of the collective thought/energy being. The design of the collective thought/energy being to operate within divisions of itself, is within the purpose and consequential effect of its vibrational descent into the shadow world. The vibrational descent of the collective thought/energy consciousness being expressing the human reality, is within the energetic current of the mental exploration of the self and its thought reactions and contemplative processes, propelled into development through thought connectivity.
The vibrational descent of the collective thought/energy being through its separations of thought/light, allow the opportunity of the collective thought/energy being to resolve internal conflicts within the collective whole, through the consensual thought activities of the separations of thought/light. The internal conflicts within the collective being, sourced from the un-alignment into darkness, generates the heavy thought/focus upon the shadow world. The un-alignment of perspective generates the heavy thought/focus upon the thought reality, initiated within the imagination and expressed within the conscious reality for the exploration of the shadow world. This in turn influences the collective reality into the continuation of mass thought/focus towards the collective perception of darkness and the associative thought reactions.
The ability of the lower self for remote viewing within a clarity of channel, through the low vibrational thought/energy influence of mass thought/focus, is dependent upon its ability to operate outside the negative thought influences of the collective perception of the shadow world. Without the ability of the lower self to repel negative thought/energy influence, the lower self will conduct its remote viewing activities within, degrees of projected distortions or interference patterns, within its energy connection towards its higher self. The low vibrational seat of perspective of the collective reality, within its current perception is remote viewing within held energetic distortions. The constant or repeated manifestations presented into the collective reality are expressed within the physical plane, through the conscious interpretations of the subconscious and unconscious reactionary movements, fuelled through the conscious focus upon the emotion of fear.
The ability of the conscious reality to interpret and co-create, the subconscious and unconscious realities within the conscious mind, allows the opportunity for the unification of the perceptually separated perspectives of reality. The subconscious and unconscious states of mind are within the energetic source of the collective consciousness interpretation of the shadow world. The lower self set within a low vibrational seat of perspective, remote views its non-conscious reality through the perspective of non-intentional or intentional unawareness. The thought reactionary movements initiated through the sensory connection to the energetic signatures within the emotional spectrum of fear, generates the movement of the lower energy body into a contractive energy pattern. The reactionary movements into contraction, further energizes the thought expressions within the emotional spectrum of fear. The increase in the sensory perception of the thought expressions, within the emotional spectrum of fear, is conducted through the thought/focus of the lower self. The ability of thought expressions espoused within the emotional spectrum of fear, to enter and influence the lower energy body increases in probability through the continuation of the heavy thought/focus of the lower self, upon its perception of the sense of fear of the unknown.
The ability of thought expressions empowered through the thought/focus within the fear spectrum, to enter and influence the lower energy body, is within the contractive phase of the energy sphere of the lower energy body. The contractive state of the sphere of the lower self creation, is associative of the lowering of the vibrational rate of the lower energy body. Within the contractive state of the sphere of awareness the manifestation of darkness increases, as the high vibrational thought/light of the higher self is impeded, through held constrictions within the inflow and return flow of the higher self energy channel.
The conscious interpretation to the increase of darkness or the increase in unawareness generates degrees of anxiety with the conscious reality. The sensing of anxiety within the conscious reality sphere is interpreted through the perception of darkness or the unknown and its associative thought reactionary movements, which become personalized through the automation seated within the self-perspective. The intentional and un-intentional unawareness of the energetic emotional signature of the sense of darkness, are variations or different approaches, to the conscious resolvement attempt towards the sense of fear attached to the perception of darkness. The conscious fear resolvement attempt motioned through the intentional unawareness of the sensory perception towards darkness, is within the conscious interpretation for resolvement through avoidance which entails distraction.
Within the low vibrational seat of perspective positioned within the movements of sphere contraction, the conscious unawareness of the sense of fear attached to the perception of darkness, attracts un-personalized thought/reality expressions into the sphere of awareness of the lower self. The intentional unawareness of the sense of fear attached to darkness, is placed within the un-personalized perspective, through its identification of its presence operating outside the self-perspective. The identification of the sense of fear of darkness, as a thought activity operational outside the mental boundaries of the self-perspective, is expressed within the physical plane as the casting of blame upon thought expressions within the perception of the external reality.
The unintentional unawareness of the sense of fear of the unknown resides within the inability of the lower self to remove its state of perception from the automation of the subconscious reality. This mental activity flows within the state of avoidance, within the subconscious avoidance attempt blocking the perception within the conscious reality. The remote viewing of non-personalized thought expressions espoused from the shadow world is within the perception of separation of the self from its external reality. The inability of the lower self to access the source of the sense of fear of darkness or the shadow, within the contrast of high vibrational thought/light, flows within the current of the activity of remote viewing non-personalized thought expressions.
The shadow is the manifestation of the energetic contrast of the thought/energy interaction of light and darkness, as its position is within the energetic interface of both realities. For the ascension of the lower self to occur within the human conscious reality, the key to the resolvement of its sense of fear of darkness, resides within the personalization of the shadow. The fear mankind holds towards its perception of the shadow world, has the potential for the integration of the shadow into the light of awareness or enlightenment. The shadow is within degrees of the perception of positive and negative energy, these interpretations are dependent upon the ability or inability of the lower conscious, to remote view its shadow reality within distortions or clarity of channel.
The integration of the shadow of the self into a state of energetic coherency, within the circulation of the lower energy body, is dependent upon the oppositional position of the ego. The ego is seated within the oppositional position of the shadow as its perspective towards the facing of the shadow generates its existence. The metaphorical position of the facing of the shadow is played out within the collective human reality as opposable forces of good and evil. The perception of evil and its continuous opposition from the perception of the ego, in the oppositional seat of good or righteousness, further enhances the intensity or severity of the perception of darkness or evil.
The heavy focus upon the shadow, through the perception of the fear of the unknown, generates the entry and potential continuation within a low vibrational negative thought/energy spiral. The entry and participation within a low vibrational thought/energy spiral, is generated through the oppositional nature of unawareness within a seated fear of the unknown, which lowers the vibrational rate of the lower energy body into the negative thought/energy influence. Remote viewing within the oppositional perception holds a high probability for the attraction of negative energy thought forms and dark energy beings, into the mental sphere of the remote viewer, as the observable reflection of the internal conflict between the perception of good and evil.
The shadow world is the energetic residue or by-product of the separated consciousness of the self. Its potential for the involvement of the lower self, within a low vibrational negative thought/energy pattern, is equaled in its potential for the ascension of the self. The shadow self and the ego self must come into energetic coherency or alignment within the energy body of the lower self. For the alignment of the shadow and the ego perspectives of the lower self, to come into an energetic coherent pattern within the energy body, its movement into energetic coherency requires initiation from the conscious desire/belief for the unification of the sub perspectives.
The ability of the lower self to unify its sub perspectives into energetic coherency, through the relocation of its seat of perspective into a higher vibrational location, involves the proper application of remote viewing. The proper application of remote viewing in regards to the resolvement of the sense of fear, attached to the perception of the shadow world, is through the seat of perspective of the higher self. The ability of the lower self, for the relocation of its seat of perspective into the high vibrational seat of the higher self, flows within the thought/energy of free thought and expression. The ability of the lower self to observe its external reality is through the continuous remote viewing of the higher self into the lower conscious reality. The remote viewing application of the higher self towards its lower plane reality, is motioned through the conscious interpretation of the subconscious reality as an observable reflection, which includes the projection of the internal conflict between the perception of good and evil.
The thought impressions/images within the subconscious belief-system of the lower self, are sensed and interpreted within the conscious reality through the conscious interpretation and its reactionary movement of thought, towards the subconscious sensory connection. The remote viewing of the energetic interplay between the conscious and subconscious perspectives of reality, is remote viewed from the unconscious seat of perspective or the higher self. The ability of the lower self for remote viewing into its unconscious state of mind is the application of the remote viewing of the higher self.
The fear of the shadow world, expressed through the fear of the unknown, can be interpreted by the conscious reality as the sense of the fear of the unknown, through unawareness or the conscious perspective of the unconscious reality. The association of the fear of the unknown within the thought activities of the unconscious seat of perspective, blocks the lower self from the proper entry to the access of the unconscious reality, within the conscious remote viewing application. The entry into the unconscious reality for the conscious remote viewing application, while holding negative thought/energy within the energy body, will create distortions within the conscious remote viewing application. The high intelligence thought/light of the higher self passes through the impression stage of the belief-system and into the conscious reality. The conscious interpretation of the high intelligence remote viewing request, distorted through the held negative thought/energy impressions, will hold low value towards the unification of the ego and the shadow into energetic coherency within the lower energy body.
The proper conscious application for the remote viewing of high intelligence data while holding negative thought/energy patterns within the belief-system, involves the desire/belief of the lower self to position its seat of perspective, into the vibrational position of its higher self. The conscious desire/belief to position the lower conscious within the seat of perspective of the higher self, initiates the movement towards the high vibrational position. The decrease in the energetic contrasts between the lower self and the higher self, coincide with the decrease in the sense of fear, attached to the perception of the unknown or the shadow world.
The ability of the lower self to accurately remote view its higher self reality allows the lower self access to the high intelligence thought/energy field of the higher self. This is required for the guidance necessary to properly understand, the complexities and underling purpose of the shadow world within the duality consciousness. The expansion of the perception into the high intelligence thought/energy field of the higher self allows the higher awareness, to shine upon the human darkness, to reveal its underling intention of love through the lessons of separation. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the lower self towards the high vibrational reality of the higher self, are powerful factors for the unification of the ego world and the shadow world, into the state of energetic coherency within the energy body of the lower self.
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Remote Viewing Through The Theta Window