Remote Viewing And Timing

The ability of the conscious mind for remote viewing its current state of reality is dependent upon the proper understanding of energetic movements within the reality sequence supporting timing. The ability of the conscious mind to observe its current state of reality is issued from both oppositional positions within the seat of perspective. The oppositional seats of perspective involve the directive thought/focus of the conscious mind positioned within the reality sequence which can be observed as oppositional within the context of dimensional appearances. The conscious mind positioned within the internal or non-physical reality involves the contemplation process. The contemplation process issued from the internal perspective involves the observation of the conscious mind of its current state of reality through the perception of communication with the internal reality. The triggering of the contemplation process within the conscious mind is influenced from the conscious mind within the external perspective through the observation of contrasts towards the internal perspective within the external reality. The movement of the thought/focus of the conscious mind between the internal perspective and the external perspective is a simultaneous occurrence and can be observed within the self-perception as separate or oppositional directions of thought/focus. The sense of separation issued from the observation of the conscious mind within the internal perspective and the external perspective is generated through the energetic contrasts created within the movement of a sentient energy source into a differential direction or pattern in relation to its perception within its current state of reality.

The ability of an sentient energy source to observe contrasts towards its current state of reality is generated through the ability to remain within the current state of reality or remembering while seated within a differential energy movement. The ability of the conscious mind to remain within its current state of reality while holding the ability to observe reality from differential locations or vibrational frequencies involves remote viewing. Remote viewing is the ability of the conscious mind to observe reality through the relay of information within a thought/energy connection issued from the internal or external perspective.

The connection of the conscious mind to points of thought/energy or mental co-ordinates is a constant activity within the internal and external seats of perspective. Thought/energy connections to differential movements of energy are required to support the existence of the conscious mind, which is issued into formation through the action of thought/energy into movement or the vibratory consciousness. Timing becomes paramount within the movement of thought/energy from its potential within the still point into vibrational motion. The act of vibration involves the movement of energy to and from the initiating thought/energy source within the unmanifested energetic potential and the severities of movement from the still point. Timing is involved within all movements of vibration and constantly operates outside the timing represented within the collective human reality experience. Timing is represented within the physical plane human reality as time. Time is a collective or co-ordinational physical plane interpretation of the observation of the conscious mind of repetitive movements expressed as cycles which influence and govern the cycles of the human body/mind.

Timing within its self is non-linear but expressed within the linear perception through the initiating source generating movement or timing influencing movement within the physical reality. The slow condensed vibration of the physical plane offers the illusion of time to the conscious mind as the observation of repetition within the material world generating the perception of cycles. The conscious mind, constantly remote viewing its reality, observes timing through the self-perception which governs the observational/sensory effect. The seat of power of the conscious mind, regardless of awareness, is remote viewing its current state of reality. Remote viewing the current state of reality is also present within the influence of time exampled within the perception of the past and the future. The conscious mind, remote viewing previous reality experiences, observes its past through the self-perception operational within its current state of reality. The effect of the observer upon the observed is present within all movements of the vibratory consciousness. Time through its nature, expressed within the physical plane, heavily influences the energetic movements or directions within the physical plane reality.

Time is represented as a limitation of timing, as the observation of matter within the physical plane is a selected reference frame or snap shot of the progression of the reality sequence from the energetic still point of potentiality into movement within the reality sequence, towards its manifestation of matter within the physical plane. The heavy influence of time within the physical plane is generated through the presence of the interacting reality matrix which offers a collective, co-ordinational effect to suit and support the self-aware vibratory consciousness within a collective setting. The association of time within the remote viewing application involves the interpretation of the conscious mind seated within the physical plane and the perception of energetic movements within the non-physical positions of the reality sequence. Thought/intelligence within the lower energy body relays into the conscious mind, through the sensory pathways, interpretations of energy movements within the non-physical positions within the reality sequence. The ability of the lower energy body to locate and identify energetic movements within the sphere of awareness involves the ability to transmit and receive energy signals which are present within the act of thought/energy vibration. This is the essence of remote viewing reality.

The ability of the conscious mind to locate and identify non-vibrational thought/intelligence through the perception of physicality, is a tailored design within the human reality experience supported through the common physical plane senses. The ability of the conscious mind, for remote viewing thought/energy expressions operational outside the perception of physical plane reality, requires the ability of the lower energy body to issue the activation of sensory pathways supporting the perception for the observation of the non-physical reality within the mental sphere. The ability of the conscious mind to activate sensory pathways required for remote viewing energy movements within the perception of non-physicality, requires contrast points operational outside the influence of the vibrational frequencies of the physical plane. The movement of the conscious mind away from the external perspective into the internal perspective allows for the motion of the conscious reality to remote view non-physical reality expressions, accessible through the ability of the conscious mind to remain active within the subconscious and unconscious mental states, which issue the non-physical energy movements into physical plane expression.

The proper interpretation of physical plane energy movements can be approached from the initiating point for the complete understanding through complete contrast. The complete contrast or reference frames towards physical plane energy movements is positioned within the initiating energetic source for the physical plane manifestation within the still point of thought/energy potentiality. The ability of the conscious mind to collect and impress reference frames associative of the experience of reality within energetic stillness is revealed within the positioning of the conscious mind into the subconscious reality, for the remote viewing of the unconscious reality and the positioning of the conscious mind into the unconscious reality, for the remote influencing of the unconscious reality. Within these positions the conscious mind can connect to its energetic still point, from the perspective of movement and experiencing the reality of energetic stillness through the positioning of the lower energy body into the energetic still point. The positioning of the lower energy body into the energetic still point allows for the ability to hold the perception of energetic stillness, required to experience the reality of energetic stillness from the perspective of energetic stillness.

The portal into the still energy of potentiality is revealed within the thought/focus of the conscious mind upon the now, which involves a measurement of contrast towards the concept of time within the collective human reality. This activity is achieved through the ability of the conscious mind to hold the perception of now within the influence of the manifested flow of linear time within the physical plane human reality. As the memory of the past is altered from its retrieval and observation within the current state of reality of the self-perception, so too is the remote viewing of future probabilities unmanifested within the physical reality. Within this context, the observed timing of a previous event will be presented through the thought connection, through the remote viewing application representing the cycle of timing through the current state of reality of the self-perception.

The ability of the conscious mind to alter the self-perception of previous experiences resides within the plasticity of thought/energy, which through its malleable nature within the non-physical plane is constantly within the movement of continuation or development, fuelled through its internal energy motion supporting its direction or intention. The ability of thought/energy for continued movement within its internal processes, is the underlining purpose for creation and is supported from the energetic current of creative expression, which houses and develops the creative intention. Thought/energy holds the ability to initiate and continue development within its internal processes, through the magnetic nature of thought/energy to attract differential movements of thought/energy to its self-thought processes, which compound its movement towards development.

The ability of thought/energy to attract thought/intelligence from external points of creative expression is in relation to the vibrational position of the initiating movements of thought/energy from the still point. Vibration is motioned into movement through its placement within the energetic current of sentient energy and the supportive network of energy pathways which support the external and internal thought connections. Without the supportive network enabling the movement of thought/energy from potentiality to manifestation, creation could not be achieved. The initiating movement of thought/energy is generated within the sentient thought/focus towards a successful connection which fuels the motion of thought/energy into a progression towards intelligence. The movement of thought/energy into the progression towards intelligence may remain sentient in directive or may take on an artificial tone and direction. Thought/energy connections from sentient beings towards other sentient beings can hold a sentient tone void of energetic distortions. This activity is dependent upon the ability of both interacting participants within the thought connection to seat into a position of clarity within the communication channel.

The ability of sentient beings within a thought connection to seat within a position void of interference patterns relies upon the ability to remove un-coherent energy patterns from within the communication channel. The ability of the conscious mind to effectively remove un-coherent energy patterns from within the communication channel requires the ability of the conscious mind to seat within the subconscious reality. The conscious mind is fuelled into the desire/decision for the removal of un-coherent energetic patterns through the desire/decision for coherency and harmony within the reality experience. The desire/decision for the movement of the conscious mind into the perception of coherency and harmony is reflected into the reality sphere, as an increase in the timing sequence of associative manifestations appearing within the reality sequence. The ability of the conscious mind to observe and identify increases with the frequency of associative manifestations of harmony or coherency appearing within the reality sphere, is the remote viewing of the conscious mind of its current reality in transit towards a directive position fuelled through the desire/decision of the conscious mind.

The awareness of timing within the reality sequence and its’ inter relationship with the current state of reality, influences the self-perception towards the mental state of imagination. The influence upon the self-perception towards the thought/focus within the mental state of imagination is achieved through the realization of the conscious mind of its involvement and associative influence within the reality sequence. The directive thought/focus of the conscious mind into the mental state of imagination is generated through the actions of the conscious mind to observe the initiating source for the movement of timing within the reality sequence. The ability of the conscious mind to locate and identify the origin of influence towards the timing of manifestations within the reality sphere involves remote viewing. The remote viewing of the conscious mind of mental co-ordinates operational outside the sphere of awareness of the self-perception is accessed through the mental state of the imagination. The mental state of the imagination allows for the expansion of the self-perception outside the held perceptions within the current state of reality. This activity is achieved through the nature of imagination, to expand employing support from the held self-perception within the current state of reality, into mental co-ordinates operating outside the mental perimeter of the self-perception.

Remote viewing fuels the conscious mind for thought/energy connections required to support the self-perception into a continuation for thought development towards an interpretation for the originating source for the issue of timing within the appearance of manifestations. The effective position of the conscious mind for access to thought/intelligence displaying the nature of energy movements within non-physical reality positions within the reality sequence, is revealed within the ability of the conscious mind to position into seats of perspective located within non-physical positions within the reality sequence. The ability of the conscious mind to position into non-physical seats issuing the physical plane manifestations into formation is revealed within the ability of the conscious mind to remain active within these positions.

The conscious mind positioned within the heavy, slow vibrations expressed within physical plane manifestations, influences the self-perception into sensory connections required for interaction within the material world. The ease and accessibility of thought connections within the physical plane, through sensory pathways extending into the human thought program, are necessary to allow the conscious mind the ability to observe reality within a full sensory effect. The thought/focus of the conscious mind fuels the directive force initiating the thought connection through the equal and opposite energetic reaction allowed movement within the sensory pathways. The ability of remote viewing and the ability to observe timing, is the state of awareness of an event or the state of unawareness of an event. This activity creates the illusion of an external manipulation of the states of the observer between awareness and unawareness. The appearance of manifestations within the reality sphere are illusional within the context of the continuous presence of the manifestations within the reality sphere but made available to the self-perception within the state of awareness. Timing is a sensory effect made contrast through the states of awareness and unawareness of manifestations within the reality sequence. This activity is dependent upon the vibrational movement, which initiates the sequence of manifestations into the states of awareness and unawareness of the self-perception.

Within the still point, the originating energetic source for movement within the reality sphere, the conscious mind, is operational outside the perception of time. The concept of time is non-applicable within the state of energetic stillness as the concept of time holds the conscious mind in movement for the ability to hold the concept of time within the self-perception. The issue of time within the timing sequence although non-applicable within the energetic still point, holds proper application within the non-physical positions within the reality sequence as an interacting, supportive mechanism for the conscious mind to hold the free will choice for awareness or unawareness towards energetic movements within the mental sphere. The ability of the conscious mind to operate outside the concept of time within the physical plane reality sequence, resides within the ability for remote viewing outside the limitations of the human reality.

Time and its initiating source timing, for the presentations of manifestations within the reality sphere, are held in the context of limitations as the concept of time and timing are non-applicable or compatible within the mental state of all awareness. The ability for remote viewing outside the limitations of time within the physical plane human reality involves, the ability of the conscious mind to remain outside the movement of physical plane time or the perception of the now, issued from the seat of perspective within the energetic still point. The ability of the conscious mind to remain within the energetic still point lessons the influence of the perception of time upon the movement of the conscious mind within the energetic current involved with the sequence of time within the human reality. The ability of the conscious mind for remote viewing within the energetic still point generates the production of reference frames within the subconscious mind associative of remote viewing applications issued from the perception of the now or the still point.

The ability of the conscious mind to collect reference frames and employ held reference frames, associative of remote viewing from the perception of the now, allows for the proper development of the observer role within the ego application. The ability of the conscious mind to hold the sense of familiarity towards the perception within the energetic still point, displays high value towards the remote viewing of physical plane manifestations through the issue of non-physical timing. The ability of the conscious mind to seat the ego within the observer role, positioned within the perception of energetic stillness, involves holding the ability to observe energy movements within the reality sphere. The ability of the conscious mind to observe energy movements within the seat of the energetic still point, is a powerful remote viewing technique for the proper identification and interpretation of energy movements within the reality sphere.

The effectiveness of the bilocation of the observer role of the ego, into the position of energetic stillness and into the simultaneous position for energetic movement within the remote viewing application, resides within the sustained connection to the energetic still point which allows access to the higher self channel. The ability of the conscious mind to remain within the ego bilocation while holding movement within the physical plane allows the conscious mind access and proper interpretation of high intelligence thought/energy. This ability is achieved through the bilocation of the observer role influencing the conscious mind into the perception of contrast towards lower vibrational energy movements within the physical plane. The ability of the conscious mind for access to the higher self communication channel within thought interactions in the physical plane, is the ability of the conscious mind for high intelligence intuition for employment within the remote viewing application.

Creation, although issued from the energetic stillness of potentiality, is dependent upon vibrational movement as a vehicle for the creative intention for expression. The ability of the conscious mind for remote viewing contrasts within thought/energy movements within the self-perception of an external and internal reality, is the underling purpose for self-thought development within the act of creation. Timing is purposed within the act of creation as a sign post for the reflection of the current state of reality. The micro reflection of the collective reality of humanity, the self-reality, holds the ability for remote viewing the current state of reality of the self-perception within the collective experience. This activity is dependent upon the ability of the conscious mind to properly identify and interpret manifestations within the reality sequence associative of the current state of reality of the self. The remote viewing of the conscious mind of its current state of reality within the collective setting, involves the ability of the conscious mind to remain within communication to the higher self seated within the issuing role of the reality sequence, supporting the lower plane physical reality of the conscious mind. The ability of the conscious mind for remote viewing the current state of reality, is applicable through the seat of issue of the higher self, which projects the reality of the conscious mind within the physical plane. The ability of the conscious mind for remote viewing the current energetic state of the reality of humanity involves, the ability of the conscious mind to access the collective consciousness field issued from the soul matrix and seated within the non-physical positions within the collective reality sequence.

The ability to observe the current energetic state of the collective human reality within the self-perception involves, the ability to hold the perception of the collective energy field while seated within the self-perception, which generates an energetic connection to the collective energy field. The ability of the conscious mind to hold the awareness of the collective reality within the seat of the self-perception, generates a bilocation within the observer role of the ego, which generates the ability to identify contrasts between observations within the self-perception and observations within the collective perception. The ability to properly identify and interpret contrasts within the self-perception and the collective perception allows the conscious mind the ability to properly accept or refuse influences from the collective reality.

The ability to accept or refuse influences from the collective reality attached to the self-perception allows the ability of the conscious mind, for corrections within the current state of reality to coincide with the desires and decisions of the conscious mind. The proper observation and interpretation of the conscious mind, towards the timing sequence for the appearance of manifestations forming into the reality sphere, act as guide posts or mental landmarks for the directive movements of the lower energy body supporting the conscious mind. The frequency for the appearance of manifestations forming into the reality sphere, are indicators for the directive movement and distance from the destination point initiating the directive movement.

Timing becomes a valuable tool in the remote viewing application as a compass for mental exploration outside and within the physical plane. The conscious mind is constantly remote viewing its physical and non-physical reality as the conscious mind issues the seat of power from the conscious seat or the subconscious seat. The conscious seat may be directive which involves self-direction or degrees of empowerment which in turn governs the subconscious mind. The inability of the conscious mind to recognize its influential participation with remote viewing activities generates the sense of automation within the reality experience. The sense of automation is generated through the non-directive role of the conscious mind, remote viewing manifestations within the reality sphere which are issued from the subconscious automation process, supporting the desire/decision for unawareness involved in the seat of power of the conscious mind towards remote viewing attracted manifestations into the reality sequence.

The unawareness of the conscious mind of its innate power to attract manifestations into the reality sequence generates a sense of separation, towards the awareness of the timing sequence from the perception of non-involvement within the influencing process, for the appearance of manifestations into observation. The ability of the conscious mind to become aware of its influence within the timing sequence, involves the remote viewing of the higher self for high intelligence data access and the ability to access energetic influences within the subconscious mind, influencing the automation of the reality experience. The ability of the conscious mind to follow the electrical brain wave cycle into the subconscious mind allows for access to the seat of perspective of the higher self and for access to the subconscious position. The ability of the conscious mind to interpret and influence the timing of manifestations within the reality sequence holds the conscious mind within the seat of power for a directive reality experience. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the conscious mind into the subconscious and unconscious reality are highly valuable for the ability of the conscious mind to activate its innate ability for directive experience.

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