Thought And The Emotional Spectrum Of Fear

Through thought and the emotional spectrum of fear the higher self holds the opportunity to resolve internal conflicts, which have energetically initiated its vibrational descent into the lower plane dimensional realities. The proper vibrational position for the effective resolvement attempt of the internal conflict, resides within the vibrational location of the energetic signature, which espouses the manifestation and continuation of the internal conflict. The ability of the higher self to enter and participate within a differential position, for the involvement within a reality experience, is within its ability to become aware of internal conflicts. The ability of the higher self to become aware of internal conflicts is within its output of vibrational signals into the unified energy field of the soul matrix. The output of vibrational signals from the energy body of the higher self into the interconnectivity of the unified energy field, is dependent upon the receivement of the vibrational signatures of the energy body towards its external collective reality. The unified field of the soul matrix is a creation for the development of the higher self. The opportunity for development is achieved through the innate ability of the higher self to transmit and receive energy signals from separated movements within the energy field. The ability of the higher self to receive and transmit energy signals from the separated energetic movements within the energy field, allows the development of the higher self through its awareness of the separated reality experiences within the unified energy field, expressed within the non-physical plane as energy signals.

The high vibrational seat of perspective of the higher self generates a reference point, for the external differential energy signals of its mental explorations, towards the reference point of its high vibrational seat of perspective. The differential movements of the unified energy field are expressed within the higher perception, as contrasts in uniqueness for the housing of the unique creation, rather than the held perception of the lower plane realities focussed towards separation or opposition. The awareness of differential movements within the unified energy field of the soul matrix, is within the context of the understanding of the interconnection of the energy field, and its movements towards the collective movement of intention into resolvement attempts expressed through the lower plane realities.

The awareness of differential movements within the unified energy field of the soul matrix, is within the understanding of the interconnection of the energy field and its movement of intention into resolvement attempts, acted upon within the lower plane realities. The movement of intention of the higher self unified energy field into resolvement attempts, influenced by the differential energetic movements within the energy field is within the intention of the removal of conflicting energetic movements, for the underlining intention of the ascension of the unified energy field.

The ascension of the unified energy field of the higher self matrix involves its movement of ascension towards non-vibrational stillness and reality. The ascension of the higher self towards its energetic source, within the non-vibrational stillness of potentialities, is through its resolvement of conflicting/differential movements of energy. The resolvement of the sense of conflict from the awareness of differential energy movements or thought expressions, is required to remove the mental anchoring or thought/focus, which is impeding the ascension of the higher self energy field into a higher state existence.

The movement of energy from the stillness of its potential into vibration and the allowance of movement, through the ability of energy to operate at different rates of vibration, are within the energetic flow of creational expression. The allowances of differential movements of energy into its associative creational expression, is within the reality experience generated through the mechanics/intelligence of the imagination of the One mind. The basic mechanics of the One mind is within the source of the vibratory consciousness and the allowances of its movement, influenced through its thought activities and expressed within differential movements of vibrational rates of energy.

The formation of the human being is the energetic effect or manifestation of the imagination of the One mind, expressed through the vibrational movements away from the stillness of potentialities into the potentials vibrational energetic state, through the support of the movement of the potential into its state of existence. The creation of the human being is a marriage of the movement of thought, from its still point or non-vibrational expression into its vibrational expression, through the perception of external creative support. The perception of external creative support, for the creative intention into expression of its state of existence within the collective reality of humanity, is commonly expressed within the context of an external God or higher universal powers, acting upon the perception of external intelligence activities.

The human dream expressed within the creation of the earth flows within the energetic current of the freedom of movement or expressions, through the vibrational allowances within the imagination of the One mind. Within the vibrational allowances of the human spectrum supporting physicality, the highest vibrational human expressions are espoused within the same unified field of humanity as are the lowest vibrational human expressions. The vibrational allowances of the human spectrum hold the ability of the human expression, to experience the lower vibrational thought expressions and the higher vibrational thought expressions, through the energetic support of the positive and negative energy pole formations.

The interconnectivity of all energetic creative aspects of expression, through the mobility of thought, is supported by the creative allowances of a non-vibrational intelligence field requiring sentient energy for animation. The ability of sentient energy or thought/light energetic intention to invoke plasticity upon its reality experiences, is within the interconnectivity of thought/energy to influence through the awareness of differential thought, in relation to the aspect of the self. The interconnection of thought/energy and its differential movements of vibrational spin, generate the awareness of differential movements of contrasts within the perception of the external reality. The reactionary effect of the awareness of external movements, sensed by the vibrational field of the energy body, is generated through the awareness of the uniqueness of thought expressions generating the perception of separation.

The generation of the perception of separation within the vibratory consciousness field/sphere manifests the perception of an external reality towards the perception of the self. The perception of an external reality is within the awareness of an energetic division of the self from the movements of differential energetic movements operating outside the perception of self-boundaries. The differential movements of vibrational energy, held within the perception of an external reality, can be observed through human perspective via the boundaries of the human body. The awareness of differential movements of vibrational energy within the physical plane via the self-perspective, is expressed through the creational support of the positive and negative energy pole formations.

The attraction and manifestation of positive and negative energies into the reality sphere of the sentient being are allowed expression through the energetic intelligence/support of the vibrational points or holding patterns. The vibrational points/holding patterns manufacture the manifestation through the vibrational holding pattern, which is compatible to the energetic signals from the sentient being. The awareness of the attraction and manifestation of an external reality expression, via the perspective of the sentient being, is within the sensory/perception energetic aspects of the thought/intelligence of the energy body. The sensory/perception aspects of the energy body allow the sentient being the ability to accept/invite the external reality expression or to refuse the continuation of the thought interaction. The awareness of the attraction of an external reality expression, through its awareness of the location of the vibrational signal of the sentient being, holds the potential for impression through the subconscious acceptance of a mental landmark of the external reality expression.

The ability of the sentient being to observe an external reality expression and to identify its vibrational position without energetic attachment, involves the conscious control of the energy body and a high degree of operational light refraction projected, from the energy body. Without these abilities the sentient being is vulnerable to external thought/energy influence, which can be attracted into the mental sphere, though the energetic signal or sentient thought/light espoused from the energy body. The internal subconscious thought activities, remote influencing the conscious reality and its consequential reactionary effect, generate the output of the energetic signal and the directional movement within the over sphere of the One mind.

The directional movements of the energy signal, generated by an energy body/field are within the mechanics of energetic tension, which through its constant activity, forms and continues the vibrational world of creation. A low vibrational energy signal manifests into expression, within the associative human reality experience, through the vibrational compatibility of participating non-vibrational intelligence/energy fields. The presentation or attraction of creational codes from a non-vibrational intelligence field, which espouse the compatibility for the creative intention, are initiated from the thought/intelligence of the energy body.

The presentation of the creational codes for the potential animation through the thought/light focus of the sentient energy is within the magnetic attraction of the energy signal, which is supporting the expression, through the ability of the sentient being to exist within a perception of a reality experience. The ability for sentiency and its expression of existence, is generated and supported from the unique vibrational spin or cycle of thought/light into vibrational movement. The energy signal espoused within the uniqueness of the vibrational expression, allows the attraction of differential movements of thought/energy expressions for the opportunity of thought development. The opportunity for thought development through the magnetic attraction of the unique vibrational spin of the sentient being, involves the allowances of freedom for the vibrational movement, which in turn involves the supportive energetic structure of the positive and negative energy pole formations.

The ability of the sentient being to experience degrees within the positive and negative energy pole expressions within its reality sphere, allows the freedom of directional movement of thought development. The reactionary movements of the sentient energy body through the energetic pathways connected to differential movements of energy signals or sensory perception, is sensed within the awareness of contrast of differential movements of energy, towards the perception of boundaries of the energy body seated within a self-perspective. The awareness of differential movements of energy in relation to the self-perspective of the energy body is expressed within the emotional spectrum. The emotional spectrum operates within capacities or allowances which are compatible to the vibrational allowances of the spectrum of expression upholding the reality experience.

The ability of a sentient being to operate outside the vibrational allowances of an emotional spectrum, is dependent upon the energetic movements of the energy sphere in relation to expansion and contraction. The ability of the sentient being to operate outside the vibrational allowances of an emotional spectrum, is within the ability of the perception to operate outside the select allowances supporting a reality experience. This movement flows within the energetic current of free thought and its supportive action of the free will intention. The ability of the sentient being to operate outside the vibrational allowances of a reality spectrum, through the expansion and contraction of the energy sphere/body, allows for the further development of thought from the presented experiences into the reality sphere.

The ability of the sentient being to operate outside the allowances of an energy spectrum, through the expansion of the energy sphere, is the vibrational ascension of a sentient being into a higher vibrational reality spectrum. The higher vibrational reality spectrum is necessary for the creative support of the desired seat of perspective for the observation of the reality experience. The vibrational descent of the sentient being into the lower dimensional realities, through the contraction of the energy sphere, involves the sensory/perception and the coinciding movements of the energy body into the emotional spectrum of fear. The vibrational location of the emotional spectrum of fear, expressed in vibrational compatibility for the reality experience, is sourced within the vibrational activities of the negative energy pole thought expressions to initiate and continue the movement of contraction of the vibratory energy sphere of the sentient being.

The initiation and continuation of the sphere contraction of the sentient being through its attraction of the emotional spectrum of fear, is generated within the sensory/perception of the sentient energy body and its consequential reactionary movements within the energy body. The emotional spectrum of fear operates or becomes energized through energy collection and energy transmutation. The emotional spectrum of fear is observed through the sensory/perception aspect of the sentient energy body. The awareness or sensory/perception of the emotion of fear is the reactionary effect of the contraction of the sentient energy sphere. The contraction of the sentient energy sphere, induced through the thought/energy connection to negative energy pole expressions, is the influence of the negative energy expression to locate and initiate contact with the sentient being.

The applied influence of negative energy pole expressions for the location and potential contact of the sentient being, is achieved through the energy signal from the sentient energy body. The ability of the negative energy to locate the signal is achieved, through the intention of a compatible energy signal towards the negative energy expression. The ability the negative energy pole expressions hold to locate and initiate contact with a sentient being seated within a high vibrational seat of perspective, involves the attraction of the negative energy to the refracted light of the sentient energy body. The attempted influence for the vibrational lowering of the sentient energy body, operating within a high vibrational rate of energy, involves the directed thought/intelligence of dark energy beings.

A sentient being operating within a high vibrational rate of energy holds the power, through its application within the high vibrational seat of perspective, to refuse entry and energetic entanglement from the dark energy influence. A sentient being can negate the influence of dark energy beings within the high vibrational seat of perspective, while remaining within the high vibrational position, within the initiation and continuation of contact. This innate ability of the sentient being requires activation and employment for the ascension process. The attraction of dark energy into the mental sphere of the sentient being, although not common, flows within the energetic current supporting free thought and the free will intention.

The current sensory/perception of the collective reality of humanity is locked into the emotional spectrum of fear through the vibrational compatibility of the collective energy signal. The vibrational compatibility of the collective reality of humanity, generating a low vibrational signal towards the attraction of negative energy influence, is powerfully remote influenced into its energetic state through mass thought/focus. The ability of mass thought/focus to influence, the vibrational rate of the unified energy field of the collective reality of humanity, is through the donation of energy towards the animation of negative energy pole expressions. The donated energy of the collective energy field, fuelled by mass thought/focus, is conveyed through the internal activities of energy movements and sensed and interpreted by the conscious reality, as an observable effect of the internal awareness of the activity of the differential movements of energy.

The sensory/perception of the conscious interpretation of the internal differential movements, generates or draws the sentient thought/focus or energy donation, towards the external conscious observation. The ability of the subconscious reality to influence the conscious reality, to focus upon the observable effect of the differential internal energy movements, initiates the continuation of the animation of the negative energy influence. The continuation of the animation of negative energy pole expressions within the conscious reality through the thought/focus, allows the conscious observation of themes and scenarios influenced by the dark energy influence.

The continuation of the negative energy influence involves the subconscious and or conscious allowance, for the continuation of movement of the negative influence, within the energy body of the sentient being. The inability of the sentient being to consciously remove/de-energize negative energy influence within the energy body, is represented in the ability of the sentient being to expand its energy sphere. The inability of the sentient being to expand its energy sphere, is within its inability to increase its vibrational rate of energy through the governing action of the negative energy influence.

The attachment of negative energy influence within the energy body generates an emotional reaction within the conscious reality, through its interpretation of the decrease in the vibrational rate induced through the applied negative influence, and the reactionary effect for the resolvement attempt initiated by the energy body. The mass focus upon negative energy pole expressions, is a continuous reciprocal effect of the individual effect of communication with the negative energy expressions, which comprises the mass thought/focus. This in turn continues the mass focus influence, towards the individual and consensual realities, into the directional movement of the mass focus. The directional movement of the mass focus upon negative energy pole expressions involves entry and participation within a negative energy cycle. The entry and participation within a negative energy cycle is generated through the continued focus upon the negative energy influence, which is designed to continue the focus of the sentient energy, through its entry and involvement within the personal perspective of the sentient being.

The ability of negative energy expressions to infiltrate and apply influence, within the personal perspective of the sentient being, is within its influence within the energy body. The activity of the negative influence within the energy body, initiates the movement of the emotional body, which in turn intensifies the conscious interpretation through the sensory/perception of the emotional response/reaction of the movements within the internal energy body. The ability of the negative energy to continue its involvement of negative energy influence within the personal perspective, resides within the mobility of thought interconnection to position thought/energy within any location or seat of perspective, in which it is allowed entry through various means.

The sentient being which has allowed entry and participation within its personal perspective, is influencing its consensual reality and consequentially its collective reality, through the interconnectivity of thought/energy. The influence of negative energy, for the continuous involvement of the sentient being and the potential collection of energy from the consensual grouping, involves the infiltration into individual sentient beings within the consensual group. The allowed entry of negative energy into the consensual grouping, initiates the movement/intention for the collection of other sentient energy into the grouping.

The ability of the negative energy to infiltrate and expand a consensual grouping is through its allowed continuation, within the personal perspective of the energy body of the consensual grouping. The energetic reaction of the energy body or emotion allows the high probability for infiltration, through the directive influence of the negative energy to motion the energy body into compatibility or within a low spectrum of emotion. This is achieved through a low vibrational emotional response to the awareness of negative energy. This in turn influences the collective reality, through agreement or vibrational compatibility, with individuals or groupings within the collective reality.

The ability of a consensual grouping, operating within the emotional spectrum of fear to influence mass focus, involves the degree of influence and its ability to disguise its intention, through mimicking vibrational compatibility of mass focus. This can be observed within the physical plane as trends and established accepted realities. The ability of the collective reality of humanity to remove its participation within the collective perspective, influenced through the emotional spectrum of fear, is initiated from individuals within the collective reality.

The ability of an individual to ascend and operate within a high vibrational seat of perspective, is of a higher probability than a consensual grouping, operating within the emotional spectrum of fear. The individual being is unhampered in its vibrational ascension into a higher vibrational seat of perspective by the influence of the consensual grouping. A unified energetic intention within the energy body of the consensual grouping for the heart desire of collective ascension, is a powerful influential factor for the Ascension of humanity, into a higher vibrational reality experience. The influence of the consensual grouping involves the internal subconscious processes of the individuals within the grouping, who have subconsciously and or consciously denied or accepted their participation within the vibrational ascension.

The individual who has successfully achieved ascension into a higher vibrational seat of perspective has removed its participation within the emotional spectrum of fear. The removal of participation within the emotional spectrum of fear is coincided by the relocation of the internal movements of the energy body into coherency within the emotional spectrum of love. The ability of the sentient being to relocate its seat of perspective into the energetic coherency of the emotional spectrum of love, is initiated from the heart desire for a higher vibrational seat of perspective. The ability of the sentient being to remove its focus from the emotional spectrum of fear, allows the sentient being the ability for remote viewing and remote influencing its reality experience, from the ascended state of high vibrational thought activity.

The ability of the collective reality of humanity to remove its collective focus within the emotional spectrum of fear, relies upon individuals or groupings within the collective reality, to ascend into the higher vibrational states of existence. The ability of individuals and groupings to position vibrational rates of the energy body into higher thought/energy operations influences the collective reality. The ability of individuals or groupings within a high vibrational energy operation to influence the collective reality, involves the presentation of high intelligence reference frames into the collective energy body, for the observation of contrasts and mental landmarks or vibrational locations. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the individual or grouping into a higher vibrational seat of perspective, are powerful influential factors towards the removal of the collective thought/focus, from the emotional spectrum of fear and into the emotional spectrum of love.

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