Thought And The Conscience

The evolution of thought into a higher vibrational state of conscience allows the lower self the ability to transcend the low vibrational perspective and its associative reality experiences. The ability of the lower self to perceive within its perspective, its interpretation of right and wrong is within the energetic movement of free will and intention. The interpretation of right and wrong from the perspective of the lower self is governed through its constant vibrational seat of perspective. The constant vibrational rate of the lower self involves its consensual influences of which its social conditioning is a powerful influential factor. The social conditioning of the lower self through its human perspective, involves its perception of self-awareness and its observable external reality. The perception of physicality within the external reality holds a greater influence upon the impression stage of the belief system than the observation of a non-physical external reality. The observation of a non-physical reality within the mental sphere of the lower self is associated within the human perception, as the general concept of dreams and various forms of internal creative expressions and connections. The non-physical formations of reality are manifested within the mental sphere of the lower self through its sensory capabilities.

The sensory capabilities of the lower self involve the energetic connection to an external or internal expression of reality. The connection to an expression of reality is perceived through the central seat of perspective within the perception of self-awareness of the lower self. The perception of an external reality through a stable position or center seat of perspective is within the design of the self-aware vibratory consciousness.

A center seat of perspective is necessary to hold the lower self within the internal perspective of the human body to employ is ability of self-awareness through the human design. Without the design within the human formation to hold the lower self within the perception of the human perspective of the believable human reality experience, impression within the belief system would hold a low probability. The impression of the believable reality of the human experience into the belief system of the lower self, is initiated and developed through the initial entry of the lower self into the reality experience of the human being.

The entry of the lower self into a energy consciousness field expressing the human reality is observed from the physical plane as the human conception. The placement of the lower self into the human reality experience through the energy participation of the higher self generates the energetic force for impression into the belief system, as a simultaneous occurrence to its entry into a energy consciousness field espousing the human expression.

The force of impression into the belief system of the lower self is easily achieved as the position of the lower self within the initial development of its human housing, holds a low probability of expressing within the physical plane sensory communication activities, from mental activities outside its position in human development. The vibrational position of the lower self upon entry into the human experience is within the vibrational allowances of the human spectrum.

The vibrational allowances within the human spectrum support the thought development of the lower self through its ability to express the free will intention within the vibrational spectrum. The ability of the lower self of free thought for vibrational movement for the accessibility of reference frames for collection and employment, fuel the intentions of the lower self through the degree of the depth of impression within the belief system.

The degree of impression within the belief system involves the acceptance and allowance of external reference frames, influenced through the internal decision/intention process of the lower self. The internal decision/intention process is heavily influenced by the conscience. The conscience is seated within the internal subconscious processes of the contemplation or reactionary positions within the state of self-awareness.

The interactions of the lower self through its observation/connection with external expressions within its environment, involves the self-thought process of interaction, reaction and contemplation. The ability and effectiveness of the lower self to employ discernment towards the interaction with its external environment is governed through the conscience. The awareness or sense of desirable and undesirable directions in thought/energy is interpreted by the conscious mind into personalized divisions of right and wrong. The conscious interpretations of the sense of right and wrong are sourced from the reactionary vibrational movements of the energy body of the lower self.

The thought connection between the lower self and external stimuli within its sphere of awareness, can temporarily or permanently alter the constant vibrational rate of the energy body. The ability of external stimuli to alter the vibrational rate of the energy body of the lower self resides within the reaction/contemplation process. The severity of reaction of the lower self towards a thought exchange, is in relation to the severity of contrast in the presented reference frame of the external stimuli, and the associative selection of internal reference frames of the lower self.

The associative selection of internal reference frames from the lower self through a thought exchange is its conscious attempt for an understanding of the external reference frame for comparison. The comparison of external reference frames through the selection of internal reference frames for comparison, involves the perception the lower self holds towards its connection and awareness of the external reference frames.

The perception the lower self holds towards an external reference frame generates a baseline or center point of which, the vibrational rate of the lower energy body can operate above or below from. The impressed reference frames within the belief system of the lower self establish the constant rate of vibration of the energy body. The increase or decrease in the constant vibrational rate of the energy body involves a reconfiguration or removal of thought/belief impressions within the internal subconscious processes. The held reference frames within the belief system are associated with vibrational rates.

The combination of associated vibrational rates of held reference frames within the belief system and their internal vibrational interpretations, govern the constant vibrational rate of the lower energy body. The internal subconscious interpretations of held reference frames, involves the perception of the lower self within the thought exchange towards the external reference frame, and the influential abilities of the external expression. The influence of an external expression towards the placement of reference frames into the belief system involves its emotional or associative attachment to the reference frame. The emotional or associative attachment may conceal the direction of the intention and influence of the external expression, through the emotional vibratory signature distracting the analytical mind or deceiving it into allowance and acceptability.

The ability of the external expression to motion the energy body of the lower self into a directive movement towards the belief system, generates the force required to impress depth of the external reference frame into the belief system. The vibrational movements within the energy body through the connection/awareness of the external reference frames, is the energetic reaction to the differential vibrational rates of energy between the interacting subjects. The degree of movement away from the constant vibrational rate of the energy body, through the influence of the thought exchange, is observed within the conscious reality as reactionary movements.

The ability of conscience, the lower self holds towards its external and internal realities, is in relation to the constant vibrational rate of the energy body. The constant vibrational rate of the energy body generates the seat of perspective of the lower self, as the vibrational rate of the energy body is positioned within a compatible vibrational location within the human spectrum. The vibrational location of the energy body of the lower self governs the ability and effectiveness of the conscience. The sense of right or wrong within the perception of the lower self, is attributed to the accessibility of external reference frames for a comparison of the external influence. The ability of comparison through the capacity of the conscience of an individual, heavily influences the decision/intention process in relation to the degree of contrast or vibrational rates of the external influence.

The lower self seated within a low vibrational position within the human reality spectrum, will hold an operational conscience in reflection to its low vibrational position. The low vibrational position within the human spectrum is associative of the degree of expansion of the vibratory sphere of awareness of the lower self. The degree of expansion of the vibratory sphere of awareness of the lower self is in relation to its accessibility of reference frames.

The accessibility of reference frames from points of thought positioned in a vibratory signature within the complete mind, through the ability of the lower self for the location of points of thought within its mental sphere, is within the thought/energy connection sensory process. The thought/energy connection sensory process involves the decisions and desires of a thought expression for the external compatibility of the internal thought expression. The desire/decision of the lower self for thought connectivity with an external expression, through the internal influence of desired compatibility is motivated through various perspectives.

The subconscious definition involves its resolvement of internal conflicts. The compatibility is indicative of the selection of resourceful external reference frames or guides to awaken the conscious reality to the subconscious realization. The conscious selection of external reference frames, from the subconscious influence for the conscious movement into effective conflict resolvement, is interpreted within the conscious reality through the vibrational seat of perspective of the lower self.

The vibrational seat of perspective is associative of themes and scenarios presented into the individual and consensual reality spheres. Within the themes and scenarios presented into the reality sphere of the lower self, its ability to navigate through interactions within its external environment, is held in directive influence through the conscience of the lower self. The sense of right and wrong through the sensory reactions within the internal processes of the lower self, influence the development of self thought and movements into locations within the physical plane.

The sense of right and wrong within the functionality of the conscience of the lower self is altered or adapted for a degree of compatibility with selections within its external reality. The alteration or adaptation is influenced through the desire of the lower self for compatibility or association. The conscious desire for compatibility or association with selected thought expressions within the external reality is powered into movement through the subconscious resolvement attempt for the sense of separation. The internal subconscious attempt for resolvement of the sense of separation, generated through the formation of the lower self, is directed towards the conscious reality. The directive movement of energy or signal into the conscious reality from the subconscious mind, is the logical approach of the subconscious mind to invite the participation of the conscious reality into the subconscious processes.

The desire/intention of the subconscious state of mind for the conscious participation within its internal processes is driven through the influence of the higher self. The influence of the higher self for the vibrational ascension of its lower self/extension into vibrational unification, influences the waking reality of the lower self through the subconscious impression. The lower self within its conscious reality is driven within its desire and decisions, through its conscious interpretation of the subconscious signal. The conscious interpretation of the subconscious signal, directed towards the conscious state of mind, is in relation to the vibrational position of the lower self within its personalized reality experience.

The associative themes and scenarios of the lower self within a vibrational position of a reality experience, generates the movement for the collection of compatible external reference frames within its physical plane reality. The conscience energetically attaches a vibrational signature to reference frames through its classification of right and wrong. The attachment of a vibrational signature to a reference frame by its passage through the conscience, is embedded within the impression of the reference frame within the belief system.

The generating movement of energy directing the internal reference frame to the conscious awareness, is in relation to the personalized preference or approach to the identification and retrieval of internal reference frames. The personalized preferences or approaches for the identification and retrieval of internal reference frames, involves the compatible functionality of the energy body of the lower self and its energetic human housing. The ability of the energy body of the lower self towards the full expression of functionality, within the physical plane through the human housing, involves the severity of held negative energy distortions. Held negative energetic distortions acting upon the high vibrational energy channel of the higher self, block the ability of the lower self for the access into high intelligence thought/energy fields, for reference within physical plane discernment. The inability of the lower self for high intelligence reference frame access, to employ contrast for discernment to low vibrational reference frames, forces the lower self into reference frame collection within its conscious physical plane activities.

The conscience or awareness of desirable and undesirable thought connections and movements, influenced through the human perspective, generates division or heavy focus upon contrast with the external reality. The identification and reaction to the severity of contrast with external expressions of reality presented into the mental sphere of the lower self, are motioned into directive movement through the discharge of reactionary energy, into direction through vibrational spin or signature. The reaction to contrasts within the connection to external expressions, is influenced by the conscience and through the development of self thought within external interactions, the conscience in turn becomes influenced.

The held thought impressions within the belief system of the lower self are the mental landmarks or degrees of acceptability towards external thought expressions within the reality sphere. The acceptability and unacceptability of external reference frames and attached energetic influence, is identified and divided into associative sensory impressions, which imprint the vibrational signature onto the collected external reference frame.

The ability of the lower self to resolve its internal conflicts within its subconscious processes, relies on the conscious participation which is powered into action through the influence of the higher self, expressing the higher conscience into the awareness of the lower self. The ability of the lower self to consciously access its subconscious processes for, the removal and de-energizing of undesirable reference frames impressed within the belief system, is required for the ascension process. The conscious action of the removal and the de-energizing of undesirable reference frames within the belief system, allows the movement of thought into a higher vibrational seat of perspective.

The desire of the lower self to experience reality from a higher vibrational seat of perspective, is powered into movement from the movement of the energetic expression of the heart intelligence, into the energy body of the lower self. The movement of the lower self into a higher vibrational seat of perspective coincides with the removal of constrictions within the higher self energy channel. The increased inflow and return flow within the higher self energy connection, reflected in the increased accessibility to intelligence fields previously inaccessible, is through the higher vibrational operating rate of the energy body of the lower self. The increase in vibrational rate of the energy body, generates the movement into the reconfiguration of energetic holding and distribution patterns, for compatibility in operation.

The ability of the human body to adapt to an increase or a decrease in the initial and constant vibratory rate of the energy body, is designed to allow the freedom of intention to develop within a creational housing. The ability of the lower self to operate within a reality experience through the perspective of the higher conscience, allows the lower self the ability to properly observe divisions or contrasts in vibration within the thought/intentions of external expressions. The conscience powers the lower self through the desire of the sense of the right choices within its stage of self-thought development.

The ability of the lower self for the access to the higher conscience creates the opportunity, for the proper resolvement of the internal conflicts influenced through the sense of separation. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the individual into its conscious participation within its subconscious processes, are effective for the removal of constricting energies within the higher self energy connection. The ability to remove energetic constrictions within the energy connection to the higher self, are necessary for the vibrational access and employment of the higher conscience, into the reality sphere of the lower self.

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