Thought And Depression

The influence of thought and its momentum for continuation within the mental state of depression will require identification and proper resolvement before the lower self can remove itself from the low vibrational perspective. The influence towards the momentum of the energy body into a low vibrational state involves the self-perception of the lower self towards its internal and external realities. The self-perception governed in movement through vibrational allowances within a reality spectrum, heavily influences the movement of direction towards the development of the self-perception. The initial vibrational position of the lower energy body upon entry into a reality experience creates a starting point for the development of the self-perception within the human reality experience. The internal self-perspective of the lower self is motioned into development upon the souls anchoring into the human reality experience. The internal development of the self-perception of the lower self within the maternal or holding stage remains dormant in regards to the development of the self-perception within the full sensory effect of the external human reality. The influence of the external reality upon the lower energy body within the maternal holding stage of the human reality experience is secondary to the internal focus. The influence of the external reality is secondary as the lower energy body remains energetically connected within the maternal holding stage and views contrasts in separation, in relation to the thought/intelligence within the maternal role of the mother which can be natural or artificial.

The availability of references for the development of the self-perception within the maternal holding stage are dependent upon, the vibrational positioning or the seat of perspective of the mother within the development of the lower self, before entry or birth into the human reality experience. The vibrational rate of the lower self within the maternal holding stage seats its perspective in relation to, the vibrational rate of the natural or artificial mother, which influences the directive movements of the conscious mind. The self-perception is influenced within the maternal holding stage and is influenced through the constant or consistent vibrational rate of the mother, which involve associative manifestations within the sphere of reality of the mother and related thought interactions and reactions.

The self-perception of the lower energy body within the maternal holding stage is highly vulnerable towards the influence of the mother or maternal holding pattern and develops its self-perception, within degrees of alignment of conscious thought direction towards the energetic movement of the mother or maternal holding pattern, without the ability of refusal. The influence of the external reality of the lower self within the mother or maternal holding stage is observed or sensed within the capacities within the thought/intelligence of the lower energy body. The influence of the self-perception of the mother or consciousness of the maternal holding stage towards its boundaries is defined within its perception towards its external reality.

The availability of contrasts within energy movements for access of the lower energy body within the energy body of the mother or consciousness of the maternal holding stage are created from the thought interaction and reaction. The thought interaction and reaction of the mother or mother role, which generates the movement of the maternal energy body through the emotional response, presents reference points to the lower self in relation to the severity of movement of the maternal energy body. The mother or maternal holding pattern holds contractive influence over the expansive intention within the thought/intelligence of the lower energy body.

The inability of the creative intention of the lower energy to expand generates the contractive influence and releases contraction in accordance to stage development within the human reality experience. The lower energy within the mother or maternal holding stage accumulates impression within the subconscious region as this activity creates a platform in which the creative intention can initiate expansion upon entry into the external human reality experience. The accumulation of thought expressions within the maternal holding body or the subconscious reality of the mother, are integrated into categories within the internal perspective of the lower self, positioned within the maternal stage of human development.

The direction for category placement within the subconscious region involves the conscious directive intention which is in turn influenced by the communication to the subconscious mind. The conscious communication towards the subconscious mind involves the conscious sensing of the subconscious activities which are interpreted by the conscious mind through the awareness of internal reference frames within the mental sphere of the conscious mind. The awareness of internal reference frames within the mental sphere of the conscious mind or memories are relayed through the thought connection between the conscious and subconscious realities. The conscious intention for thought connection to internal reference frames can be conducted within the internal and external perspective. Thought connections to internal reference frames within the internal and external perspectives is a constant activity.

The awareness of the lower self towards both activities is dependent upon the positioned seat of thought/focus. The conscious intention for thought connection to internal reference frames within the internal perspective involves the contemplation process. The position of the lower self within the internal perspective is influenced by the conscious desire for resolution towards associative internal and external conflicts. The nature of the internal or retrospective mind searches for the understanding within the internal and external realities through the identification and definition of internal reference frames via their association with manifestations within the external reality. The conscious desire/decision to seat itself within the internal mind falls into, the personalization of the conscious mind, towards the identification and definition of its soul and origin.

The conscious directive desire/decision to seat itself within the external perspective for the awareness of the external association towards internal reference frames, is within the desire/decision for the resolvement of internal conflicts through the identification and definition of external sources as origins of internal conflicts. The observation of the association of internal conflicts within the external reality is the remote viewing of the lower self of the internal reality through a perception of self within a collective being, expressing a collective reality through individualized thought/energy movements.

The importance of the observation of association of internal conflicts within the external reality is generated within a low vibrational seat of perspective. A low vibrational perspective is associative of a limited sphere of awareness which falls into degrees of the inability to hold self-perception outside the automation of the reality experience. The creative intention is energetically restricted within a low vibrational seat of perspective as the self-induced contraction of the energy body governs the thought/energy movements of expansive creative intention fuelled into motion via the self-perception. The inability of the creative intention seated within the lower energy body to flow within balanced expansion, is sourced from the vibrational position of the lower energy body, which falls into degrees of misalignment towards the expansive creative intention seated within the perspective of the higher self.

The inability of the lower self to re-position or realigned its energy body within the higher seat of perspective generates tension within the energy connection connecting the higher self and the lower self. The energetic tension between the higher self and the lower self is sensed or interpreted within the lower energy body, as opposable movements of directive intention which generates energetic tension, through the differential movements within the flow of the energy current. The inability of the lower self to hold alignment in directive movement within the energetic expansion with the creative intention of the higher self heavily influences the lower self within its human reality experience.

The differential energetic movements of the higher self and lower self are held within the impression/image stage of the subconscious mind which manifests as a meeting point between both seats of reality. The contrast or severity between vibrational positions held within the differential intentions within the subconscious mind, are automatic occurrences upon entry and continuation within the human reality experience. The contrast in energetic movements/intentions between the higher self and the lower self is the underlining purpose for entry and continuation within the collective reality experience.

The ability of the lower self to learn and evolve within its self-perception relies on the collection of reference frames from reality experiences to create a mental map within the mental sphere. The creation of a mental map within the mental sphere is motioned through the subconscious recording of the conscious reality and the communication between the conscious and subconscious interpretations of the reality experiences of the conscious mind. The mental map entails the collected reference frames interpreted by the subconscious mind as vibrational signatures and the reaction of the energy body towards the severity in differential movements between the lower energy body and external energetic patterns. The conscious interpretation of accumulated internal reference frames or memory, which forms within its awareness the mental map, interpreted through the conscious mind. The conscious interpretation of internal reference frames involves the conscious interpretation through the thought connection to energetic signatures attached to thought/belief impressions within the subconscious reality. The conscious and subconscious minds, simultaneously interpret the activities of the conscious mind and holds degrees of contrast within the interpretation, as influence and interpretation from the differential seats of perspective are gathered in the meeting place of both realities.

The differential seats of perspective between the conscious and subconscious seats of perspective involve the external seat of perspective of the conscious mind and the internal perspective of the conscious mind or the subconscious reality. The internal perspective of the conscious mind is viewed as the subconscious mind within the context of the conscious seat of perspective within the non-physical reality. The ability of the lower self to position its conscious mind into the non-physical internal seat of perspective, apart from the automation of the human reality experience as exampled in the sense of automation within the dreaming sequence, is dependent upon the awareness and belief in the ability of the lower self to do so. An example of the ability of the lower self to position its conscious mind into the subconscious seat of perspective, apart from its observation of the subconscious reality or automation, can be exampled within the dreaming sequence as the ability of lucid dreaming.

The common occurrence of depression within the collective reality is sourced from the creation of the lower energy body, which is formed within energetic tension to form the lower energy body into a compatible format for the intended reality experience. The lower self holds the ability to experience energetic tension without reaction or acceptance of external energy movements onto the directive intention of the conscious mind. The ability for non-reaction involves the proper resolution of internal conflicts which positions the lower perspective into a higher vibrational seat of perspective. The ability of the lower self to hold immunity towards external influences of energetic tension holds opportunity within the lessons of the human reality experience. The mental state of depression is associative of a low vibrational rate within the lower energy body which seats the self-perspective within a lower seat within the vibrational allowances of a reality spectrum. The mental state of depression can occur within all segments of the human reality cycle and is commonly initiated by triggering mechanisms within the sphere of awareness of the lower self. The initiation or activation of the mental state of depression is achieved through triggering mechanisms present within the external and internal seats of reality.

The observation of stimuli within the external reality which acts as a triggering mechanism is purposed for the initiation and continuation of the mental state of depression. The observation of the conscious mind of the desire/decision within the external reality is the subconscious presentation of the internal state of depression to the conscious mind for the opportunity of proper resolvement. The triggering mechanism within the observation of external stimuli is the sensing of familiarity towards internal reference frames associative in vibrational signature to the external stimuli. The triggering mechanism is activated within the retrieval of associative internal reference frames which through the combinational influence of the retrieved internal reference frames and the conscious sensing of the activated emotional response are associative or reflective of the observed external stimuli.

The motion of the energy body into the directive movement towards the external reaction has formed the internal reference frames or memory. The reaction towards the observation of manifestations within the external reality representing internal thought/belief, which influences the state of depression will remain in continued movement until proper resolvement is achieved, within the internal reality of the tendencies for depression. External triggering mechanisms towards the mental state of depression become more severe within, the observation of repetition of associative manifestations, involving emotional signatures for the state of depression. The triggering of severity within the observation of repetition with associative manifestations appearing into the reality sphere, is the conscious allowance for entry of the external triggering mechanisms into the energy body of the lower self.

The allowance for entry of the external triggering mechanism into the internal energy body can be observed within the conscious mind as the emotional reaction towards the thought interaction with the external stimuli. The observed/sensed familiarity of the energetic signature of the external stimuli, positions the energetic pattern into placement with the internal reference frame, which has become interpreted through the observed/sensed familiarity within the external triggering mechanism. The allowance of placement of the external energetic pattern, through the thought interaction with the external stimuli triggering the retrieval of associative internal reference frames, generates energetic tension onto the internal reference frames which generates further depth within the internal impressions or reference frames. The generation of increased depth within an internal expression or reference frame involves the further establishment of the internal impressions towards the state of depression.

The inability of the lower self for immunity towards thought interactions within the external reality which trigger intensities and continuations towards the mental state of depression is a reflection of the inability of the lower self to resolve internal conflicts influencing the state of depression. The consensual reality of the lower self as exampled within the human reality as family, friends and associative thought connections hold powerful influence towards the directive movement of the lower energy body. The intensity within the thought connection, induced through the association of familiarity with the thought interactions, generate degrees of acceptance towards external influences within the consensual reality setting. The allowance of entry holds a greater degree of probability within vibrational positions in sympathetic resonance with individuals and groupings within the consensual reality. The position of sympathetic resonance or the desire/decision for the position through the conscious intention falls into the context of resolvement attempts towards the internal sense of separation. The internal sense of separation induced within the formation of the lower energy body, is temporarily resolved within the sensory setting of sympathetic resonance with individuals or groupings within the consensual reality.

The artificial or temporary sense of resolvement generates vulnerability towards influences via the consensual setting. The sense of resolvement towards the internal sense of separation within a temporary application is achieved through the generated un-awareness of the internal sense of separation through the thought/focus of the conscious mind towards the external stimuli. The relocation of the thought/focus of the conscious mind from, the internal sense of separation towards external stimuli, falls into distraction attempts of the conscious mind as a resolution attempt. The sense of resolvement within the position of sympathetic resonance within the consensual reality falls into the conscious interpretation of the sensing of internal conflicts, which through directive action motion the conscious mind towards the identification of resolvement attempts within the external reality.

The interpretation of the conscious mind of the internal reality influences the process of location and identification within the external reality for assistance with resolvement attempts. Without the ability of the lower self to expand its perception, outside the vibrational position of automation within the human reality experience, its ability to properly resolve its mental state of depression holds a low probability. The expansion of the self-perception is required to initiate the proper resolvement attempt towards the movement of the lower energy body away from the low vibrational energetic state of depression. The lower self positioned within the perception of automation within the human reality experience, holds a low probability towards the identification of manifestations within its external reality, associative of its internal energetic state. Without the ability of the lower self to perceive its position within the reality sequence and the association of its internal state, the continuation and intensification of the state of depression is easily achieved.

The movement of the state of depression for continued evolution within the lower energy body is motioned from the subconscious signal for directive action by the conscious mind for the proper resolvement of internal conflicts. The interpretation of the conscious mind towards the subconscious signal for the conscious motion towards the resolvement of conflicting subconscious signals, influences the motion of the conscious mind towards resolvement attempts. The ability of the conscious mind for effective resolution of the sense of severity of the internal state of depression within the energy body, is in relation to the desire/decision of the conscious mind for proper resolution. The established desire/decision of the conscious mind towards the location and communication with thought connections expressing proper approaches, are directed towards the resolution of the state of depression and the associative impressions held within the subconscious mind. The desire/decision of the conscious mind for assistance towards the resolvement of the state of depression, is perceived within the personalization of the intention within the self-perception of the unique vibrational signature of the thought/intelligence of the lower energy body.

The movement of the directive intention of the conscious mind is influenced through its capacity for interpretation within the self-perception of the conscious mind. The influence of the self-perception upon the interpretation process motions the lower self for directive movement towards thought connections compatible towards the desire/decision of the conscious mind. The conscious desire/decision, formed within the computation of accessible internal and external observations, form the desire/decision of the conscious mind through accessible reference frames, perceived as logic within the held self-perception of the lower self. The vibrational signature of the conscious desire/decision generates the attraction of manifestation within the external reality through the manifestations compatible vibrational rate, which generates the attraction of the conscious mind to the thought connection with the manifestation. The conscious directive action, influenced by the subconscious reality initiates the attraction process, which forms the presentation of the manifestation within the physical plane through the continuation of the conscious desire/decision.

The held vibrational seat of perspective of the lower self within the initiation of a resolvement attempt towards the removal of the energetic state of depression, heavily influences the perception of assistance required for the removal of the lower energy body from the un-coherent patterns of depression. The lower self positioned within a low vibrational seat of perspective perceives assistance within greater degrees of the sense of separation, in relation to held positions within higher vibrational positions. The inability of the lower self to remove its self-thought process from the state of depression establishes necessity within the self-perception for assistance within the external reality. The necessity for external assistance within the self-perception is heavily influenced by the capability of the conscious mind to apply thought/intelligence towards the interpretation. The desire/decision of the lower self which has initiated its vibrational descent into the mental state of depression, requires proper resolvement before the lower energy body can operate at a higher vibrational level.

The inability of the lower self to operate at a constant higher vibrational rate within the state of depression, is generated through the mental anchoring or establishment within the self-perception of the internal desire/decision, for vibrational descent into the depressed energetic state. The initial held desire/decision for entry into the state of depression evolves within continuation which generates familiarity. This activity is achieved through the sensing of the conscious mind of establishment or depth of impression within the subconscious mind. The held desire/decision established within the belief system influences the self-perception to believe it does not hold the ability to assist itself for the removal of its state of the depression.

The interpreted logic impressed within the subconscious reality initiate the attraction of manifestations within the mental sphere of the lower self and reflect the held perception towards external assistance. The held self-perception of the inability to transcend the mental state of depression impressed within the belief system, generates the magnetic attraction towards the appearance of manifestations within the mental sphere, reflecting the held thought/belief towards assistance which is conveyed through the self-perception. The self-perception influenced through the held state of mind within the victim consciousness, will attract manifestations into the mental sphere associative of the held perception within the victim consciousness.

The associative attraction of manifestations within the victim consciousness entail the attraction of lower selves positioned within the victim consciousness and the dualistic counterpart the aggressor within the held position of the victim consciousness. The attraction of the aggressor and the victim is a dualistic representation of opposite polarities required for balance within the world of dualism. The presentation of opposite polarities of thought expressions within the external reality, is the manifestation of the energetic current supporting the free will choice projecting into the awareness, through the coloring of thought by the dualistic impression within the self-perception. Within the held perception of the victim consciousness the attraction of victims entails manifestations within degrees of similarities in thought expression altered within the unique vibrational signal of the lower self.

The presentation of similarities within manifestations is the external observation of the internal impression of the lower self within the state of awareness of the separation of existence, conveyed and established through the unique vibrational expression situated within the collective reality. The ability of the lower self to observe and perceive similarities in thought expressions within the mental sphere is purposed within the free will choice for the ability of the lower self to create establishment within the belief system. The ability of the lower self to create a believable/logical approach through the establishment of similar thought expressions within the belief system ,allows the lower self the full sensory effect of the desire/decision to enter a state of consciousness.

The attraction of the opposite polarity, the aggressor within the victim consciousness, allows the lower self a differential approach to the establishment of the thought/belief within held impression, through the multiple roles or purposes of the thought expression of the aggressor. The multiple roles of the aggressor polarity within the victim consciousness entail belief establishment, through the influence of the aggressor to hold the lower self within the victim consciousness and as a supportive element for the lower self, to position itself into the opposite polarity of the aggressor. The ability of the lower self to position its seat of perspective within the aggressor and victim role initiates and continues the establishment of the victim consciousness within the self-perception of the lower self. The re-positioning of the lower self within the oppositional role of the aggressor is perceived through the victim consciousness within degrees of resolvement towards the role of the victim.

The inability of the lower self to properly identify the aggressor role within the victim consciousness, as an artificial thought resolvement attempt, is further intensified with its return to the position of the victim. This activity is achieved through the thought interaction and influence of the attractions of lower selves within similar aggressor roles, which may or may not hold greater influence over the lower self seated within the aggressor role. The ability of the lower self to properly identify oppositional roles within the state of depression requires the ability of the conscious mind, to expand its self-perception into a higher vibrational position. The ability of the lower self to hold a higher vibrational position than its seat within the mental state of depression is initiated within the desire/decision of the conscious mind. The desire/decision of the conscious mind to remove its position from the state of depression, requires its ability to leave all emotional attachments collected and established through its participation within the perception of depression.

The held desire/decision of the conscious mind to operate above the state of consciousness of depression, initiates the process of the lower self towards the higher vibrational reality, through the properly approached lessons of loss. The lessons of loss within the reality experience of the lower self, are powerful lessons for the resolvement of separation, through the acceptance of loss as a part of the temporal reality experience. The ability of the lower self to hold the perception of loss or separation within the reality experience as artificial thought expressions, is the observation of the confirmation of the movements of the lower energy body towards a higher vibrational seat of perspective.

The self-thought-process of the conscious mind which no longer holds the desire for its involvement in the state of depression holds the key for the removal of the mental state of depression. The ability of the conscious mind to hold the desire/decision to remove itself from the state of depression, while holding the vision of its desire/decision through mental visualization, initiates the reconfiguration of the thought/belief impressions towards the state of depression. This activity is achieved through the overlaying effect of the projection of the conscious mind impression/image onto the held impressions within the subconscious belief system. This mental activity falls into the remote influencing of the conscious mind towards the subconscious mind and follows a reverse course within the reality sequence from the automation of a reality experience projected from the conscious mind. The ability of the conscious mind to override the influence of the subconscious mind is achieved within the perception of the conscious mind to believe it holds the ability to do so.

The held desire/decision within the conscious mind of the thought/belief towards the ability to remove itself from the state of depression through its own mental capabilities, generates the movement of the lower energy body into a higher vibrational rate. The movement of the lower energy body into a consistent, higher vibrational rate generates its position for the attraction of high vibrational beings into the reality sphere for interaction and guidance. The lower self within a higher vibrational seat of perspective views external assistance within degrees of guidance for self-help or empowerment towards the removal of the state of depression. This perception is required to initiate the self-empowerment process towards higher vibrational thought/reality expressions. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that initiate high vibrational thought/reality expressions into the mental sphere of the lower self, are highly valuable for the vibrational ascension of the lower self from the mental state of depression.

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