Thought And Money

Thought energy, the originating source for the manifestation of money within the collective reality of humanity will require proper understanding within the conscious mind for the ability to position or flow within the energetic current. The energetic current which supports the manifestation and movement of money within the collective reality of humanity, flows within the energetic current, fuelling the transfer process of the creative intention into creative expression. The currency of energy supporting the transfer of creative intention into creative expression flows within the collective reality of the physical plane through the energy focus of sentient expressions interacting and supporting the collective reality field. The ability of sentient energy/focus for movement within the mental sphere is dependent upon the energy current supporting the creative intention into creative expression. The ability of the conscious mind to observe its reality is conducted through the process of energy transfer which through the perception can be viewed as differential forms of creative expressions. The ability of the conscious mind to hold the perception of differential forms of manifestations within the reality sphere involves, the energy transfer of sentient energy into the stream of thought/focus, which becomes reflective in nature through the oppositional movements of polarities supporting the reality experience.

Polarities are required for the act of creative intention, born from the stillness of potentialities, into manifestation into the reality sphere. The act of vibration, supporting the movement of sentient thought/energy into the vibratory consciousness, is held into formation through the energetic marriage of the positive energy pole and the negative energy pole within the structure of a polarity. The expansive, directive movement of the creative intention of sentient thought/energy into creative expression can be observed as the process of energy transfer within the supporting structure of the polarity. The perception of the self within the conscious mind generates the mental landmark of the creative intention held within the perception of an internal location.

The ability of the conscious mind to hold the perception of the self requires, the perception of an external location to form a contrast towards the perception of an internal location, which forms the perception of contrast through the transfer of sentient energy between the expressions of contrast supported from the oppositional polarities interfacing within the conscious mind. The ability of the conscious mind to observe reality from oppositional viewpoints is supported through the structure of a polarity, which houses the movement of vibration for the ability of existence which forms through contrasts towards its reality environment. The desire/decision for existence, is the essence of the creative intention and the creative expression.

The ability of the conscious mind to position between differential reality expressions while holding the impression of previous experiences, through the influence of linear time upon the perception, is conducted through the transfer of sentient energy into differential mental locations. The ability of the conscious mind to observe associative reality experiences influenced through the vibrational positioning of the energy/focus is conducted through the energetic nature of thought sourcing the transfer to exist and operate within the transfer and within the destination point. The ability of sentient intelligence/energy to exist outside the self-perception is revealed through the proper understanding of the limiting nature of the concept of the self within the lower dimensional planes of reality.

The movement of sentient energy/intelligence into the vibratory sphere of awareness, supported through the perception of an external reality, positions the conscious mind into the perspective for the ability to observe reality through the self-perception. The movement of awareness into the polarity structure of the self and the external reality, is generated through limiting factors upon the sphere of awareness. Limiting factors are required for the ability of the conscious mind to experience the reality through, the effect of the limiting energetic influence upon the sphere of awareness, involved with the act of self-existence within the physical plane.

The energetic source influencing limitations upon the perception is conducted within the contractive nature of creative expression, which is perceived by the conscious mind in relation to its vibrational spectrum or allowance of expression within the reality experience. The process of energy transfer supporting the ability to observe reality can be initiated into motion, through the thought/focus, from a directive movement or within a reactionary movement. The process of energy transfer within the directive intention can be observed from the perspective of the destination point as donating in nature, through its issue via the perception of the free will choice, within the perception of a generating force of external influence. The directive intention moves into a reactionary position through the perception of external influences generating within the internal reality, the necessity to alter the directive intention into a compatible format, to convey the altered directive intention. This activity is generated through the ability of the external influence to gain entry and continuation within the internal perspective.

The concept of money within the collective reality of humanity is viewed as the process of energy transfer. Energy transfer allows the ability to express through the generation of manifestations, fuelled through the energetic containment or the observation of money, within the concept of storage or non-movement. This activity is initiated into motion through the desire/decision of the conscious mind fuelling the energy storage into energy transfer and energy transformation. These three stages of energy perspective can be observed within the collective reality of humanity through the stages of currency transfer or monetary activities. The concept of money within the physical plane is reflective in value and employment from the self-perception within the collective reality and within the inversion of the self-perception, the awareness of the self from the collective perception.

The vehicle of mass thought, supported from the collective consciousness field, fuels the collective perception of money and influences the direction of development through the powerful force of mass thought/focus upon the manifestation process within the reality sequence. Mass thought locked within an artificial thought/energy cycle propels the concept of money within the collective reality into the artificial energy cycle. Within this development the manifestation of money or currency develops an artificial tone in reflection of the energetic movements of the collective reality field. The movement of the mass thought/energy field into artificial cycles or alternating current, can be viewed as artificial through the imbalance of the focus of mass thought/energy field upon artificial or non-sentient reality formations, fuelling the artificial development of money.

Energetic imbalances within the lower energy body fuel the creative intention of the conscious mind into destinations or vibrational locations required to observe the reality experience within an appropriate perspective. The ability of the conscious mind to relocate the seat of perspective into vibrational sympathy within the directive or reactionary intention of the conscious mind generates a complete opportunity for the full sensory effect of the reality experience. Imbalances within the lower energy body are issued into the conscious mind for the ability to experience the internal reality within its sensory inversion, the external reality.

The sensory inversion of the internal reality the external world creates the opportunity for the internal world of the conscious mind to experience the non-physical reality within the physical plane collective setting. Energetic imbalances are a common occurrence within the formation of the lower energy body as the desire/decision to explore lower vibrational reality experiences, are associative of imbalanced thought and can be viewed within the process of ascension as vibrational descent. The free will choice of the conscious mind allows movement towards both poles of creation and can be observed within energetic imbalances or balance. The act of energetic movement or vibration requires the structure of polarity for destination points to allow movement to and from the initial or still point, established upon entry into a reality experience.

Imbalanced energy movements within the lower energy body surface into the self-perception of the conscious mind and heavily influence the ability of the conscious mind for directive intention within balanced movements. The ability of the conscious mind for directive intention within balanced thought/energy movements is the observation of held energetic imbalances within the lower energy body observed through the reality inversion. The ability of the conscious mind for the resolvement of internal imbalances can be approached within the reality inversion as sign posts for activities within the internal reality. The ability of the conscious mind to recognize its internal reality within the external setting creates the opportunity to remove imbalanced thought/energy movements within the internal reality. The ability of the conscious mind to remove imbalanced thought/energy movements from within the internal energy body is required for the ability to move within energetic balance which form balanced thought/energy points or seats of perspective.

The availability or surfacing into the awareness of destination points for movement towards balances within the lower energy body are generated through the magnetic attraction properties of the conscious desire/decision allowed development and establishment. The movements of the conscious mind within the directive or reactionary creative intention involve energy transfer and can be observed within the interpretation of the self-perception towards the concept of money. The conscious mind positioned within the victim consciousness views the concept of money within the self-perception influenced from the victim perspective. The polarities present within the victim consciousness can be observed within the energetic intention, as degrees of victimization or within the inversion or oppositional position of the aggressor.

The movement of the conscious mind within the victim consciousness field is generated through, the desire/decision for entry into the artificial thought/energy field, which is generated through influences within the internal and external reality. Artificial thought/energy influences within the external reality are presented into the reality sphere through the attraction process which supports the free will intention through the availability of oppositional choices. The ability of artificial thought to enter the lower energy body generates, the opportunity for the conscious mind to experience artificial thought reality and for the opportunity to resolve the desire/decision for the reality experience.

The concept of money, expressed within the energy transfer process is reflected into the reality sphere through held belief impressions circulating within the lower energy body and impressed within the subconscious mind. Held artificial or imbalanced energy movements within the lower energy body and established within the subconscious, determine the directive nature of the creative intention. The ability of the conscious mind for movement within balance requires, the loss of desire or the resolvement of the desire for entry into imbalanced energy cycles. The imbalanced expansion of the conscious mind is performed through the ego, which acts as a vehicle for the imbalanced energetic intentions to form expression. The inversion of the ego role within balanced growth, as an observer for the internal reality, becomes focussed within the imbalanced thought/energy development, which fuels the ego into personalization within the directive continuation of the thought/focus.

The concept of money within the imbalanced ego expansion, influenced from the victim consciousness directs the conscious mind into movement within the polarities of the victim and the aggressor. The concept of money within the victim perspective involves imbalanced contraction, which is generated through the inability of the creative intention to expand against the movements of contraction within the creative expression. The inability of the creative intention to expand against the contractive energies of the creative expression is generated through, held thought/beliefs influencing limitations upon the ability of the conscious mind to expand and express the self-perception, beyond its current state of reality. The inability to expand the creative intention into expression is reflected within the external reality through the repetition of associative themes and manifestations within the reality sequence. The inability of the conscious mind for the transfer of energy/intention into expression, fuels the desire/decision for a power source to fuel the expansion process.

The inability of the conscious mind to expand within balanced growth is generated through, the inability to fuel the expansion from its sentient power source, the higher self. The inability to fuel the expansion of the conscious mind through self-sentient power, generates the desire for imbalanced power sources, for energetic compensation towards the inability to access higher sentient energy. The desire/decision to attract energy/money into the reality sphere, through a fear response, fuelled within the victim consciousness, influences the conscious mind into the victim perspective for energy/money collection. The inability of the conscious mind to attract energy/money into the reality sphere is a reflection of the victim perception through the allowance of the continuation of thought development within the victim consciousness. This activity is established through the reinforcement of the belief system of the inability to attract energy/money into the reality sequence.

Energetic imbalances within the expansion of the conscious mind involve the ability to collect energy/money from external sources to fuel the expansion. The ability to collect energy/money within imbalanced expansion requires the presence of the oppositional polarity of the aggressive tendencies of imbalanced expansion, the victim. The inter relationship between the victim and the aggressor are required for the opportunity for the resolvement of the desire/decision for the involvement and continuation of the victim consciousness through the reciprocal roles and associative reality sequences. The reliance upon energy/money collection within the physical plane reality is generated through the inability of the conscious mind to attract through magnetic generation energy/money within the remote viewing and remote influencing processes involved within the thought/focus of the conscious and subconscious mind.

The ability of the conscious mind to fuel the expansion within balanced movements involves the ability to communicate with the initial power source of the lower self, the higher self. The ability of the conscious mind to position into the seat of perspective of the higher self influences the self-perception into sentient thought/energy development. This activity fuels the transfer process required within thought interactions and development for sphere expansion. For the ability to properly attract energy/money into the physical plane reality the higher self perspective is required for the reconfiguration of the lower self-perception into unification and the removal of tendencies for separation.

The ability to attract energy/money into the reality sphere within the perception of the higher self, generates the ability of the conscious mind to flow within the expansive energy current, sourcing the manifestation of money into the reality sphere. The concept of money within the victim perspective is viewed within degrees of the sense of loss and the inability for artificial or sentient compensation or energy/money return. Money is viewed by the conscious mind through the aggressor polarity, within the victim consciousness, as the ability to compensate artificially for the inability to tap into its sentient energy source. Money is viewed within the higher self perspective within its natural state before limitations are overlayed or infused into the energy current supporting the manifestation of money. Within this perspective the reality reflection becomes unified with the desire/decision of the conscious mind to circulate energy/money into the return flow for the ability to move within the expansive energy current.

The conscious mind seated within the higher self perspective views the internal and external reality within the perception of abundance, which generates the reality reflection of abundance and the successful attraction of energy/money through the sentient power source, fuelling the movement of energy within the return flow. The ability of the conscious mind to successfully attract energy/money into the reality sphere within balanced energetic movements, is the reflection of the conscious mind of its current state of reality, within transit towards the seat of perspective of the higher self. The ability of the collective consciousness of humanity to collectively view the concept of money within the seat of perspective of the higher self, would allow through the ability of money to transfer energy within the collective setting, the ability to fuel the expansion of the collective consciousness field within balanced growth and evolution.

The ability of the collective consciousness of humanity for balanced expansion within the energy current supporting and expressing the thought/energy concept of money, would open the opportunity for movement towards collective ascension, through the desire for proper abundance, which involves the mass thought perception. The remote viewing and remote influencing techniques that guide the conscious mind towards the seat of perspective of the higher self, are highly valuable for the balanced attraction of energy/money, within the self-perception and within the collective perception.

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